Lombardy's northern reaches are occupied by the Lepontine, Rhaetian & Orobic these mountains |
the Alps
Spoiler alert: This duo in the title of a Stevenson novel are actually the same guy |
Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
His punishment for eating forbidden fruit: "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground" |
Season 21 of this show saw Bindi Irwin win the Mirrorball Trophy with the help of her partner Derek Hough |
Dancing with the Stars
Like many names of Native nations, this word used by many indigenous Alaskans means "the people" |
the Inuit
"I'm stuck like a dope with a thing called hope" in the "South Pacific" song about a cockeyed pessimist |
The Brahmaputra Valley winds down the Asian continent from these mountains up north |
the Himalayas
The Battle of Actium saw Octavian defeat the forces of this pair, a Roman general & an Egyptian queen |
Antony & Cleopatra
If "a false" one of these "testified falsely against his brother... do unto him, as he had thought to have done unto his brother" |
a witness
Rob Frisbee & Brennan Swain traveled 35,000 miles back to where they started to win this show's first $1 million prize |
The Amazing Race
Tepees are different from other tents because of the upper flaps designed to release this |
(Jackson: What is air?)
Proverbially, presence "makes the heart grow fonder" |
Cape Town's Table Mountain often has its own cloud cover, which has fittingly been dubbed this |
These 2 title animated boys have a pet platypus named Perry |
Phineas & Ferb
These paired cities, "going after strange flesh, are... suffering the vengeance of eternal fire" |
Sodom & Gomorrah
In 2022, much of the Kardashians Season 2 was about this oldest sister's upcoming wedding |
Armaments-wise, Plains Indians had a gull-wing style of these, which they could use on horseback--it takes 2 hands. You try it |
a bow and arrow
The 5th Amendment prohibits double safety, trying you twice for the same crime |
(Jackson: What is double [*]?)
Cyprus has a range that the Greeks call Pentadaktylos, which has this anatomical meaning |
five fingers
This biblical pair is an Israelite warrior & the woman who cut his hair while he slept |
Samson & Delilah
He is imprisoned on a false allegation when a woman grabs his garment (but not his coat of many colors) & says he made advances |
An episode of "Love After Lockup" had the alliterative title "From" this type of offender "to Fiance" |
More & more common, land acknowledgements include Florida State University's--its campuses are on this tribe's land |
the Seminoles
Posting "Happily surprised to win my third Nobel Prize!" is quite the arrogantbrag |
humble brag
Once home to Kamehameha the Great, the Waipio Valley is also called this, just like a place in Egypt |
Valley of the Kings
Philosopher John Locke was a court favorite of this royal couple, whom he'd met when he fled to the Netherlands |
William & Mary
As told by Leonard Cohen, David sees this woman on a roof; his sin with her leads to the death of their child as punishment |
[Justin selected the first clue.]
(Maya: Who is Bathsada?)
Contestants are judged on their bladesmithing & weapon-making skills on this "hot" History Channel show |
Forged in Fire
To many people, this small mammal was a trickster god; to the Powhatan, it was a creator named Ahone |
a rabbit
As Shakespeare put it so eloquently, "Parting is such sweet joy" |