In 1949 Nathuram Godse & Narayan Apte were hanged for the assassination of this Indian leader |
The Ming Tombs are a tourist attraction about 30 miles north of this capital |
Clarence Birdseye was called "The father of" this type of "foods" |
frozen foods
Ferment, roast, shell, grind & take most of the fatty oils out of cacao seeds & you have this powder |
cocoa powder
In Ethiopia the Blue branch of this river drops nearly 140' to form Tisisat Falls |
the Nile
When "Macbeth" begins, Duncan is the king of this country |
After his release from Alcatraz in 1939, he retired to Florida unable to run the Chicago mob |
Al Capone
To discover who's buried in his tomb, go to Riverside Drive in New York City |
Involved in 3 mutinies, this captain of H.M.S. Bounty was called "The Man of Mutinies" |
The old-fashioned stuff used to shed some light on photographic subjects |
(Seth: What is silver oxide?)
flash powder
In 1965 Canada's Hamilton River was renamed to honor this British prime minister |
(Linda: What is Macmillan?) (George: What is Mackenzie?)
Othello says of her, "If she be false, O, then heaven mocks itself!" |
Retried in 1985, he was acquitted of attempting to kill his socialite wife Sunny |
Claus von Bulow
France's Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Lies in the shadow of this monument |
the Arc de Triomphe
For his cynicism, this American writer was called "Bitter Bierce" |
Ambrose Bierce
It's the dried powder that's mixed with oil to make paint |
This "Beautiful Blue" river receives over 300 tributaries, many of them in the region around Belgrade |
the Danube
Paris calls him "That banish'd haughty Montague that murder'd my love's cousin" |
Gus Hall was the presidential nominee of this U.S. party in 1972, 1976, 1980 & 1984 |
the Communist Party
Famous tombs in this city include those of Muhammad & his daughter Fatima |
(Seth: What is Jerusalem?) (Linda: What is Mecca?)
He was nicknamed "The Man of Blood and Iron" as well as "The Iron Chancellor" |
It's a blend of cumin, coriander, turmeric & other pungent spices |
Popular resorts on this lake include Vevey & Montreux in Switzerland & Evian-les-Bains in France |
Lake Geneva
Ariel's first line in this play is "All Hail, Great Master!" |
The Tempest
The Leakeys have discovered many hominid fossil skulls at Olduvai Gorge in this country |
(Linda: What is Africa?)
Castel Sant'Angelo on the Tiber in Rome is better known as this emperor's tomb |
He's the "father of the atomic submarine" |
(Seth: Who is Nimitz?)
Hyman Rickover
There are 3 types of it: double-acting, single-acting & phosphate |
baking powder
This river on which Hamburg lies formerly served as part of the border between East & West Germany |
the Elbe
Rosalind is the daughter of a banished duke in this pastoral comedy |
(George: What is All's Well That Ends... What is [*]?) (Alex: Ooh, you changed it just in the nick of time before I had a chance to rule. Speedy, George. You see how slow I am?) (George: I didn't finish the first.)
As You Like It