Show #6391 - Monday, June 4, 2012


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Rachel Donegan, a graduate student in English literature from Mount Juliet, Tennessee

Terry Kent, a real estate attorney originally from Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Claudia Gray, a substitute teacher from Monrovia, California (whose 1-day cash winnings total $8,000)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Each correct response will be a shorter word that can be made from the letters in "trouble".)
(Alex: We want you to name the artist for us as we deal with...)
    $200 20
A part in a film or play
    $200 6
The Laramie Mountains are part of this larger system
    $200 17
This word for a small package precedes "post" in a subclass of standard mail
    $200 1
A huge upset as he "prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone"; I can't believe what I just saw!
    $200 8
"Touching You, Touching Me" (1969) &
"Hot August Night" (1972)
    $200 15
"An Eye for an Eye" is a book by this Scopes Trial lawyer
    $400 23
A fleshy ear bit
    $400 7
The 560-mile long Elburz Mountains of northern Iran border this large body of water
    $400 18
Seen here in 1985 in Paris is the unusual packaging technique used by him & his wife Jeanne-Claude
    $400 2
He "stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind"; what a play!
    $400 9
"Murder Was the Case" (1994) &
"The Doggfather" (1996)
    $400 30
When this Victorian novelist was 12, his father went to debtors' prison
    $600 26
The body of facts & beliefs about a particular subject
    $600 13
The Changbai Mountains form part of the border between North Korea & this nation
    $600 19
In a 1939 radio broadcast Winston Churchill described this nation as "a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma"
    $600 3
His "wisdom excelled... the wisdom of Egypt", which is why he's been coach of the year so many times
    $600 10
"8701" (2001) &
"Raymond v Raymond" (2010)
    $600 29
In 1947 this fashion designer introduced his "New Look"
    $800 27
An engine supercharger
    DD: $1,000 14
The Rhodope Mountains are one of the most rugged parts of this peninsula
    $800 21
Jin Le designed a bottle shaped like & named for this type of free weight; fill it with your sports drink & lift or sip away
    $800 4
It's not the 1924 Notre Dame backfield, this is the real McCoy from Revelation 6, & that means the game is truly over
    $800 11
"Diamond Dogs" (1974) &
"Let's Dance" (1983)
    $800 28
After 30 years as a U.S. senator from Connecticut, he now heads the Motion Picture Association of America
    $1000 24
A swollen underground plant stem
    $1000 16
A range of the Leinster chain, the Wicklow Mountains of this country rise to smoothly rounded peaks like Lugnaquilla
    $1000 22
The first company to package this household product was A. & F. Pears in 18th century England
    $1000 5
What an amazing comeback! John 11 reported he "hath been dead 4 days", but now he's up & going back onto the field!
    $1000 12
"Pink Friday" (2010) &
"Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded" (2012)
    $1000 25
In 1884 this French composer won the Grand Prix de Rome with his cantata "L'enfant prodigue"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Claudia Terry Rachel
$3,600 -$600 $1,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Claudia Terry Rachel
$6,800 $2,000 $2,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

OH, "K"
    $400 11
The name Carolingian derives from the large number of family members who bore this name, still in the top 100
    $400 18
K-9 refers to a police dog; K-12, this through 12th grade
    $400 26
The Duchess of Windsor owned Slipper, a cairn terrier, just like this one in the film "The Wizard of Oz"
    $400 3
Kristy Swanson played Buffy the Vampire Slayer on the big screen; this actress played her on TV
    $400 2
A recent ritual in Congress is a grudging extension of these benefits past the federal 99-week limit
    $800 12
In the presence of Pope Leo III, Charlemagne was crowned emperor of the restored this on Christmas Day, 800 A.D.
    $800 17
Tasty pellets for pups
    $800 25
In 2003 the breed name this Russell terrier was changed to Parson Russell terrier
    $800 10
Chaka Khan's version of "I'm Every Woman" went to No. 21; in 1993 this other woman took it to No. 4
    $800 6
The Division of Longshore & Harbor Workers' Compensation is part of this Cabinet department
    $1200 13
A Carolingian son who revolted against his dad inspired this 1970s Broadway musical
    $1200 16
Thrown with as little spin as possible, this baseball pitch is famous for being easy on the arm
    $1200 24
Another type of animal is in the name of this sly terrier seen here
    $1200 28
In 2001 Near Shoemaker became the first spacecraft to land on one of these, Eros
    $1200 9
In 2012's "Joyful Noise", new choir leader Queen Latifah finds herself at odds with this queen of country
    $1200 5
A law passed in 2003 added a prescription drug benefit to this program
    $1600 19
The empire came to have 3 parts: Francia Occidentalis, Francia Media & Francia this
    $1600 15
This type of doll represents a Hopi ancestral spirit
    $1600 23
Appropriately, the first champion of this breed was Martell's Sapphire Beauty, born in Ireland & named for her coat color
    $1600 27
Elements come in multiple forms called isotopes; amino acids come in these differently shaped forms, also starting with "iso"
    $1600 8
On the last episode of "Newhart", Bob, married to Mary Frann, wakes up with this other TV wife
    DD: $2,400 4
In the 1930s Alf Landon called this government program "a cruel hoax"
    $2000 20
The poet Turold is thought to have penned this chanson about a Carolingian hero at the Battle of Roncesvalles
    $2000 14
This bone is also a verb meaning to cripple someone with a bullet to the leg
    $2000 22
This breed is called "the American gentleman" because its markings make it look like it's wearing a tuxedo
    DD: $13,600 21
Of the 10 listings on the Mohs scale, one of the 2 that end in "Z"
    $2000 7
Barbra Streisand shared best actress Oscar honors for 1968 with this legendary thespian
    $2000 1
Under welfare reform, TANF has replaced AFDC; the F in both stands for these

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Claudia Terry Rachel
$12,400 -$1,200 $8,200

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Very different places, the first 2 African nations to gain independence from a European power were Egypt & this one

Final scores:

Claudia Terry Rachel
$16,401 -$1,200 $16,400
2-day champion: $24,401 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Claudia Terry Rachel
$12,400 $12,600 $8,200
18 R,
3 W
17 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
(including 2 DDs)
13 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $33,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2012-02-07
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