Show #882 - Tuesday, June 7, 1988

Michael Rankins game 3.


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Steve Silva, an aviation student from San Diego, California

Bill Henner, a commodities trader from Chicago, Illinois

Michael Rankins, a customer service represenative from Rohnert Park, California (whose 2-day cash winnings total $22,999)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 21
Though this Phrygian slave may have been phictional, he's still phamous for his phables
    $100 22
"Low Bridge, Everybody Down" is subtitled "15 Years on" this "Canal"
    $100 14
Tulip-shaped glasses are good for champagne since the elongated shape preserves the life of these
    $100 1
Will was named after this founder of Pennsylvania
    $100 8
This sign of the zodiac is not the disease but the crustacean
    $100 3
This verb can refer to driving, flying or sailing
    $200 23
Appropriately, his sister-in-law built him a study that was inspired by a riverboat's pilothouse
    $200 24
According to a folk song, "He lives with his 5 & 40 wives in the city of the Great Salt Lake"
    $200 17
Putting the liquor away, emptying ashtrays or openly stifling a yawn are 3 ways to encourage this
    $200 2
Rogers said all he knew was what he read there
    $200 9
Copper is a common antifouling agent used to keep these from growing on ship hulls
    $200 4
A military expedition of the 11th, 12th or 13th century
    $300 28
Surname shared by authors Robert, Maxwell & Sherwood
    DD: $600 25
Heard here, "The Cowboy's Dream" is sung to the tune of this other traditional song:
    $300 18
Of 3, 5 or 7, the maximum number of courses Emily Post says should be served at one meal
    $300 12
During his lectures, Will often performed tricks with 1 of these
    $300 10
Popular in the South, over 100 mil. lbs. of these freshwater cousins of lobsters are raised in the U.S.
    $300 5
From the Dutch meaning "to curl", it's a fried, twisted cake
    $400 29
Novelist who conceived his play "Prisoners" while imprisoned in the gulag in the 1950s
    $400 26
"Ballad" is derived from the Late Latin "ballare", meaning to do this
    $400 20
Nuts or shellfish in food should never be discussed for this health reason
    $400 15
Will's birthday, November 4, is a holiday in this state
    $400 11
Crustaceans range in size from copepods of .008 inches to the 12 foot Japanese variety of this
    $400 6
The dastardly Disney dame who wanted to do away with the "101 Dalmatians"
    $500 30
He won a Pulitzer Prize 4 years before he became president
    $500 27
At the end of this song, Betsy calls her lover Ike a "big lummox" & they get divorced
    $500 19
Since red wines produce this, the bottle should stand upright for one day before opening
    $500 16
He explained his political leanings saying, "I belong to no organized political party -- I am" this
    $500 13
Shrimp belong to the order "Decapoda", meaning this
    $500 7
A small glass bottle for holding oil, vinegar, water or wine

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Michael Bill Steve
$1,700 $1,500 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Michael Bill Steve
$2,000 $3,200 $3,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

'70s TV
    $200 4
Geographically, Bull Run, for which 2 major battles were named, was this
    $200 10
The streets of this city were the beat of police detective lieutenant Mike Stone
    $200 13
If the U.S. had not bought the land from this country, Tucson would still belong to it
    $200 19
Some thermometers use a bimetallic strip in place of this
    $200 24
The largest crew NASA has sent into space on one of these craft isn't 7, as we said, but 8
    $400 5
The Gettysburg Address ends "Gov't of the people, by the people, for the people shall not" do this
    $400 6
This sitcom spin-off of "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" lasted only 4 1/2 seasons to Mary's 7
    DD: $1,000 14
The Bitterroot Mountain range forms the irregular boundary between Idaho & this state
    $400 20
When an airplane is in normal flight, air pressure is higher on this surface of a wing
    $400 25
Mayor Joseph Steineger, Jr. "corrected" us after we called this city a suburb of Kansas City, Missouri
    DD: $1,200 7
When Union general John C. Fremont freed Missouri slaves in 1861, Lincoln did this
    $600 11
This term, which originally denoted the leader of 10 men, now refers to a high-ranking college official
    $600 3
Character who introduced the exclamation "Shazbot!" into our language
    $600 16
Country in which there's a city named for Manuel Luis Quezon
    $600 21
Probably the most familiar farm machine, it can act as both a power unit & a pulling device
    $800 8
This future 2-time president paid a substitute to take his place in the army
    $800 12
Founded in 1801, this state U. located at Columbia, was 1st to get annual state appropriations
    $800 2
The 1979 sequel to this 1977 miniseries was subtitled "The Next Generations"
    $800 17
European river with the shortest name, though the river itself is the longest in Italy
    $800 22
While modern computers are usually digital, earlier electronic ones were of this type
    $800 27
We erred in saying this coach led the Dolphins & Colts to 7 Super Bowls, but his 6 times is still the record
    $1000 9
Northern newspapers gave this Union general the nickname "Fighting Joe"
    $1000 15
While a Lit.D. is doctor of literature, this degree is abbreviated Litt.D.
    $1000 1
Played by Robert Conrad in a 1970s series, he died in 1988 & is buried in Arlington Nat'l Cemetery
    $1000 18
The 1493 line of demarcation drawn by Pope Alexander VI was to stop land fights between these countries
    $1000 23
A "Lucifer" was an early type of this made by Samuel Jones of London in the early 19th century
    $1000 26
We said it was Linda Gray's leg on "The Graduate" poster, but Mel Brooks called & said it was this star's

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Michael Bill Steve
$11,200 $4,800 $4,600
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

"Nature needs but 5, custom gives thee 7, laziness takes 9, & wickedness 11" refers to this

Final scores:

Michael Bill Steve
$10,200 $350 $100
3-day champion: $33,199 2nd place: Yamaha PSR-90 portable keyboard & Maxima stereo system 3rd place: Kosta Boda crystal stemware

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Michael Bill Steve
$10,600 $4,800 $5,500
24 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
14 R,
0 W
15 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $20,900

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1988-03-08
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