Show #7550 - Friday, June 9, 2017


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Johanna Andrews, a retired software engineer from Sunnyvale, California

Tucker Dunn, an ESL teacher from Tucson, Arizona

Bala Kumar, a lawyer from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (whose 2-day cash winnings total $42,999)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: And in that category, each correct response will be made up of the letters you can find in the words "my element".)
    $200 20
What can we do with users who can't even plug into their computers this "drive" named for a part of the hand
    $200 1
In 9 A.D. this empire tried to conquer the Germanic tribes but got crushed at the Battle of Teutoburg Forest
    $200 6
Oscar winner Casey Affleck takes care of his nephew in this place "By the Sea"
    $200 16
Pass between the lions and check out this venerable Big Apple readery
    $200 14
Shortly after Ansel Adams' death, a mountain in this national park was named for him
    $200 9
This foe
    $400 23
I had to explain to one worker that this term had nothing to do with catching carp, but was an attempt to scam info from him
    $400 2
In June 1948 the Soviet Union began a rail, road & canal blockade of this city; Allied supplies had to be delivered by air
    $400 7
In 2016 she donned the pillbox hat to play Jackie (Kennedy)
    $400 17
We've gone Old Testament with this guy in the midst of some lions
    $400 27
It's the peak seen here in the spring of 1980
    $400 10
One of these, whether tuna or patty
    $600 24
I told a guy to wait for this moment, a term for when the modems negotiate contact; he gave me his palm in greeting
    $600 3
In the 843 Treaty of Verdun, the Carolingian Empire was split into 3; Louis the German got the land east of this river
    $600 8
Michael Keaton starred as this McDonald's man, the title role in "The Founder"
    $600 18
Here's an 1867 sketch of London and this landmark named for a national hero
    $600 28
At 13,700 feet the highest peak of this range in Wyoming is "Grand", literally
    $600 11
This serve that hits the net before bouncing in
    $800 25
A Packers fan insisted on a laptop with memory in GBs instead of TBs, this measurement
    $800 4
Although inspired by the Reformation, the Peasants' War of 1524-1525 was condemned by this theologian
    $800 15
Squad goals for him included his role of the Joker in "Suicide Squad"
    $800 21
The "Fuente de los Leones" is supported by 12 marble lions at this fortress in Granada, Spain
    DD: $1,400 29
Popular with hikers, this Phoenix landmark is named for its resemblance to a humped mammal kneeling
    $800 12
This strong alkaline solution
    $1000 26
The staff was skittish during the transition to Linux from this O.S. that dates back to 1969 at Bell Labs
    $1000 5
When West Germany & East Germany united in 1990, this West German chancellor was leader of the new/old country
    $1000 19
Ron Howard's documentary on the Beatles' touring years had this song in its title
    $1000 22
This tree that begins & ends with an "A" is a big hit with a group of cats seen here
    $1000 13
This Mideast country

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Bala Tucker Johanna
$2,800 $2,200 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Bala Tucker Johanna
$4,600 $1,800 $5,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Which deals with the song lyrics of famous lyricist Lorenz Hart.)
    $400 1
You can ride down the James River on one of these from an old truck or tractor tire
    $400 13
In January of 2017, he celebrated his 20th anniversary in NBC's Studio 1A
    $400 8
The world's largest flower auction, in Aalsmeer in this country, sells 20 million flowers a day
    $400 3
In the "Iliad" Achilles slays this eldest son of the Trojan king Priam & drags his body behind a chariot
    $400 23
While most frogs have these only on the upper jaw, most toads lack them altogether
    $400 21
This tune says, "She gets too hungry for dinner at eight, she likes the theater & never comes late"
    $800 2
Figuratively, it's a lofty, secluded place of retreat, particularly for intellectuals
    $800 14
Abigail "Dear Abby" Van Buren & this twin sister in the same line of work were born July 4, 1918
    $800 9
The Apsaras on a temple were beings who did this to entertain gods and men; apsara is a traditional type of the art in Cambodia
    $800 4
Trouble ensues in Euripides' tragedy about this enchantress abandoned by her husband for another woman
    $800 24
The Red Hills species of this, Alabama's state amphibian, was discovered in 1960; a second one wasn't found until 1963
    $800 22
Hart must have been channeling Dale Carnegie when he wrote, "Get coy, get shy, that's how to win friends" & do this
    $1200 10
In the film "Double Impact", Jean-Claude Van Damme played these
    $1200 15
Jefferson & Beauregard are the full first & middle names of this man who joined the Cabinet in 2017
    $1200 18
Today it's a place providing cheap food & lodging for traveling youth; in medieval times it was a medical facility
    $1200 5
Around 700 B.C., Hesiod wrote "Works & Days", one of these handbooks for farmers to know when to plant
    $1200 25
Special these in a toad's warts secrete poison that can cause paralysis or death in small animals
    $1200 28
"We'll have Manhattan and" these 2 boroughs "too, it's lovely going through the zoo"
    $1600 11
This term for a position of advantage comes from horse racing
    $1600 16
Nicknamed "The Pickle Dealer", this explorer who lent his name to continents first supplied ships with pickled goods
    $1600 19
Cosimo de Medici built this "U"-shaped art gallery to house Florence's administrative offices
    DD: $2,500 6
Aeschylus "Bound" up this troublesome god in the title of a drama
    $1600 26
Sirens look fishlike with tiny front legs, no back legs & external these for oxygen-CO2 exchange
    $1600 29
Title object being addressed in the lyric "You saw me standing alone without a dream in my heart"
    $2000 12
You can stretch out your back by means of this, basically hanging upside down
    $2000 17
In 1959 Archbishop Makarios was elected the first president of this Mediterranean country
    $2000 20
Stroll the mighty stoneworks of Fort Jesus, built by the Portuguese in the late 16th century in this Kenyan port city
    $2000 7
This playwright wrote 2 tragedies about Oedipus & one about Oedipus' daughter Antigone as well
    DD: $2,100 27
A species of fish with a big round head & a skinny tail is called this "fish", after the young of many amphibians

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Bala Tucker Johanna
$11,800 $12,200 $9,400

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

The brightest star in Scorpius is named this, meaning "rival" of the god equivalent to Mars

Final scores:

Bala Tucker Johanna
$11,388 $23,601 $6,900
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $23,601 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Bala Tucker Johanna
$13,000 $12,200 $8,800
18 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
17 R,
2 W
15 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $34,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: Unknown
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