This tiny country's opera house is inside its famous casino |
Ancient Druids believed this shrub could cure sterility; maybe that's why we kiss under it |
Kidnapped & held for a $10 million ransom in 1983, Alfred Heineken heads a company famous for this |
In English, Molière's play "Le malade imaginaire" is known as this |
The Imaginary Invalid
The eggs of the sea spider are carried on these appendages of the male |
his legs
The only "60 Minutes" star who's dated Warren Beatty & Henry Kissinger, as far as we know |
Diane Sawyer
Schönbrunn Castle, once home to the Hapsburgs, has been called this city's Versailles |
Legend says one of these creatures nursed Romulus & Remus, who later founded Rome |
a wolf
Due to increased cosmetic sales to Latinos, this firm is "calling" for more Spanish-speaking sales reps |
This play about FDR opens in the living room of his Canadian home |
(Peggi: What is Franklin and Eleanor?)
Sunrise at Campobello
The more common term for a crustacean's exoskeleton |
the shell
Silent screen star Pola Negri collapsed at the 1926 funeral of this sex symbol who had been her lover |
Rudolph Valentino
Zealand is the largest & most populous island in this Scandinavian country |
William Tell used this type of bow & arrow to shoot the apple of his son's head |
In 1988, this co. increased licensing fees fivefold for rivals wishing to make compatible components |
This musical has characters named Stewpot, Luther Billis, Liat & Ensign Lisa Minelli |
South Pacific
The Komodo dragon is the largest member of this sub-order of reptiles |
Howard Hughes reportedly asked Joan Fontaine to marry him after this sister turned him down |
Olivia de Havilland
Every 5 years the Chopin International Piano Competition takes place in this city |
Featured in "The Arabian Nights", a Roc is this type of legendary creature |
a bird
In April 1988 a court struck down the Kennedy-Hollings Amendment, directed at this media magnate |
Rupert Murdoch
In the play named for her, this daughter & half-sister of Oedipus is condemned to be buried alive |
(Charlie: Who is Electra?)
His discovery of the basic laws of genetics went unnoticed for 34 years |
Gregor Mendel
In 1978 this heiress stunned the world by marrying Russian Sergei Kauzov & moving to Moscow |
(Charlie: Who is Lee Radziwill?)
Christina Onassis
In 1917, 3 children reported seeing a vision of the Virgin Mary near Fátima in this country |
Sometimes identified with the devil, this character tempted Faust |
It's the largest privately-held company in Italy |
George M. Cohan starred in this playwright's only comedy, "Ah, Wilderness!" |
With names often ending in "ase", these catalysts can speed up chemical reactions millions of times |
Not all blind dates are bad‑‑after all, that's how Liz Taylor met husband No. 6, this ex-Navy Sec'y |
Senator John Warner