A graduate student from Birmingham, Michigan...

Drew Basile

2025 Tournament of Champions semifinalist (with a bye into the semifinals): $10,000.
Season 40 7-time champion: $129,601 + $3,000.

Drew finished in 6th place on Survivor 45 that ended on 2023-12-20.

Drew appeared in the following 8 archived games:
#9135, aired 2024-06-28 Drew Basile vs. Andrew Fox vs. Cat Pisacano Drew Basile game 8.
#9134, aired 2024-06-27 Drew Basile vs. Luke Hemphill vs. Jayaker Kolli Drew Basile game 7.
#9133, aired 2024-06-26 Drew Basile vs. Natalie Miliano vs. Maryl Harris Drew Basile game 6.
#9132, aired 2024-06-25 Drew Basile vs. Staci Garner vs. Alan Elverum Drew Basile game 5.
#9131, aired 2024-06-24 Drew Basile vs. Erin Buker vs. Graham Hicks Drew Basile game 4.
#9130, aired 2024-06-21 Drew Basile vs. Richelle Brown vs. Josh Heit Drew Basile game 3. Sixth regular-play game to end in...
#9129, aired 2024-06-20 Drew Basile vs. Bob Longstreth vs. Jonquil Garrick-Reynolds Drew Basile game 2.
#9128, aired 2024-06-19 Adriana Harmeyer vs. Drew Basile vs. Tekla Sauter Adriana Harmeyer game 16. Drew Basile game 1.
Drew would later appear on Jeopardy! as Drew Basile in the following 2 archived games:
#9270, aired 2025-02-14 Adriana Harmeyer vs. Isaac Hirsch vs. Drew Basile 2025 Tournament of Champions exhibition game for players with byes...
#9264, aired 2025-02-06 Drew Basile vs. Drew Goins vs. Neilesh Vinjamuri 2025 Tournament of Champions semifinal game 3.

[player statistics]

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