Show #8522 - Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Amy Schneider game 10.
This episode was submitted for consideration for the Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Game Show, and won.


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Krys Fischer, a retired substitute teacher from Mendota Heights, Minnesota

Pam Schoenberg, a dentist and entrepreneur from South Salem, New York

Amy Schneider, an engineering manager from Oakland, California (whose 9-day cash winnings total $342,200)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: You'll have to name the character Johnny is quoting in each clue.)
    $200 23
A Rupi Kaur book of poetry is titled "Milk and" this, often paired in the Bible
    $200 6
"Life, liberty and
the ____
of happiness"
    $200 1
Alcohol & spicy foods can cause pyrosis, better known as this painful sensation
    $200 26
"I'm a friend of Sarah Connor. I was told that she's here. Could I see her please?... Where is she?... I'll be back"
    $200 13
This cut seen here rhymes with "mohawk" but isn't quite one itself
    $200 25
The Danube arises in this region filled with beech & oak
    $400 22
In a Robert Cormier young adult novel, this title "War" involves a candy sale at a prep school
    $400 7
"Like a deer
in ____"
    $400 4
Cutis anserina is nothing to worry about; it's just this "fowl" reaction to cold or fear
    $400 27
"Oh, I'm very sorry, Hans... I figured since I waxed Tony & Marco & his friend here I figured you & Karl & Franco might be a little lonely"
    $400 24
Let the difference be known--a top knot is on top of the head but a "man" this is near the crown or back
    $400 19
Sacred territory for the Western Sioux, this region lies between the Belle Fourche & Cheyenne Rivers
    $600 21
A Richard Brautigan post-apocalyptic novel title mentions this fruit's "Sugar", just like Harry Styles did in a hit song
    $600 16
" ____
Is nine points of the law"
    $600 12
If you have pollinosis, you have this seasonal allergy & not necessarily to the crop in its name
    $600 28
"No retreat. no surrender. That is Spartan law & by Spartan law we will stand & fight & die"
    $600 20
A weave is sewn in, but an extra 2 feet of sunset blonde locks in the form of clip-in hair these can be yours for $150
    $600 14
Old this river in Ireland, keep on rollin' across County Waterford's Drum Hills to the sea
    $800 5
Agatha Christie's "Adventure of the Christmas Pudding" finds this Belgian embroiled in murder
    $800 8
Often called an African proverb:
"It takes a ____
to raise a child"
    $800 10
Diplopia is what doctors call this, also the title of a Foreigner hit
    $800 29
"You're thinking, 'did he fire 6 shots or only 5?'... You've gotta ask yourself a question. 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya, punk?"
    $800 18
A bouffant goes back to the 1950s, but this hairstyle that emphasized height in a rounded peak & a "home" to stingers built up in the '60s
    $800 2
Waterloo, Iowa is the seat of this county named for a military leader of the Sauk people
    DD: $2,600 9
Roald Dahl imagined the cherries in his Buckinghamshire orchard getting bigger & bigger, inspiring this 1961 novel
    $1000 17
"Make hay while
the ____ ____ "
    $1000 11
Runners know medial tibial stress syndrome better by this 2-word name; ice may help
    $1000 30
"Servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius... husband to a murdered wife, & I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next"
    $1000 3
The Kid 'n Play cut called the hi-top this is more gradually blended in length than the military high & tight
    $1000 15
It's hard to believe Lake Lahontan once covered this Nevada desert area seen here in all its stark beauty

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Amy Pam Krys
$1,600 $7,800 $1,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Amy Pam Krys
$3,800 $11,200 $2,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 23
In 2021 she added 4 Grammys to her collection including R&B performance, &, with 28, is now the winningest singer in Grammy history
    $400 24
Beanie Feldstein plays her in "Impeachment: American Crime Story"
    $400 9
Fossils of 13-foot types of these pouched mammals that include wombats & koalas have been found in Australia
    $400 8
Known as the C.S.S. Virginia when it fought the Monitor, the South's first ironclad was built from the captured U.S.S. this
    $400 14
The Roman messenger god Mercury had these special additions on his hat
    $400 19
It describes clothes or a fragrance designed to be worn by both men & women
    $800 21
Wife of actor George, in 2020, this human rights lawyer was honored with the Gwen Ifill Press Freedom Award
    $800 28
Set in Korea, it lasted 3 times as long as the war it depicted
    $800 10
Much of this flavoring comes from Madagascar orchids, but scientists have figured out a way to manufacture it from plastic
    DD: $6,000 7
It was the largest & westernmost of the 11 Confederate states
    $800 13
Strange for a sea god, but Neptune is credited in Roman mythology with creating these land animals used for transport
    $800 1
It's a 7-letter synonym for flummox
    $1200 17
Dominique Crenn of Atelier Crenn & Bar Crenn is the first woman chef in the U.S. to earn 3 of these
    $1200 18
This singer/actress tries to solve "Only Murders in the Building"
    $1200 11
It was shorts weather on January 5, 1974 at Vanda Station on this continent--59 degrees, baby!
    $1200 5
After a 47-day siege, this Mississippi River port fell to Union troops on July 4, 1863
    $1200 25
Vulcan was the Roman god of fire & a divine member of this profession in which fire can play a prominent part
    $1200 2
Despite living in the U.S., Prince Harry & Meghan Markle retain their titles Duke & Duchess of this place
    $1600 4
At the Tokyo Olympics, this American swimmer won 2 golds & 2 silvers, bringing her total to 10 Olympic medals
    $1600 29
This series had Keri Russell finding her way in college
    $1600 12
Scientists made a liquor using apples from the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone; distillation got rid of this property the apples exhibited
    $1600 3
A poem about this prison said, "There's a graveyard near at hand... 12,000 Union men beneath the Georgia sand"
    $1600 26
The Romans worshipped this goddess as a 3-part unity of huntress, moon goddess Luna & Hecate, goddess of the underworld
    DD: $3,000 15
In math, these 2 words are often used interchangeably for the top point of a figure, like a cone
    $2000 22
In 1983 Gloria Naylor won a National Book Award for her first & best known novel, "The Women of" this "Place"
    $2000 30
He hosts "Tha God's Honest Truth"
    $2000 16
The so-called whitest paint has been created to help combat global warming by radiating this "colorful" band of the spectrum
    $2000 6
This Louisianan had ill regard for Jeff Davis for making him a full general after New York-born Samuel Cooper
    $2000 27
Seen here in a 19th century depiction, this Roman goddess of fruit trees & orchards is one of a few without Greek counterparts
    $2000 20
The male of this wild mountain goat of the Eastern Hemisphere can grow horns over 4 feet long

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Amy Pam Krys
$25,000 $16,600 $5,400

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

The organization these International was founded in 1956; they’re Partnerstädte in Germany & villes jumelées in France

Final scores:

Amy Pam Krys
$38,000 $16,300 $8,400
10-day champion: $380,200 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Amy Pam Krys
$19,800 $18,000 $5,400
20 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
24 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
(including 1 DD)
10 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $43,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2021-10-05
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