Show #679 - Thursday, July 16, 1987


[<< previous game]

Amy Goldrich, an administrative assistant from Los Angeles, California

Eileen Dreyer, a housewife from Brooklyn, New York

Michael Klaper, a physician from Umatilla, Florida (whose 1-day cash winnings total $5,750)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 3
Since the end of WWII, this Iberian country has deforested some 5 million acres
    $100 1
It's believed white pelicans are the only birds that fly in a straight line & move these in unison
    $100 18
Unlike in tennis, players in table tennis tournaments should not wear clothing this color
    $100 10
Of a house of mud, sticks, or bricks, the 1 you won't find in "The 3 Little Pigs"
    $100 26
1 of 2 honor cards that are not face cards
    $100 12
Divorce after which couple continue living together, it's named for an Aborigine's weapon
    $200 4
Overall in the U.S., about 150,000 per year or 87% of these, are caused by human activities
    $200 2
Eradicating this African fly will save thousands of cattle but threaten Africa's wildlife balance
    $200 19
The department stores in this country are sari-looking sights
    $200 11
The moral of this fable: people who tell lies won't be believed, even when they tell the truth
    $200 27
If you bid 6 & make 12 tricks, you have made this, even though it's only a small one
    $200 14
Hip hop includes rapping, bombing--or spray graffiti--& this type of street dancing
    $300 6
Excluding Antarctica, it's the only continent not to have a tropical rain forest
    $300 5
On sea lions, these sense organs are external, while on true seals, they're indented
    $300 20
Of teddies, mules or puppies, the one you wouldn't buy in a lingerie department
    DD: $300 16
German town in which you will find this monument to a tale by the Brothers Grimm:
    $300 15
Street term for smokable cocaine, it describes what it can do to your wallet & your brain
    $400 9
1 of 2 Bette Davis movies with the word "Forest" in the title
    $400 7
Proper answer if someone asked you, "What's a gnu, pardon my asking, what's a gnu?"
    $400 21
This 1958 hit named for a clothing fad later became basis for Nair TV commercial
    $400 17
Hans C. Andersen tale of a girl who freezes to death in an alley while dreaming of her grannie
    $400 24
It's a set of rules by a company's board of directors to ward off unwanted mergers, not "Jaws"
    $500 13
Only English forest not belonging to the crown is 1 owned by this noble family of open-sweater fame
    $500 8
Since he gets a "buzz" from the stuff, the sloth bear is often called this
    $500 23
Youth-oriented fashion designer, her "Basic Betsey" design is a clinging t-shirt dress
    $500 22
In an Old Norse version of this folk tale, it's a pancake that rolls, not runs, away
    $500 25
MIPS is a computer term meaning "millions of" these "per second"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Michael Eileen Amy
$800 $0 -$100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Michael Eileen Amy
$800 $1,500 $1,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 26
Though Iceland has never fought a real war, it's "Cod Wars" with Britain were over these rights
    $200 1
A recent study found that a woman can have an easier menopause if she engages in this regularly
    $200 3
In a song in 4/4/ time, the number of beats a whole note gets
    $200 13
Tegucigalpa, capital of Honduras, is 1 of few world capitals not connected to one of these
    $200 21
Though women in the Air Force get same pay & benefits as men, they man not be assigned to this
    $200 6
Charley, Dennis & Sigourney, for example
    $400 27
Icelanders boast that they publish more of these per capita than any other nation
    $400 2
Research shows that most heart attacks occur in the 1st 15 minutes after doing this in the morning
    $400 4
In songs written in ABABCB form, letter which refers to the chorus
    $400 14
This medieval invention "pointed" the way for ships to sail on open seas rather than just near coast
    $400 22
It's the largest arm of the U.S. Army, though most of their fighting is done on foot
    $400 7
His bizarre rock act featured a boa constrictor & ended with his onstage "decapitation"
    $600 5
Evidence is mounting that either doing this or experiencing it 2nd-hand raises risk of cancer
    $600 16
From Greek for "love" & "harmony", it's a name often used for musical societies & orchestras
    $600 15
Make of car in which Burt Reynolds left "Smokey" in the smoke in "Smokey & the Bandit"
    $600 23
A sleeveless dress worn over a blouse, or the traditional uniform worn only by enlisted sailors
    $600 8
The title of his early '60s TV series wasn't accurate...he didn't sing, just waved his arms
    $800 11
Protein A-68 found in brain may lead to early diagnosis of this disease of the elderly
    $800 17
The dynamic mark "ppp" indicates a piece should be played specifically this way
    DD: $500 19
2 of 3 modes of transportation that made up the title of a 1966 Dionne Warwick hit
    $800 24
In January '87, Prince Edward announced his decision to resign his commission from this
    DD: $900 9
She's the only original cast member on "Dallas" whose name fits this category
    $1000 12
If you receive blood during a transfusion from an autologous donor, you're receiving blood from this person
    $1000 18
These are the two sharps in the key of D major--for certain
    $1000 20
From front to back, this water transport both looks & is spelled the same
    $1000 25
In 1950, the tide of Korean War was turned in favor of Allies when U.S. Marines made amphibious landing here
    $1000 10
In 1909, his North Pole discovery claims were discredited & in 1923, he was jailed for mail fraud

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Michael Eileen Amy
$7,200 $3,100 $2,000
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

19th century novel whose alternate title is "Life Among the Lowly"

Final scores:

Michael Eileen Amy
$6,225 $0 $0
2-day champion: $11,975 2nd place: trip on PSA to San Francisco & stay at Travelodge at the Wharf 3rd place: Symphonic VHS HQ video cassette recorder

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Michael Eileen Amy
$8,400 $3,100 $2,000
22 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)
10 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
8 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $13,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1987-03-10
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