Show #8527 - Tuesday, December 7, 2021

2021 Professors Tournament quarterfinal game 2.


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Katie Reed, an associate professor of musicology from Cal State Fullerton

John Harkless, an associate professor of chemistry from Howard University in Washington, D.C.

Marti Canipe, an elementary science education professor from Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona

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Jeopardy! Round

(Mayim: Responses are made up of letters "in the curriculum".)
    $200 26
He was a member of the Missouri National Guard
    $200 15
"Apple", "Cancer" & "Legacy" are chapters in a biography about him, "The Man Who Thought Different"
    $200 10
Looks like Barb brought a video of her dog; aw, it's this breed seen here which can hit 40 miles per hour when in the mood
    $200 3
Seen here, she brought the funny to shows like "Shrill" & "Saturday Night Live"
    $200 23
China's Mount Huang translates as the mountain of this color
    $200 9
An ol' pal, or chopped up fish used to attract bigger ones
    $400 29
He was a Rhodes Scholar
    DD: $1,000 16
This bestselling memoir about a woman's quest to find balance in her life was published in Spanish as "Come, reza, ama"
    $400 11
Pat submits receipts from a business trip--seems she enjoyed all the good things of Gothenburg in this European country
    $400 2
2021 saw the first stand-alone movie about this Marvel-ous title female, set during the time of "Captain America: Civil War"
    $400 24
The world's fourth-highest peak, Lhotse is found in this range
    $400 8
An old special object kept due to its association with a saint
    $600 28
He defeated Santa Anna at the Battle of Buena Vista
    $600 17
Edward Gibbon's historical work "The Decline and Fall of" this was published in 6 volumes between 1776 & 1788
    $600 12
Shohei begins a water cooler discussion about this drama on Starz about pro wrestlers featuring Stephen Amell
    $600 1
In 2019, this young rapper moseyed onto the scene in a really big way
    $600 20
Here's the view from the peak of Ben Nevis, Scotland's highest peak, part of this geographic region named for its altitude
    $600 6
You rang? It's a sudden move in an unexpected direction
    $800 27
He killed lawyer Charles Dickinson in a duel
    $800 18
"The Immortal Life of" this woman tells how her HeLa cells aided medical research, without her knowledge or consent
    $800 13
Amal leads the pool in the Mega Millions lottery; Brad runs the pool for this one that's in D.C. & all but 5 states
    $800 4
Rob Delaney narrates this Netflix dating show in which contestants are outfitted as all sorts of creatures
    $800 21
Uhuru & Mawenzi are peaks of this African mountain
    $800 7
From a 1933 play, "When I hear" this artsy word "I reach for my pistol" is often wrongly attributed to Hermann Goering
    $1000 30
He was sheriff of Erie County & mayor of Buffalo
    $1000 19
He wrote "Between the World and Me", about racial injustice, in the form of a letter to his teenage son
    $1000 14
It's quittin' time, & Sally is buying round 1 of this Russian-sounding drink with vodka & ginger beer that has quite a kick!
    $1000 5
In 2021, he rode on to movie screens as Snake Eyes
    $1000 22
First summited in 1966, this 16,000-foot peak overlooks the Ronne Ice Shelf
    $1000 25
This stomach trouble is caused by the H. pylori bacterium & can be made worse by too many pain relievers

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Marti John Katie
$1,400 $2,400 $2,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Marti John Katie
$4,800 $2,400 $4,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 1
Redefining minor things like space, time & gravity, the theory of general this changed the world in 1915
    $400 17
"I'm just like my country, I'm young, scrappy and hungry, and I'm not throwin' away my shot"
    $400 6
The immortal sisters Stheno & Euryale, whose gaze could turn you to stone, were these monsters
    $400 11
Under Franz Boas, Ruth Benedict & Margaret Mead both earned PhDs from Columbia in this subject
    $400 23
Apologizing to the Russian people for the failures of his administration, he abruptly resigned as president December 31, 1999
    $400 19
Footbridge is a 10-letter word that you use if you're this kind of 10-letter traveler
    $800 2
In 1866 this monk was pushing paper--for the Natural Science Society of Brünn--detailing his theory of heredity
    $800 16
"Anything you can do, I can do better, I can do anything better than you"
    $800 7
Here's a depiction of this mythical creature
    $800 12
Born into slavery, Anna Julia Cooper became a noted educator & activist, & in her 60s received a PhD from this Paris college
    $800 27
Russian for "peace" or "world", this space station hosted more than 100 people from 12 countries during its time in orbit
    $800 18
Yep, people still use this handy measuring tool in math class & in certain professions
    $1200 3
Brønsted-Lowry says any compound that transfers a proton to another compound is an acid; the one taking on a proton is a this
    $1200 13
"I could have danced all night, and still have begged for more"
    $1200 8
Zeus gave a silver bow made by the Cyclops to this daughter & goddess of the hunt
    $1200 24
This chairman of the Fed from 1987 to 2006 has a PhD in economics
    $1200 28
Until DNA tests in the 1990s proved otherwise, many claimed to be this youngest daughter of Czar Nicholas II
    $1200 20
This biology branch that shares a Nobel Prize category deals with the functions of living organisms
    $1600 4
In 1633 he got a life sentence for discussing Copernican theory, but it was a torture-free term
    $1600 14
"This needs to be perfect, these emails have to prove that we were actually friends"
    $1600 9
Vulcan is the Roman counterpart of this Greek god
    $1600 25
We will rock you when we tell you that this guitarist & founding member of Queen is a doctor of astrophysics
    DD: $1,600 29
In the early 1900s members of the faction that opposed Lenin were called these, meaning "one of the minority"
    $1600 21
This word meaning "harmful" is also the name of Sleeping Beauty's nemesis
    DD: $2,000 5
Sometimes called the theory of everything, it says all the objects in our universe are made of vibrating filaments of energy
    $2000 15
"I'm reporting live from Gander Airport where the 19th plane has just touched down"
    $2000 10
This daughter of Tantalus turned to stone while weeping for her slain children
    $2000 26
She holds a PhD in animal science & authored "The Autistic Brain" & "Humane Livestock Handling"
    $2000 30
As the result of his "Gulag Archipelago", this author was exiled from the Soviet Union in 1974 & wouldn't return for 20 years
    $2000 22
From Greek for "to show through", it's used to describe a delicate, translucent fabric, perhaps a bridal veil

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Marti John Katie
$10,400 $12,000 $14,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

This term once used for western North Africa is still used today in the name of a primate from that region

Final scores:

Marti John Katie
$13,400 $4,000 $12,000
Automatic semifinalist 3rd place: $5,000 if eliminated 2nd place: $5,000 if eliminated

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Marti John Katie
$9,800 $12,000 $15,600
16 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
15 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
18 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $37,400

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Game tape date: 2021-10-25
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