This TV variety show host was also a gossip columnist for the N.Y. Daily News from 1932 to 1974 |
Ed Sullivan
In area this city-state is the largest port in southeast Asia |
Written in 3 weeks in 1886, "A Study in Scarlet" introduced this character who was later killed off but returned |
(Will: Who is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle?)
Sherlock Holmes
His 5 Sun singles were released in a 13-month period, the last being "Mystery Train" in August 1955 |
(Alex: Most famous recording artist for Sun Records? [*].)
Elvis Presley
In 399 B.C. this philosopher was convicted by a jury vote of 280-221 of corrupting the youth |
The prefix geo- is from the Greek for this |
(Maggie: What is--No. Stone?)
He won three terms as New York City mayor |
Ed Koch
The highest peak of this mountainous land is 9,600-foot Coma Pedrosa near the frontier with Catalonia |
Jack Kerouac claimed he banged out the first draft of this novel in 3 weeks in April 1951 |
On the Road
"Whole lotta" this in Jerry Lee Lewis' Sun release that was the first song played on the national "American Bandstand" |
Shakin' Goin' On
Infantrymen carried a 3'-diameter one of these made of wood or stiff leather faced with bronze |
If you're a baseball exec, don't do this, negotiate with a player who's under contract to another team |
I admit it all! Descended from Alfred the Great, this Anglo-Saxon was crowned king in 1042! |
(Alex: He admitted it because he is [*].)
Edward the Confessor
The strategic importance of this country, located 60 miles south of Sicily, has guaranteed it a turbulent history |
(Will: What is Sardinia?) (Todd: What is Corsica?)
You do not talk about how Chuck Palahniuk drafted his first novel in 3 months |
Fight Club
The first artist to release an album with Sun Records; his 1957 release included "Cry, Cry, Cry" & "Folsom Prison Blues" |
[End-of-round signal sounds.]
Johnny Cash
In the 350s B.C. Demosthenes started warning Greeks about aggression by this Macedonian dad |
(Maggie: Who is... I have no idea.) (Alex: Well, it's the father of Alexander the Great, and his name was King [*] II of Macedon, Macedonia.)
Seraglio is another word for this group of women |
(Will: Who are the Valkyries?)
Works by this Pulitzer prize-winning playwright include "Three Tall Women" & "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" |
Edward Albee
The more than 1,200 "islands" of this Pacific nation only add up to about 70 square miles |
(Todd: What is Micronesia?) (What is the Philippines?)
the Marshall Islands
As William Faulkner sat writing, it took him six weeks to come up with this 1930 classic |
As I Lay Dying
The thirty tyrants was a Sparta-imposed oligarchy that ruled Athens for a year after this war ended in 404 B.C. |
Peloponnesian War
A type of high-ranking angel |
(Todd: What is arch?)
"Silent Theater" is a book of art by this American painter |
Edward Hopper
The Al-Khalifah royal family reigns in this island nation |
Not knowing when to hold 'em or when to fold 'em, a big-in-debt Dostoevsky began & ended this novel in October 1866 |
The Gambler
The group will shun you if you don't know this punishment, banishment without losing property |
These 2 units measure electrical current & electrical resistance |
amp & ohm