Show #8528 - Wednesday, December 8, 2021

2021 Professors Tournament quarterfinal game 3.


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Ashleigh Lawrence-Sanders, an assistant professor of U.S. and African-American history from University of Colorado

Lisa Dresner, an associate professor of writing studies from Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York

Sam Buttrey, an associate professor of operations research from Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 26
For safe passage into the afterlife, several of these wheeled vehicles, disassembled
    $200 5
With no game clocks on the field, only a referee such as Daniele Orsato keeps time
    $200 15
Home Depot is known as "Big" this
    $200 1
The Bible says this grandfather of Noah lived to be 969 years old
    $200 12
The 1987 Montreal Protocol limits "substances that deplete" this in the atmosphere
    $200 23
"Out of" this color means totally unexpected
    $400 27
A headrest made of this animal material doesn't look comfy
    $400 6
Rule 6-6d says you can be disqualified if you sign & return an incorrect scorecard
    $400 17
The A&W browns remind us of the color of this A&W product which predates the restaurant
    $400 2
This mythic hall for slain warriors has 540 doors
    $400 13
A 1997 U.N. protocol adopted in this Japanese city called for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
    $400 24
That's a secret! Keep it below one's deerstalker, or to put it another way... this
    $600 28
Used to hunt birds, these curved throwing weapons, like those used by the Aborigines of Australia
    $600 7
In this Olympic sport, no splashing water in an opponent's face
    $600 18
This company that grew out of one called Zimride has used pink to convey that it's female friendly
    $600 3
It's the highest atomic number for any known element: oganesson, formerly called ununoctium
    $600 14
The 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary this problem that doesn't respect borders has helped reduce it dramatically
    $600 25
Using a forceful manner to attack a problem is to do it this way, like a "Die Hard" film title
    $800 29
Jewelry with an image of this sacred beetle
    $800 8
The supine competitor may use no mechanical brakes
    $800 19
Green is good for this e-commerce platform represented here
    $800 4
Stephen Kinnock & Ian Paisley Jr. are 2 of the 650 members of this body whose chamber seats 427
    $800 21
The International Tropical Timber Agreement regulates the use of wood that's grown between these 2 geographic limits
    $800 11
Claritin, Gaviscon & Midol are classified as this type of drug
    $1000 30
A statue of this jackal-headed god who weighed the hearts of the deceased to determine their fate
    $1000 9
While trying to pin your opponent, you can't get him in a hold below the waist
    $1000 20
The purple feather means premium content on this streaming service
    $1000 16
Fitting the genre of Barbara Cartland's 723 novels, her $55 million London mansion went up for sale on this day in 2020
    DD: $1,000 22
A 2007 column by the New York Times' Thomas Friedman is credited as the origin of this 3-word term
    $1000 10
Splinters are an indication that you're sanding or planing wood this way, also meaning contrary to my inclinations

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Sam Lisa Ashleigh
$4,400 $1,400 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Sam Lisa Ashleigh
$8,000 $1,400 $4,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 5
Doctor Pangloss is the unfailingly optimistic mentor of the title character in this Voltaire work
    $400 12
A fashionable
computer wonk
    $400 14
St. Croix is the largest of these islands belonging to the United States
    $400 20
In July 2021, he became the first billionaire space company owner to ride his own craft into the heavens
    $400 6
Darren Aronofsky's directorial debut was this 1998 film about a math genius who might have approximated the title as 22/7
    $400 11
Jon Ossoff, born in 1987, has been called the first of these in the U.S. Senate
    $800 4
Phonetics professor Henry Higgins is a 1913 creation of this playwright
    $800 13
The center
    $800 15
Though only 540 square miles, you could say it's the most colossal of the Dodecanese Islands
    DD: $2,000 30
In September the last piece of a gas pipeline from Russia to Germany, opposed by the U.S., was put in place under this sea
    $800 7
As a math term, this Keanu Reeves film title refers to a set of numbers in rows & columns that form an array
    $800 24
It means year after year, as when it precedes "pennant contender"
    $1200 1
The protagonist of this author's 1995 novel "Wonder Boys" was inspired by his University of Pittsburgh writing professor
    $1200 19
A searing
camp bed
    $1200 16
It's the northernmost of the Florida Keys as well as the longest
    $1200 29
This British diver won gold at the Olympics & won hearts by knitting in the stands
    $1200 8
Spencer Tracy adjusts to life as a grandfather in the 1951 sequel "Father's Little" this math term
    $1200 25
From how often it takes place, it's the Whitney Museum's regular survey of American art
    DD: $1,400 2
In an 1893 story he is described as "the organizer of half that is evil and of nearly all that is undetected" in London
    $1600 23
A small & portable spacecraft
plug receptacle
    $1600 17
It's the largest of Asia's Greater Sunda Islands
    $1600 22
Meng Wanzhou, CFO of this giant tech company, went home to China after nearly 3 years' confinement in Canada
    $1600 9
Ben Affleck played a younger version of Jack Ryan in this explosive 2002 thriller
    $1600 27
It's a city in Colorado, 15 miles southeast of Denver
    $2000 3
Her 1925 novel "The Professor's House" is set largely in New Mexico, not her familiar Nebraska
    $2000 26
A narrow
    $2000 18
The Windward & Leeward Islands make up the "Lesser" these
    $2000 21
The TPLF, this Ethiopian region People's Liberation Front, captured the region's capital from government soldiers
    $2000 10
Troubled hubby Michael Keaton is cloned several times in this 1996 screwball comedy
    $2000 28
It's the official commission to honor America in 2026--we'll be halfway to 500

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Sam Lisa Ashleigh
$22,400 $6,400 $3,200
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Gen. MacArthur said this man's death by "violence is one of those bitter anachronisms that seems to refute all logic"

Final scores:

Sam Lisa Ashleigh
$22,400 $0 $0
Automatic semifinalist 2nd place: $5,000 if eliminated 3rd place: $5,000 if eliminated

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Sam Lisa Ashleigh
$22,400 $6,600 $5,200
29 R,
0 W
6 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
12 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $34,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2021-10-25
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