Show #879 - Thursday, June 2, 1988


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Todd Hueta, a student from Sunnyvale, California

Lauri Donahue, a lawyer from San Francisco, California

Jack Koenig, an actor and househusband from New York City, New York (whose 2-day cash winnings total $15,399)

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Jeopardy! Round

'60s SONGS
    $100 15
Marcus Opellius Macrinus was the 1st emperor of this who was not a senator first
    $100 30
There are Midway Airports in Idaho, Indiana, Mississippi & New Mexico, as well as in this major city
    $100 13
We won't spell it out for you, but this was Aretha Franklin's 1st #1 hit on the pop charts
    $100 16
Indian women reportedly used this bird's fat on their faces before the bird became our national symbol
    $100 21
This scientific theory says the elements were created in 1st few minutes of the universe's creation
    $100 1
"Frank steals a rare Colt .45 & lets Radar take the rap"
    $200 14
Conquistadores founded this city on the site of the Aztec cities Tenochtitlan & Tlatelolco
    $200 29
Though the planes land on paved runways, Lexington Kentucky's airport is named for this grass
    $200 17
Single word in common in the titles of the 3 Top 40 hits Jackie DeShannon had during the 1960s
    $200 5
This Arizona Republican reportedly said, "Peanut butter is a darn good shaving cream"
    $200 22
Discovered in 1789 & given atomic number 92, it was named after the planet discovered in 1781
    $200 6
"Surrounded by police, a desperate Kimble seeks sanctuary in a home for the blind"
    $300 9
His 1971 trip to Europe marked the 1st time a reigning emperor had ever left Japan
    $300 20
Though he was court-martialed, Milwaukee's airport is named for this general & advocate of U.S. air power
    $300 18
In July 1963, they hit #1 with "Surf City" a year before the Beach Boys had their 1st #1 hit
    $300 2
In "Caesar & Cleopatra", Cleopatra tells the aging Caesar to rub rum on his head to make this happen
    $300 23
The gas neon is obtained from distilling a liquid form of this common substance
    $300 7
"Scheduled: Stupid Pet Tricks"
    $400 10
This Mormon leader announced he would run for president of U.S. in 1844, the same year he was killed
    $400 26
Home field of the president's plane, Air Force One
    $400 19
According to the title, it's where the Dixie Cups were going to get married
    $400 3
Some 19th century women used "eau de veau", made from a boiled foot of this animal on their skin
    $400 24
On this famous chart, the vertical columns are groups & the horizontal rows, periods
    $400 8
"Jack's broken leg upsets Janet's plan for a cozy evening at home with a date"
    $500 11
Captain Kidd used to hang out in the Indian Ocean on this 4th largest island in the world
    $500 28
The airport formerly called Friendship Int'l is now named for these 2 cities which it serves
    $500 27
Song that begins "It's knowing that your door is always open & your path is free to walk"
    $500 4
"Book of Royal Lists" says King George IV had himself bled for this beautifying reason
    DD: $1,000 25
Though chemists call it a noble gas, the EPA calls it the #1 U.S. radiation health risk
    $500 12
"Tootie's learning to drive-- & she's driving everyone bananas"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Jack Lauri Todd
$500 $2,200 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jack Lauri Todd
$1,600 $4,200 $1,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Aptly coming right behind DEMOCRATS.)
    $200 1
In New Hampshire, neither sales nor individual salaries are subject to this, by the state
    $200 4
Daniel Defoe claimed this novel was an allegory of his own life
    $200 23
Acidic soils can be made more alkaline by adding, perhaps a "twist" of this calcium compound
    $200 10
This student of Socrates & author of "Apology" wasn't present at his teacher's death
    $200 6
This former Ark. senator famed for scholarships once helped the Justice Dept. in the Schechter Chicken case
    $200 7
You can fight back "like for like", "measure for measure", or "tit for..." this
    $400 8
More than 1/3 of the people of this, New Hampshire's largest city, are of French-Canadian descent
    $400 3
He didn't publicly admit he'd written "Ivanhoe" until 8 years after it was published
    $400 25
Of temperature, sun, or rain, the one which most determines which plants naturally grow where
    $400 20
He's quoted as saying "I am a citizen..." of this
    $400 11
Washington senator Henry Jackson's nickname, it was taken from a comic strip character
    $400 12
Starts the kiddy rebuke which ends, "Everything you say bounces off me & sticks to you"
    DD: $700 19
The Connecticut River separates New Hampshire from this state
    $600 2
In "A Tale of Two Cities", Madame Defarge "needled" the victims of the revolution by doing this
    DD: $1,000 26
Either the "virtuous" or "pecuniary" name by which this lunaria plant is known:
    $600 21
It was Socrates' home town, no matter where he said he was a citizen of
    $600 15
During the Roaring '20s, he was known as "Beau James" & New York's "Playboy Mayor"
    $600 13
You might give the object of your vengeance "A dose of" this
    $800 5
Though "Silas Marner" was her most popular work, "Middlemarch" was her masterpiece
    $800 27
It's a blanket statement, we'd say ice plant, Aaron's beard & carpet bugle are all good plants for this
    $800 22
    $800 16
Minn. governor Orville Freeman nominated JFK for president, then served him as secretary of this
    $800 14
Revenge of this sort sounds like feeding someone only pies, pudding & ice cream
    $1000 9
Not published till after his death, the "End of the Chapter" trilogy ended this author's "Forsyte Saga"
    $1000 28
"Basic Gardening" says to do this between 3 & 5 P.M. when food supply in leaves & petals is most abundant
    $1000 24
He served as a hoplite, or infantryman, during this war
    $1000 17
Tip O'Neill followed this Oklahoma congressman as Speaker of the House
    $1000 18
Latin for "something for something", it's how you might equally give back what you got

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jack Lauri Todd
$4,100 $7,400 $2,400

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1971, it became the only country to be officially expelled from the United Nations

Final scores:

Jack Lauri Todd
$8,200 $5,400 $4,000
3-day champion: $23,599 2nd place: Keller bedroom furniture 3rd place: Maytag washer & dryer

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Jack Lauri Todd
$4,000 $7,900 $2,400
13 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
19 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
(including 1 DD)
12 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $14,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1988-03-07
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