Show #2093 - Wednesday, October 13, 1993


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Joan Aron, an information systems consultant from Columbia, Maryland

George Roth, an actor from Los Angeles, California

Karl Bradley, a construction project supervisor from Bonita, California (whose 1-day cash winnings total $7,801)

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Jeopardy! Round

THE 1890s
    $100 7
In 1893 New Zealand became the first country to grant women this right in full
    $100 4
The Jungle Cruise was inspired in part by this Bogart & Hepburn film
    $100 1
It's Italian for an operatic solo
    $100 13
More than 2/3 of Argentines live on this fertile plain that covers about 1/5 of the country
    $100 22
Guinness says the world's oldest known tower bell is in this city known for a leaning tower
    $100 3
Lord Baltimore had one of these desserts named for him; it's often topped with a boiled icing
    $200 18
This oath to Old Glory was unfurled in 1892 to honor the 400th anniversary of America's discovery
    $200 5
You can see Walt Disney's family crest above the archway at the entrance to this castle
    $200 2
This Hebrew word for "peace" is also used for "hello" & "goodbye"
    $200 14
This country's Quezon City was built on a private estate chosen by statesman Manuel Quezon
    $200 23
A carillon, a set of at least 23 tower bells, is played manually on one of these, not by pulling ropes
    $200 27
This delicacy is much less expensive when lumpfish eggs are used instead of sturgeon eggs
    $300 19
The capture of Santiago, Cuba in July 1898 effectively ended this war
    $300 6
Disneyland's 1st 2 keelboats had been used on a TV show about Mike Fink & this fur-capped frontiersman
    $300 8
Cervantes wrote, "Donde esta la verdad esta dios", "Where truth is, there is" this
    $300 15
About 95% of Egyptians practice the Sunni form of this religion
    $300 24
Bell associated with Sir Benjamin Hall, a commissioner of works
    $300 28
The seeds of this stalk vegetable are ground & blended with salt to make a popular seasoning
    $400 20
In 1896 this world capital hosted the first modern Olympics
    $400 11
Tourists used to fish for catfish off the docks of this island named for a Mark Twain character
    $400 9
This French word in the name of John Paul Jones' ship literally means "good man"
    $400 16
In 1979 this U.S. territory within a Central American country was abolished
    $400 25
Livingston & Evans who wrote the "Mr. Ed" theme wrote this Christmas song for a 1951 Bob Hope film
    $400 29
1 of the 2 alternate names for garbanzos that fit the category
    $500 21
On Oct. 25, 1896 the New York Times carried this motto for the first time
    $500 12
Watch out for the evil queen from this 1937 film; she may stare at you out of a window in Fantasyland
    $500 10
The Swedish call winter vinter & this season var
    $500 17
Its position near the mouth of the Rhine River makes this Dutch city one of the world's most important ports
    DD: $900 26
The poet who wrote, "Never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee"
    $500 30
This sauce served on spaghetti is made with ham or bacon, eggs, cheese & cream

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Karl George Joan
$1,600 $700 $800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Karl George Joan
$1,000 $1,000 $3,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 4
The Royal Ontario Museum in this city is Canada's largest public museum
    $200 15
A valuable source of firewood in South America is this tree imported from Australia
    $200 3
"Waltz for Eva and Che" is a musical number from "Evita" & "Hook's Waltz" is featured in this show
    $200 9
When rationing of this began in 1942, most people were limited to 3 gallons per week
    $200 18
With the assistance of Jonathan Harker, this Transylvanian buys a property near London
    $200 1
One of the Dalai Lama's friends & promoters is this gentleman from "An Officer and a Gentleman"
    $400 14
Left over from the 1976 Olympics, this city's velodrome is now an environmental museum
    $400 16
Oil from this part of jasmines & roses is used in making of high-quality perfumes
    $400 5
The 1990 musical about this rock & roll star could have been called "Holly!"
    $400 10
Though it ended nationally in 1933, Mississippi didn't repeal it until 1966
    $400 19
This James Thurber daydreamer has a wife who bullies him & a car that gives him trouble
    $400 2
This 1989 award given to the Dalai Lama was denounced by China as politically motivated
    $600 23
The best place to get an overview of this capital is from the Peace Tower on Wellington Street
    $600 17
The best-known kind of this yellow flower is the trumpet narcissus
    $600 6
"My Fair Lady" opens outside the Royal Opera House at this London location on "a cold March night"
    $600 11
In 1861 this Connecticut college awarded the first Ph.D. degree in the U.S.
    $600 20
This Joseph Conrad title character is chief mate on the Patna & a traitor on Patusan Island
    $600 24
At age 5 Tenzin Gyatso was taken to the Potala, a palace in this capital, & enthroned
    $800 29
Much of this capital of Nova Scotia was flattened in a munitions explosion during WWI
    $800 27
The "true" species of this shrub is called sweet bay
    DD: $1,500 7
Popular TV star heard here in a 1959 musical:

"I've always been shy / I confess that I'm shy / Can't you guess that this confident air / Is a mask that I wear 'cause I'm shy"
    $800 12
The Santa Fe Trail became obsolete after the completion of this railroad in 1880
    DD: $1,200 21
He's the leader of the inner party in the totalitarian state of Oceania
    $800 25
In June 1992 the Dalai Lama attended the Earth Summit in this city
    $1000 30
A 5-ton statue called "Golden Boy" tops the Manitoba capitol in this city
    $1000 28
The leaves of this carnivorous plant form a tube & spout to trap insects
    $1000 8
This current hit musical that premiered in 1992 was inspired by the 1930 show "Girl Crazy"
    $1000 13
In the early 1900s, part of what is now this state asked to become the separate state of Sequoyah
    $1000 22
The son of Chingachgook, he's "The Last of the Mohicans"
    $1000 26
The Dalai Lama rules in exile from Dharmsala in this country

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Karl George Joan
$5,400 $5,700 $3,100

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Founded as a nail enamel co. in 1932, it has been called "the General Motors of beauty"

Final scores:

Karl George Joan
$10,800 $10,801 $5,800
2nd place: trip to Maui, Hawaii New champion: $10,801 3rd place: Sanyo fax machine

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Karl George Joan
$6,300 $5,000 $4,300
17 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
16 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $15,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1993-08-03
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