This big-billed coastal native is featured on the flag of Louisiana |
a pelican
Inherited runners, appeal play, pickoff |
(Mayim: [Laughing] That's [*]; we kinda covered 'em all.) (Caleb: The Internet's gonna love that.)
Psych 200: Analyzing 1901's "The Psychopathology of Everyday Life" by this man; also, how your mom figures in to that, in some way |
(Mayim: [Chuckling] That's right; oh, [*].)
In 2023 this transport for millions of young students was celebrated on a new postage stamp |
a school bus
The U.S. had this kind of convention in 1787; the states later held hundreds, but the last full one was Rhode Island's of 1986 |
(a) constitutional (convention)
A tentative first outline of a document edits out a D to be a floating platform |
draft & raft
Once a symbol of the Great Northern Wilderness, it's now happy in parks & municipal ponds |
a Canada goose
Best ball, casual water, closed face &-- the absolute worst--shank |
(Caleb: What is water polo?) ... (Caleb: Let's finish out IN THE SPORT, I wanna get rid of it.) [Laughter]
History 400: A dive into the 20 active years of this party, including 32 days of riding high during the William Henry Harrison presidency |
the Whig Party
About the size of a grain of rice, one of these embedded in your pet maximizes the chance of it being returned if lost |
a microchip
In the 1930s, Charles Evans Hughes resisted FDR's ultimately failed plan to pack this body |
the Supreme Court
The software that signals a printer leaves the letter D behind & becomes a body of water |
driver & river
Also the name of a Marine Corps aircraft, this raptor is alternately known as a fish eagle |
an osprey
Eight-count, accidental butt, cutman (for said accidental butt) |
(Caleb: Not my category, I'll go to...) [Laughter]
Business 600: Devaluing your brand & still getting a $445 million payout--an examination of Adam Neumann & this office rental co. |
Some people swear by ice facials to reduce the appearance of these natural holes in the skin |
Civil War generals issued a lot of general orders; this man's No. 9 of April 1865 sent the Army of Northern Virginia home |
Robert E. Lee
To rise to your feet kicks away a D to become a slang word taken from an Eminem song |
Stan & stand
This species of African wading birds seen here shares its name with a similar-looking shark |
a hammerhead
Penalty killing, plus-minus, the five-hole, "the biscuit" (that's what everyone's chasing) |
Law 800: Focusing on the 1735 court case of publisher John Peter Zenger, charged with this, & how freedom of the press won big |
In mythology this twin sister of Apollo is a goddess of the hunt |
A 1915 article says of this modern type of woman, "her hair, newly coiled... exposed... her neck" |
a flapper
Crushed up paper into a ball loses a D & means walked through water up to the knees |
(Hannah: What is wade... and waded and wa--) (Mayim: No, too much time.) (Maggie: What is wade and wad?)
wadded & waded
This bird of the genus Actitis gets its name from running along seashores making short, high-pitched noises |
the sandpiper
Chukker, gag bit, mallet, a lot of money |
(Hannah: What is roulette?) (Caleb: What is horse racing?)
French Lit 1000: A look at the works of this writer, including Les Temps Modernes, a monthly review she founded with Sartre in 1945 |
Simone de Beauvoir
The national park of this U.S. territory is located on 3 separate islands: Tutuila, Ofu & Ta'u |
American Samoa
Starting in 1821 it was a commercial trail southwest from Missouri; in 1846 Stephen Kearny & his troops used it to invade Mexico |
the Santa Fe Trail
The stuff farmers give their horses & cows eats up a D & becomes a fixed charge you pay |
[Hannah selected the first clue.]
fee & feed