On April 14, 1912 a nearby ship warned the Titanic of this; radio operator Jack Phillips scolded the ship for interrupting him |
an iceberg
Rachel Chu & Nick Young, dealing with a wealth of problems in multiple novels |
(Tina: What is Crazy Rich Asians?)
Kevin Kwan
Often made by a grand jury, it's a written legal action charging someone with an offense |
an indictment
In 1220 the remains of this murdered saint were moved to a new shrine that became a major pilgrimage site at Canterbury |
Thomas Becket
1991: Geena Davis & Susan Sarandon go on extreme walkabout |
Thelma & Louise
In math, normal is a synonym for this, meaning at right angles |
A million people left 100 tons of trash in New York's Central Park at an April 22, 1990 celebration of this day...hmmm |
Earth Day
The republic of Gilead; "Hag-Seed", a re-telling of "The Tempest" |
Margaret Atwood
This prison practice that takes boredom to an agonizing extreme was used in 1829 by Quakers to help reflection & penance |
solitary confinement
Europe's oldest active one of these places of worship, the Altneuschul, was built in Prague |
a synagogue
2019: Chris Evans & Ana de Armas have murder on their minds |
Knives Out
Plainly evident, perhaps by virtue of its absence |
While besieging a castle in 1199, this "Lionheart" failed to wear his mail; he died in April after being struck by an arrow |
Richard the Lionheart
The world of T.S. Garp; an orphanage in St. Cloud's |
(John) Irving
Since 2020 several states have restricted the use of controversial "no-knock" these documents by the police |
Thomas Aquinas, who summed things up in his "Summa Theologica", was in this religious order that founded Aquinas College |
(Mattea: Who are the Jesuits?) (Tina: Who are the Augustinians?)
a Dominican
2012: Anna Kendrick & Rebel Wilson stay in tune |
Pitch Perfect
In a friendly legal term, it precedes "brief" |
(Ken: Josh?) (Josh: No, I'm--I can't.) ... (Ken: A friend of the court.)
an amicus curiae
Shunning a less risky escape route, this murderer jumped to the stage on April 14, 1865 yelling, "Sic semper tyrannis!" |
John Wilkes Booth
The short fiction collection "Unaccustomed Earth"; the Das family, vacationing in India |
(Jhumpa) Lahiri
Residential reentry center is another term for this alliterative place inmates can serve the last months of a sentence |
a halfway house
The 1212 crusade known by this youthful name lacked official sanction & ended in failure |
the Children's Crusade
1981: All the director needed was the two guys seen here--plus a waiter & a bartender |
(Ken: The action-packed [*], yes.)
My Dinner with Andre
Latin for "garden" gives us this word for the art & science of growing fruits & vegetables |
(Mattea: What is agriculture?)
In April 1846 a group of westward settlers struck out for California; this "Pass" would later be named for them |
the Donner Party
Colonel Aureliano Buendía; a book about the last days of Simón Bolívar |
Gabriel García Márquez
In the 1970s Oregon was the first state with a law saying the police must make an arrest when they come to a home on a call for this |
domestic violence
The oldest known manuscript of the Avesta, a sacred text of this ancient religion of Persia, was produced around 1258 |
2021: Gemma Chan & Salma Hayek deal with a pressing planetary issue |
You cad! Let us engage in these, an old-time plural word for an exchange of punches |