For 3 & 5, 15 is the LCM, short for this |
least common multiple
It's the item on which an artist mixes paint colors, or the spectrum of colors used in an artwork |
a palette
Also a Hostess treat, it announces a visitor at your door |
a ding dong
"I Wanna Dance with Somebody" was the subtitle of a 2022 biopic of this late, great singer |
Whitney Houston
This show introduced us to unfrozen caveman lawyer, Colleen Rafferty's alien encounters & the immortal Turd Ferguson |
[Tim said both names.]
SNL (Saturday Night Live)
The first wedding held at this place was on March 29, 1812, when Dolley Madison's sister married a Supreme Court justice |
the White House
It's the cinematic term for the type of array seen here |
Looking to throw clay with an evenly rounded shape? You may want to invest in one of these, like the Brent Model B Power one |
[Eesha selected the first clue.]
a potter's wheel
It's a test signal sent from a computer to check network speed |
a ping
(I'm Simu Liu.) In a 2021 Marvel film, I play Shang-Chi, who helps his family as a master of this Chinese martial art, whose name translates as "skill" |
kung fu
Michel Tournier's 1st novel reimagines Robinson Crusoe as a colonialist failing to bring this man into sharing his worldview |
She was a voice student when she met Martin Luther King, a Boston theology student |
Coretta Scott King
4πr2 gives the surface area of one of these 3-dimensional shapes |
a sphere
This kind of paint is a synthetic resin that is dense like oil paint & bright yet translucent like watercolors |
Imitative of a fast sound, this Nike logo is 50 years old |
the Swoosh
He put on his best southern drawl as detective Benoit Blanc in "Knives Out" |
(Daniel) Craig
In 1916 Congress moved the start of the Supreme Court's term from the 2nd this day in October to the first, where it has remained |
In 1770, at age 14, Marie-Antoinette married the guy who became this king of France |
Louis XVI
Equal to about 57.2958 degrees, it's the angular measurement made by wrapping half the diameter around a circle |
a radian
These days, Banksy doesn't draw freehand out on the street but uses this type of template & spray paint |
a stencil
These 2 words that differ by one vowel combine to mean a change of heart |
flip & flop
(Hi, I'm Constance Wu.) In this 2018 film, I played Rachel Chu, who discovers all of a sudden that her boyfriend is super wealthy & one of Singapore's most eligible bachelors |
Crazy Rich Asians
In 2017 Jake Gyllenhaal connected the dots as Seurat in a revival of this musical |
(Tim: What is Sunday at the Park with George?)
Sunday in the Park with George
This poet was already married when he took up with Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin; the pair produced a lot of lit & some kids |
Percy Shelley
The domain is the set of values that can be input into a function; the set of possible outputs is called this expanse |
the range
Seen here, this type of decorative tape with a Japanese name is made from rice paper |
washi tape
This loud disturbance arose "out on the lawn" in "'Twas the Night Before Christmas" |
a clatter
This animated swashbuckler returned to the big screen in search of "The Last Wish" |
Puss in Boots
Maundy derives from Latin for "command"; Maundy this commemorates the Last Supper & Jesus' commandment to love one another |
It was a marriage of true minds when this pair wed in France on July 26, 1895; the bride wore a dark blue dress she could use in the lab |
Pierre & Marie Curie