This pioneer of the birth control movement was forced into marriage by her 1st husband William Sanger |
Margaret Sanger
It's said Edson Arantes do Nascimento got this nickname from pelada, a street form of Brazilian soccer |
By tradition, married Amish men have these on their faces |
a beard
Newsman who started going "On the Road" in 1967 |
Charles Kuralt
The initials in this early blues composer's name stood for William Christopher |
W.C. Handy
Oddly, it was in 1865 in Philadelphia that he began making the western hats that bear his name |
(Alex: That's right and we've got less than a minute to go).
Aptly, this company famous for its oversized tennis racquets is headquartered in Princeton, N.J. |
Of a cathedral, cemetery or city hall, the place where Ronald Reagan married Jane Wyman |
(Michael: What is city hall?) (Alex: That's right. Yes. The Wee Kirk o' the Heather at the Forrest Lawn Cemetery.)
a cemetery
In the mid-60s, research showed more adults recognized this pair than Cary Grant or the Beatles |
Huntley and Brinkley
Ralph Vaughn Williams studied in Paris under this composer of "Bolero" |
(Maurice) Ravel
After a wealthy "Commodore" gave money to Tennessee's Central U., it changed it's name to this |
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
At the 1984 Winter Olympics, Bill Johnson became 1st U.S. gold medalist in this fast event |
(Paul: What is speed skating?) (Naomi: What is bobsledding?)
the downhill (in skiing)
Romans thought a nerve lead directly from the wedding ring finger to this organ |
the heart
Correspondent on "60 Minutes" who gained early prominence on TV as a quiz show host |
Mike Wallace
His opera "Trouble In Tahiti" is performed somewhat less often than his "West Side Story" |
Leonard Bernstein
After his death, an Army medical center was named for this curator of the U.S. Army's medical museum |
Walter Reed
In rodeo, a standard ride in bronco busting lasts this many seconds |
(Michael: What is seven?) ... (Alex: Usually, it's [*], but it can run from [*] to [***]. [*], [**] or [***].)
8, 9 or 10
Singer heard here, he's a bona fide minister who performs wedding ceremonies:
"Wop bop a loo bop a lop bom bom! / Tutti frutti, oh rutti / Tutti frutti, oh rutti / Tutti frutti, oh rutti / Tutti frutti, oh rutti / Tutti frutti, oh rutti / Wop bop a loo bop a lop ba ba!..." |
(Naomi: Who is James Brown?) … [The song gets reprised going into the break.]
Little Richard
Broadcast journalist whose closing line was "Good night... & good luck" |
Edward R. Murrow
He wrote the hymn "Onward! Christian Soldiers" as well as the music for "H.M.S. Pinafore" |
(Sir Arthur) Sullivan
In 1781, Richmond, Va. was burned & pillaged by British troops led by this Conn. Yankee |
Benedict Arnold
As of October 1987, she had won 91% of all her singles matches, more than any other current pro |
(Michael: Who is Martina Navratilova?)
Chris Evert-Lloyd
William Shakespeare was only 18 when he married this woman, who was 26 |
Anne Hathaway
When "World News Tonight" adopted a 3-anchor format in 1978, he headed the foreign desk from London |
Peter Jennings
One of Bela Bartok's more famous operas is set at the castle of this notorious wife killer |