Trajan's Bridge, which spans the Danube, is found in this country named for the people Trajan ruled |
(Isaac: What is... Germany?) ... (Ken: That's right, for the Romans.)
He's seen here with his musician fiancée of almost six years as of late 2024 |
Grain, cheese & dust are types of these tiny (really, really tiny!) arthropods |
(Ken: [*]s is correct, taking you to an even $30,000. Neilesh, you made the biggest Daily Double wager of the season in that round, breaking your own record, and you have a big lead heading into Final Jeopardy!)
Until 1935 this body didn't have its own building; it met in the Old Senate Chamber, & members ate lunch in the Robing Room |
the Supreme Court
Relating to a time between ancient & modern--Weird Al warned he'd "get" this "on your heinie" in "Amish Paradise" |
MGM sent a man they call an arranger--I could do as well with any bricklayer from this city of Schubert, Strauss & Schusser |
This longest suspension bridge in the U.S. connects scenic Staten Island to Brooklyn |
This "Avatar" actress recently added back the tilde to her last name, missing since a kindergarten teacher refused to use it |
SCN is short for this crop's "cyst nematode", a roundworm that may be kept in check by rotating the crop with corn |
(Adriana: What is soy?) (Ken: Uh...) (Adriana: [*]?) (Ken: Yeah, that's right--[*].)
(the) soybean
The oldest committee in the House, it's been charting revenue policy since 1789 |
(Ken: What do you want to do here, Isaac?) (Isaac: It doesn't really matter what I do, Ken, but I'll go all-in.) [Ken laughs.] ... (Isaac: What is the... Commerce Committee?) ... (Ken: You're still a beautiful person, but you have $0, Isaac.)
Ways and Means
An avian term for a person who thirsts for a scrap, it was used of congressmen elected before the Scrap of 1812 |
a war hawk
So, young man, you studied with that Schoenberg fellow at this university in Westwood? Better to learn in a honky tonk on Central Ave. |
The Dongjak Bridge was built to span the Han River in this capital city |
The role of Aaron Burr won him a Tony & a Grammy |
Leslie Odom Jr.
Many rotifers have regal tufts of cilia that draw water into their mouths; the structure goes by this name, like a layer of the Sun |
The mission statement of this Cabinet department begins, "With honor and integrity, we will safeguard the American people" |
(Isaac: What is Defense?)
Homeland Security
This 9-letter adjective for someone itching to fight comes from Latin for "of war" |
Ach! I belch better than you play this single-reed woodwind that evolved from the chalumeau; out with you! |
a clarinet
You could cross the Pons Neronianus over this river; its remnants have emerged during a drought 2,000 years later |
(Ken: It is, in Rome.)
In a line from the always impression-able Al Pacino, these 5 words follow "Just when I thought I was out" |
They pull me back in
Some mini cnidarians that can regenerate parts of their bodies have this mythic name, like a creature fought by Hercules |
Created in 1939, the Executive Office of the President is overseen by this person, a position created in 1946 |
the (White House) chief of staff
Throwing hands & then eating together? That's not friendly fire but the alliterative friendly this slang word for a fight |
(Ken: That's called [*], or so Urban Dictionary tells me.)
(the friendly) fade
I am scoring a historical drama set at the French court of Louis XV of this royal house; we will not have a "catchy swing number" |
Now a World Heritage Site, the perhaps unimaginatively named Ironbridge spans this river, Britain's longest |
[ERRATUM: The site is called the "Iron Bridge", not "Ironbridge".] (Neilesh: What is the Mersey?) (Adriana: What is the Tyne?) ... (Ken: [*] is the longest.)
the Severn River
This New Zealand-born actress has won raves as Shauna, one of the grown-up crash survivors in "Yellowjackets" |
(Melanie) Lynskey
AKA a water bear or moss piglet, this poster child of charismatic microfauna has survived exposure to the vacuum of space |
Until 1967 & the 25th Amendment, VP succession to the presidency was based on precedent named for this man, the first to do it |
A snack & a body part are in this idiom about someone always ready to take offense |
a chip on their shoulder
On the screen, the children frolic; in the studio, the violins play this way, plucking their strings! That is the magic of Schusser |