In 1977, U.S. auto makers sold 9.3 million cars, but did this to 10.4 million |
(Andy: What is take losses?) (Gary: What is manufacture them?)
recalled them
The word "zoo" is short for this phrase |
(Andy: What is, um...)
zoological garden
Vice "Miami Vice" star Don Johnson recently gave up both on-screen & off |
cigarette smoking
It's said walking out into this season's humid weather in D.C. is like "stepping into the breath of a large dog" |
Though it was Galileo who invented the 1st one, his buddy Santorio invented the clinical type |
(Billy: What is the microscope?)
a thermometer
The long, thin loaf of bread of which it's made gives it this "shipshape" name |
a submarine sandwich
Since this transportation co. also makes Dial soap, it might say, "Leave the showers to us" |
Saying real ones "tend to die", the Houston Zoo admitted their coral snake was really made of this |
Protocol derailed British Virgin Islands' plans to issue postage stamps honoring this "Thriller" |
(Alex: Because only royalty allowed on British stamps.)
Michael Jackson
This best-known composer of patriotic marches was, fittingly, a D.C. native son |
John Philip Sousa
German drug co. once marketed this now-illegal narcotic, naming it for way it made test subjects feel "heroic" |
Usually a little shorter, it's the main weapon carried by one of the sandwich's other names |
a torpedo
When 1st blew up, killing policeman operating it, use of these control devices hit a red light for 46 years |
(Andy: What are airbags?) (Gary: What is a traffic semaphore?)
traffic lights
Prize exhibit of the zoo in Barcelona, Spain is "Snowflake", only captive gorilla of this type |
an albino gorilla
Calling themselves "the bad boys of" this, Penn & Teller have taken NYC by storm |
(Billy: What is comedy?)
Its museums' collections include Charles Lindbergh's plane & George Washington's false teeth |
the Smithsonian
Commonly thought to protect against cold weather, ingesting this will actually lower body temp. |
This nickname comes from Philadelphia's Hog Island shipyard, where workers ate them for lunch |
a hoagie
In the following song, animal described as "kindly" but "dumb":
"Someone told me / It's all happening at the zoo / I do believe it / I do believe it's true" |
(Billy: The polar bears. What are the polar bears?)
the elephants
An Arabic speech in "Jewel of the Nile" is actually a list of films starring this actor, the producer's pop |
Kirk Douglas
Main N/S streets are numbered, E/W streets lettered, & diagonals named for these |
the states
Research at Georgetown U. found babies fall asleep faster & sleep longer if laid in this position |
on their stomach
This city's zoo features a platypusary & the world's best collection of marsupials |
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
Sydney, Australia
Barry Breman picked up this award at the 1985 Emmys, but they made him give it back |
[ERRATUM: His name is Barry Bremen.] (Alex: It was Betty Thomas's award.)
Best Supporting Actress award
In 1974, for 1st time in over 100 years, D.C. residents were allowed to vote for this |
(Andy: What is President?) ... (Alex: We've got less than a minute to go in the round.)
a city government
Physiologically, a yawn signifies not tiredness or boredom, but a lack of this |