Show #678 - Wednesday, July 15, 1987


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Lennie Magida, a journalist from Baltimore, Maryland

Michael Klaper, a physician from Umatilla, Florida

Dale Schweinsberg, a U.S. Army officer from Rome, New York (whose 2-day cash winnings total $24,600)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 17
Its 1st broadcast showed the thrill of victory & the agony of defeat at the Drake & Penn relays
    $100 16
Memphis' foremost tourist attraction is this home of Elvis Presley
    $100 7
Ralph Emerson's middle name
    $100 4
Some of these large reptiles inhabit a lake on campus at the University of Southwestern Louisiana
    $100 8
As pups get older, a bitch will nurse them in this position, not lying down
    $100 1
3 "cheers" for this actress who played waitress Diane Chambers
    $200 18
These were 1st telecast, via closed circuit, in Berlin in 1936
    $200 24
Famed entertainer associated with both the Memphis Golf Classic & St. Jude's Children Hosp.
    $200 9
James Cooper's
    $200 13
A legend at Wellesley is that winner of the annual spring hoop-rolling contest will be 1st to do this
    $200 23
This 19th c. queen helped popularize the Skye terrier, dachshund, collie & Pekingese
    $200 2
While playing Mary Stone on The Donna Reed Show, she had a #1 hit with "Johnny Angel"
    DD: $400 20
2 of the 3 original announcers on "Monday Night Football"
    $300 28
The Commercial Appeal is now Memphis' only daily one
    $300 10
William Thackeray's middle name
    $300 14
Teams at the University of Pennsylvania appropriately sport this "religious" nickname
    $300 25
Tenacious breed of Buster Brown's talking dog "Tige"
    $300 3
The TV boss she worked for & perfume she represented were both named Charlie
    $400 21
On NBC's 1st Monday Night Baseball game of 1974 this Atlanta outfielder broke a 34-year-old record
    $400 11
T.S. Eliot's middle name
    $400 15
"Champaign" school which claims largest state U. library, ranking 5th among all U.S. libraries
    $400 27
Of hounds terriers, or spaniels, one that isn't a major AKC category
    $400 5
He said, "I'm not a sick comedian; I'm a healthy actor"
    $500 22
When "The Gilette Cavalcade of Sports" was on the air, this was the only sport they telecast live
    $500 12
Erich Remarque's middle name
    $500 19
In the early '80s at Triton College, some classes in this technical subject ran from 11 p.m. until 4 a.m.
    $500 26
Breed that got its name from the dogs' playful habit of striking out with their forelegs
    $500 6
When Clark Gable came to pick her up, she thinks her mother may have said, "Don't be careful"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Dale Michael Lennie
$1,500 $600 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Dale Michael Lennie
$1,900 $2,000 $2,700

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 19
Some political observers think this last emperor of Ethiopia was murdered
    $200 18
"Anatomical" card game where it's tough to "shoot the moon"
    $200 9
Newport is the largest city on this island for which the state is named
    $200 4
In 1973, Poland celebrated the 500th anniversary of the birth of this astronomer
    $200 1
Country whose people own about 35% of the world's cars
    $200 2
Shakespearean king who thought Cordelia's love wasn't real
    $400 26
In 1944, Hitler asked, "Brennt Paris", German for this famous question
    $400 20
Card game for children, or what a woman might do if John gets fresh
    $400 10
In 1975, New York City's borough of Richmond was officially renamed this
    DD: $800 5
The 2 planets mentioned in the following song:
    $400 14
A 1962 ad for this car showed a little picture of it with the slogan "Think Small"
    $400 3
Container of Amontillado Poe might carry in a sack
    $600 28
This ex-dancer was vice president of Argentina when Juan Peron died
    $600 24
In baccarat, it's the term for the box from which cards are dealt
    $600 11
This eastern Mediterranean island country is considered part of the Middle East
    $600 6
The constellation Auriga, the charioteer, contains 1 of the horntips of this constellation
    $600 21
This World War I ace was a noted race driver & owned his own car company
    $600 15
To stick a toupee to his pate, a bald man might use this
    DD: $2,900 29
John T. Ford was imprisoned for over a month in 1865 because he owned this
    $800 25
Developed in 18th century, this forerunner of bridge had a forerunner itself, called "triumph"
    $800 12
This largest of Japan's four main islands is sometimes referred to as "The Mainland"
    $800 7
The 2 planets in our solar system whose orbits cross
    $800 22
In 1963, this U.S. auto maker experimented with a turbine car with no radiator & 1 spark plug
    $800 16
If you know where to look, you can find this brand of cigarettes
    $1000 27
According to Hoyle, cards must be shuffled at least this many times before playing poker
    $1000 13
This island was a separate British dominion that did not join Canada until 1949
    $1000 8
Unlike Halley's, it'll take another 75,000 years for this comet, 1st seen in 1973, to return
    $1000 23
Chosen again for 1987, this model was Motor Trend's car of the year for 1958
    $1000 17
It's what a girl gets on her face when she gets a diamond ring on her finger

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Dale Michael Lennie
$8,800 $6,000 $5,700

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

In Greek mythology, Zeus turned King Lycaon & his entire family into these animals

Final scores:

Dale Michael Lennie
$5,600 $5,750 $0
2nd place: a cruise to the Caribbean on Costa Rivera New champion: $5,750 3rd place: Roper range

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Dale Michael Lennie
$6,700 $5,600 $5,600
19 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
16 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
18 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $17,900

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1987-03-10
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