Show #2726 - Monday, June 10, 1996

Missing third-place prize.


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Rosemary Webb, a retired federal employee from Bryans Road, Maryland

Jack Ramieri, a lawyer from Windsor, Ontario Canada

Bob Hunt, a trade commissioner originally from San Francisco, California (whose 1-day cash winnings total $15,100)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: I will give you the novel, you will identify the author, if you would.)
    $100 11
The name of Ontario may mean "near the water", a reference to these famous falls
    $100 21
It's a pen or enclosure for livestock; the O.K. is the most famous one
    $100 16
Because it began with the new moon, this length of time was named for the moon
    $100 6
During a 1977 blackout, 9 million people in this city & its suburbs were plunged into darkness
    $100 26
Grown for its root, celeriac is a relative of this plant grown for its stalks
    $100 1
    $200 12
The southernmost of the Channel Islands, it's famous for its purebred cattle
    $200 22
Cocinero was another term for the person who had this job; on the trail, he worked out of a wagon
    $200 17
If you're playing in a big one of these, remember it's equal to 3 statute miles
    $200 7
Shawnee Indian chief Tecumseh died while fighting on the side of the British during this 19th c. war
    $200 27
The Bibb type of this vegetable was first cultivated by a man named Jack Bibb in the mid-19th C.
    $200 2
"Sister Carrie"
    $300 13
Ostend, which the Flemish call Oostende, is a fishing port & seaside resort in this country
    $300 23
A greenhorn was an inexperienced newcomer & this similar word referred to a flashy gambler
    $300 18
Gas in the U.S. is sold by the gallon; gas in Canada is sold by this measure
    $300 8
This oil scandal led to the 1923 resignation of Interior Secretary Albert Fall
    $300 28
The "mock" type of this soup is made with a calf's head cooked in water
    $300 3
"This Side of Paradise"
    $400 14
You'll find this city, Nepal's largest, in the foothills of the Himalayas
    $400 24
As a verb it means to mark a trail; as a noun, it's a white mark on a horse's forehead
    $400 19
For diamonds, a point is 1/100 of one of these
    $400 9
FDR's proposal to increase this from 9 to as many as 15 was defeated by the Senate in 1937
    $400 29
When dining from one of these Scandinavian hors d'oeuvre tables, begin with the herring
    $400 4
"The Naked and the Dead"
    $500 15
Guatemala & this neighbor border Mexico on the southeast
    $500 25
From the Spanish for "Let's Go", it means get a move on, pardner
    $500 20
No question about it, this unit of electrical power was named for a great Scot
    DD: $600 10
This cabinet department was created in 1979 with Shirley Hufstedler as its first secretary
    $500 30
Beurre manie is a thickener composed of flour & this substance kneaded together
    $500 5
"Goodbye, Columbus"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Bob Jack Rosemary
$2,400 $200 $100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Bob Jack Rosemary
$4,900 $1,700 $600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 2
France's Gobelins factory began weaving these wall hangings in 1601
    $200 7
The Institute of Arctic Biology is connected with this state university
    $200 12
The 670 extant letters he wrote to his brother Theo reveal his thinking during his short art career
    $200 21
Normally, these occur about once in every 90 births, but fertility drugs can increase the chances
    $200 26
He was called "The Beloved Physician"
    $200 1
In 1995 Deadheads mourned the passing of this singer & guitarist
    $400 3
The word for this hot drink first appeared in English in 1601, though it had only 1 E on the end
    $400 8
This D.C. school named for a president was founded by a group that included a pres.-- James Monroe
    $400 13
In 1987 Romare Bearden was awarded the National Medal of Arts by this U.S. president
    $400 22
Double pneumonia is so named because it affects both of these organs
    $400 27
The book of Acts tells of his shipwreck off Malta while on his way to Rome
    $400 17
Like the character on his sitcom, this comic is compulsively neat
    $600 4
Devereux Tower, part of this British landmark, was named for Robert Devereux, a prisoner there in 1601
    $600 9
Bates College, located in Lewiston in this state, was the 1st coeducational college in New England
    $600 14
While living in Wittenberg, Lucas Cranach the Elder became a friend of this religious reformer
    $600 23
A tonometer, which measures pressure within the eye, is used when testing for this disorder
    $600 28
While being stoned, this first Christian martyr cried, "Lord, lay not this sin to their charge"
    $600 18
Krishna Bhanji is the real name of this Oscar-winning portrayer of "Gandhi"
    $800 5
On Tycho Brahe's death in 1601, Johannes Kepler was named to this post in Rudolf II's court
    $800 10
After the Civil War, the predecessor of the university of this state moved from Ocala to Gainesville
    DD: $1,000 15
The central panel of his "The Garden of Earthly Delights" portrays lust in all its forms
    $800 24
This cancer, of which there are many types, derives its name from the Greek words for "white blood"
    $800 29
King Ahab worked "Wickedness in the sight of the Lord, whom" this wife "stirred up"
    $800 19
He played doomed lawyer Paul Bryan on the TV series "Run for Your Life"
    $1000 6
This "Death Be Not Proud" poet lost his job & was jailed when he secretly wed his boss' niece in 1601
    $1000 11
Auburn University was this state's polytechnic institute from 1899 to 1960
    $1000 16
In the 1950s, along with flags, he painted targets, numerals & letters of the alphabet
    $1000 25
Fluoxetine hydrochloride is the medical name for this leading antidepressant
    DD: $1,000 30
This Babylonian king cast Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego into a fiery furnace
    $1000 20
He wrote several plays with Charles MacArthur, including "The Front Page"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Bob Jack Rosemary
$9,500 $3,900 $9,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1849 Zachary Taylor eulogized her, saying, "She was truly our first lady for a half-century"

Final scores:

Bob Jack Rosemary
$18,100 $3,900 $3,000
2-day champion: $33,200 2nd place: Gateway 2000 personal computer system 3rd place: U-Line Corporation refrigerator

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Bob Jack Rosemary
$10,500 $4,500 $8,800
27 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
16 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W

Combined Coryat: $23,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1996-02-06
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