Its 2-note call gave it its name & inspired a type of clock |
the cuckoo
...natural is this, commonly found before "intelligence" |
A Jersey boy: "Prove It All Night", "Born In The U.S.A.", "Glory Days" |
Bruce Springsteen
Coleridge called it "the best words in their best order" & wrote some of it that's pretty good |
The smell of these cannot be copyrighted in some countries, but 2004's Lancome V. Kecofa proved it can in Holland |
Cheers! A highlight during this first year of FDR's tenure as president was the repeal of Prohibition |
The northern species of this North American bird is known for red plumage, a crest & whistling year-round |
a cardinal
...permanent is this, from the Latin for "time" |
An American idol: "Breakaway", "Since U Been Gone", "Mr. Know It All" |
Kelly Clarkson
In Mark Twain's writings, you'll find this religious word defined as "believing what you know ain't so" |
Nirvana sang "Smells Like" this brand of deodorant |
Teen Spirit
From 1935 to 1962, 6 days a week, this member of the clan wrote the newspaper column "My Day" |
...wisdom is this, like "Seward's" |
A Latin heartthrob: "Bailamos", "Hero", "I Like It" |
Enrique Iglesias
"We are young, heartache to heartache we stand, no promises, no demands," it "is a battlefield" |
Chemically H2S, this colorless gas is responsible for the foul odor of rotten eggs |
(Deborah: What is sulfur?)
hydrogen sulfide
TR was the first president to leave the U.S. while in office, traveling to this Central American country in 1906 |
[Alex reads "TR" as "Teddy Roosevelt".]
One story has it that this duck got its name from being shipped in sacks with labels asking that the sack be returned |
(Larry: No idea.)
a canvasback
...secretive is this, also a ballpark food |
A motocross wife: "Raise Your Glass", "Blow Me (One Last Kiss)", "Get The Party Started" |
Christopher Morley said this, which some people "dress for", is "to be able to spend your life in your own way" |
(Alex: Right again, with a minute to go.)
The scents of these chemicals made by insects & vertebrates can be used to mark territory & attract mates |
Archibald Roosevelt served as a section head in this government radio entity from 1949 to 1951 |
the Voice of America
The catbird has a meow-like song; this bird hangs around cattle to feed on insects they stir up |
a cowbird
...new is this 10-letter ordinal term often used of clothes or furniture |
In the '70s: "Ain't No Sunshine", "Lean On Me", "Use Me" |
Bill Withers
St. Anselm said this "is that, the greater than which cannot be conceived" |
(John: What is perfection?) (Deborah: What is the best?)
As governor of Calif., he described a hippie as: "dresses like Tarzan, has hair like Jane & smells like Cheetah" |
Ronald Reagan
With her father Theodore's sudden elevation to the presidency in 1901, she became an instant celebrity |