1864: "Don't swap horses in the middle of the stream" |
(Abraham) Lincoln
"Wednesday Morning, 3 A.M." is the title track of their album that also had the acoustic "Sound Of Silence" |
Simon & Garfunkel
To take liquid down the throat |
(Alex: Yeah, that's a bird.)
This island's westernmost point lies on the Dingle Peninsula in County Kerry |
The official instrument of execution in France in 1792, it was still an option for the job until 1981 |
the guillotine
It's a type of jet-propulsion device, but powered by fuel it carries rather than taking in gases from around it |
(Alex: [*]--that's "R__T.")
a rocket
1976: "He's making us proud again" |
(D.J.: Who is Carter?) ... (Alex: [*]--1976.)
Prince wrote this song that was the Bangles' first Top 10 hit |
"Manic Monday"
An antiwar politician |
a dove
Cities on this Mexican peninsula include Ensenada & La Paz |
(D.J.: What is the Yucatan?) (John: What is the--uh--) ... (Alex: Claudia's not going to ring in to come up with [*]. That's a peninsula.)
Baja California
You need a lighter to illuminate the writing of a pen reminding you to buy a Flex 3 razor? Don't worry, this co. makes all 3 |
The last name of Secretary of War Elihu Root is found within this last name of the president he served |
(John: Who is F.D.R.--Franklin Delano [*]?) (D.J.: Who is Teddy [*]?) (Alex: You picked the wrong one, John. If you'd've just said [*], you'd've been okay.)
1888: "Grandfather's hat fits Ben" |
Benjamin Harrison
Katy Perry topped the charts with this song subtitled "(T.G.I.F.)" |
(D.J.: What is "Friday"? What is [*]?)
"Last Friday Night"
Stretch your neck out to get a better view |
Once an island formed by 2 volcanoes, Banks Peninsula is now part of this country's South Island |
New Zealand
If Death took a holiday, he'd leave behind this implement with a curved cutting blade & a shaft called a snath |
a scythe
The Moral Majority & the Christian Coalition are groups identified as part of this alliterative movement |
(Claudia: What is the Christian Coalition?) ... (Alex: Yes, the "R___T.")
the Religious Right
1900: "The full dinner pail" |
"Thursday" is one of the tunes on this late singer's classic album "I Got A Name" |
Jim Croce
This triangular peninsula juts into the northern end of the Red Sea |
(Claudia: What is the Arabian Peninsula?)
the Sinai Peninsula
It can be used as a weapon, a tool, or a 2010 movie title |
a machete
William the Conquerer's father was this Duke of Normandy |
(Alex: The "R___T" in this case is [*].)
1964: "In your heart, you know he's right" |
(Barry) Goldwater
The Monkees mention "status symbol land" & "creature comfort goals" in this hit |
(John: What is "Daydream Believer"?)
"Pleasant Valley Sunday"
In bowling, 3 strikes in a row |
a turkey
Yalta & Balaklava are located on this peninsula |
the Crimean
Likely a French invention, this knife that fits on the barrel of a gun first appeared around 1640 |
a bayonet