Show #9133 - Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Drew Basile game 6.


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Maryl Harris, a study operations manager from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Natalie Miliano, a manufacturing engineering manager from Portland, Maine

Drew Basile, a graduate student from Birmingham, Michigan (whose 5-day cash winnings total $91,283)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: With responses made up entirely of the letters in the words "your dreams".)
    $200 26
In their native tongues, these 2 neighbors are Norge & Sverige
    $200 17
"The Pelican Brief" & "The Client"
    $200 21
...this state's Inner Banks, where you'll find the lovely town of Beaufort & the Rachel Carson Reserve
    $200 28
The name of this broad-brimmed hat is from Spanish for "shade"
    $200 29
He was already a popular pro wrestling star when he made the leap into movies like "The Scorpion King" & "Fast Five"
    $200 30
Greaves were part of a suit of this
    $400 11
In India it's customary for brides to wear this color associated with the goddess Durga, & a symbol of power & strength
    $400 16
"The Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle" &
"The Story of a Fierce Bad Rabbit"
    $400 20
...these, "also very much a thing for women before or during menopause", per a Cleveland Clinic web page
    $400 27
A Sarah Bernhardt play gave us this word for a soft felt hat later favored by many a movie mobster
    $400 22
The 2 ways to win a match in this form of wrestling are to force an opponent to the ground or out of a 15-foot circle
    $400 19
This 5-letter verb means to wake someone up from sleep & get 'em moving
    $600 12
This annual event in Munich kicks off with the exclamation "O'zapft is!", "It's tapped!"
    $600 1
"Prince Lestat" & "The Queen of the Damned"
    $600 7
...these people, the title of a book by Cokie Roberts about Revolutionary War female heroes like Molly Pitcher
    $600 18
This stiff felt hat with a rounded crown & narrow brim got its name in 19th century America, not from a big British horse race
    $600 23
In Genesis this patriarch wrestles all night with God & won't stop until receiving a blessing
    $600 4
The "truth"? This lifesaver is from the Latin for "watery fluid"
    $800 13
The Buryats & Yakuts are among the indigenous groups that occupy this 5-million-square-mile region of Russia
    $800 2
"Grey" &
"The Missus"
    $800 8
...this London landmark dating from 1892
    DD: $1,000 10
In the 1860s he designed an all-weather felt hat he called "The Boss of the Plains"
    $800 24
The 2 types of wrestling in the Olympics are freestyle & this hyphenated variety
    $800 5
While you ponder, weak & weary, its synonyms include dismal & gloomy
    $1000 14
The special administrative region of Macau has 2 official languages: Chinese & this colonial one
    $1000 3
"Absalom, Absalom!" & "Light in August"
    $1000 9
...a bad Samaritan--how about this wicked biblical queen who tried to establish idol worship in Samaria
    $1000 15
You wear this Scottish cap anywhere, not just to a David Mamet play about real estate salesmen
    $1000 25
In 1938, in what was billed as the first women's match in this, when a winner was declared, it took time to figure out who she was
    $1000 6
I'm filled with this, the heat of desire or passion, from Latin for "burn"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Drew Natalie Maryl
$3,600 $2,000 $2,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Drew Natalie Maryl
$5,000 $2,200 $4,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: All responses begin with the letter "E".)
    $400 1
On May 19, 1536 this second wife of Henry VIII very suddenly became his ex-wife
    $400 26
In 1928 Donald Duncan had the idea to market this toy & saw its popularity explode
    $400 30
Ellis Island immigrants Abe Beame & William O'Dwyer rose to this office, like Fiorello La Guardia, who was an interpreter there
    $400 21
It's heeeeeere... it, being this type of ghost that causes physical disturbances
    $400 27
By definition, it's a substance that can't be chemically decomposed into a simpler one
    $400 28
King Oliver mentored this jazz great nicknamed Satchmo, bringing him up to Chicago
    $800 17
This captain for whom a large Canadian city is named mapped the coast of California & Puget Sound
    $800 25
Toulouse-Lautrec immortalized Jane Avril doing a high kick of this dance
    $800 29
It's been debunked that this often happened at Ellis Island--inspectors just verified info from ship manifests
    $800 22
U2 could tell you it's a German word for "attention", baby!
    $800 23
There are dynamic, thermodynamic & chemical types of this state of balance
    $800 24
Kansas City jazz in the '30s featured arrangements with these repeated syncopated phrases, a word possibly from "refrain"
    DD: $3,000 3
The Pax Romana, or Roman peace, which lasted for more than 200 years, began with his reign in 27 B.C.
    $1200 13
The French author Colette created this title girl whose story was turned into an Oscar-winning film in 1958
    $1200 11
In 2008 the museum's library was named for this ski-nosed comedian who came through Ellis Island as a 4-year-old
    $1200 10
A German "car path"; I feel like this word will come to you super-fast
    $1200 5
When an electron absorbs a photon & moves to a higher energy state, it's said to be in this agitated condition
    $1200 2
"Ornithology" by this saxophonist is sort of a jazzy remix of the standard "How High The Moon"
    $1600 4
Empress Wu Zhao, the only woman to rule China in her own right, added a little zest to this dynasty beginning in 690
    $1600 14
Dorado can also be called dolphinfish, or this Hawaiian name
    $1600 12
More detainments occurred due to trachoma, a contagious condition of this organ, than any other ailment
    DD: $3,000 18
Meaning synthetic, artificial or fake, this German word could've been in an "ENDS WITH 'Z'" category
    $1600 8
Acids & bases are among these current-conducting fluids
    $1600 6
Live in Berlin, Ella Fitzgerald scatted her way through this standard from "The Threepenny Opera"
    $2000 16
Builder of Egypt's first pyramid & later worshipped as a god of medicine; his name lives on in the "Mummy" movies
    $2000 15
The repeating name of this island in French Polynesia comes from words meaning "first born"
    $2000 20
Emma Goldman, who wrote a book titled this political -ism, didn't enter the U.S. at Ellis Island but was deported via it in 1919
    $2000 19
This word for broken-down & completely useless ends with a double T in German; we just use one
    $2000 9
Partly from Greek for "heat", it's a cold-blooded animal
    $2000 7
Dizzy Gillespie played in the band of this alliterative scat singer who wasn't hip to Diz's bebopping

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Drew Natalie Maryl
$20,200 $6,200 $10,000
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

The British Library says of this 19th c. man, "One of his most famous poems... is a warning about the arrogance of great leaders"

Final scores:

Drew Natalie Maryl
$20,318 $4,700 $6,201
6-day champion: $111,601 3rd place: $2,000 2nd place: $3,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Drew Natalie Maryl
$17,000 $6,200 $9,800
24 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W
9 R,
3 W
18 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $33,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2024-05-14
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