Show #6318 - Wednesday, February 22, 2012

2012-A Teachers Tournament semifinal game 1.


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Lisa Johnston, a fourth and fifth grade reading and religion teacher from East Boston, Massachusetts

Kathryn Wendling, a high school social studies teacher from Farmington, Minnesota

Justin Hofstetter, a sixth and seventh grade language arts and social studies teacher from Kansas City, Missouri

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
A voracious reader in school, he would name his band for Aldous Huxley's "The Doors of Perception"
    $200 6
A hot accessory in the '60s was an Emilio Pucci scarf made of this luxurious material spun by caterpillars
    $200 16
The title of Sharan Newman's "The Chessboard Queen" refers to her
    $200 17
The French call this fruit a prune
    $200 8
An intolerant person
    $200 26
To this 29-room pad at 10236 Charing Cross Road in Los Angeles, if your name's Hef
    $400 2
We wonder if he was a heartbreaker back at his Gainesville, Florida high school
    $400 7
Yes, Giorgio! This designer studied medicine before he put out his first men's wear collection in 1974
    $400 18
John Jakes co-wrote a novel titled this weapon!
    $400 22
As you might guess, the Jonagold apple is a cross between these 2 varieties
    $400 12
2-word slang term for a place crooks get sent
    $400 27
To Xanadu 2.0, a high-tech complex on the shore of Lake Washington, if you're this software pioneer
    $600 3
He rose to the rank of Commodore after graduating from Joliet Township High School in Illinois
    $600 9
Dolce & Gabbana met in this Italian fashion city, where the 2 would show their first women's collection 5 years later
    $600 19
Marion Zimmer Bradley brought us through "The Mists of" here
    $600 23
We hope you don't faint at the sight of this fruit
    $600 13
In 1958 the Sacramento Union reported that "if" this "is humanoid" it would weigh 450 to 550 pounds
    $600 28
To the penthouse of this alliterative building at 725 5th Avenue, if you're the star of a reality show filmed downstairs
    $800 4
She faced many hurdles at her Missouri high school before hitting it big with songs like "If It Makes You Happy"
    $800 10
Older brother Santo runs the business of this Italian designer murdered in 1997
    $800 20
The title of this 15th century work by Sir Thomas Malory kinda gives away the ending
    $800 24
Beverage brands including Snapple & Hansen's pair up strawberry & this fruit with bright green flesh
    $800 14
Ovis canadensis is this mountain dweller
    $800 29
To Arlington House, if you're this general who left it April 22, 1861, never to return
    $1000 5
In 2011 this rap-rocker, seen here without his hat, made a surprise visit to his alma mater, Romeo High School
    $1000 11
One of the first designs of this Italian woman, first name Miuccia, was a handbag made of Pocono nylon
    $1000 21
It's T.H. White's 4-part retelling of the legend
    $1000 25
Grown in the South, the scuppernong is a variety of this
    $1000 15
Feminine nickname for a huge German artillery piece of World War I
    DD: $1,800 30
To Springwood Estate in this New York town, if you're our 32nd president (or his ghost)

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Justin Kathryn Lisa
$6,000 $1,200 -$800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Justin Kathryn Lisa
$7,400 $2,000 $2,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: I hope you're aware of that.)
    $400 1
In February 1977 Clifford Alexander became the first black secretary of this oldest U.S. military branch
    $400 6
"Project Accessory", from this other fashion-minded reality show
    $400 19
"I was underfoot but got the upper hand & won by a nose" is an example of a "mixed" one of these
    $400 17
This North Carolina fort likes to "boast" that it's named for a Confederate general who was born in the state
    $400 11
A Southerner: "First Lady from Plains"
    $400 16
This historical American person spoke the following in 1847

"This is... the place."
    DD: $2,400 2
A vessel called this historic ship "of Liberia" left the U.S. in February 1820 carrying free blacks back to Africa
    $800 7
"Mayberry R.F.D.", from this sitcom
    $800 24
Plethein, "to be full", gave us this word for an abundance that starts with "pleth"
    $800 18
This river, part of the Oregon-Washington border, was named in 1792 for Robert Gray's ship
    $800 12
An aviator: "The Spirit of St. Louis"
    $800 20
It's the U.S. military service whose members learn the creed Johnny is reciting

"This is... my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine."
    $1200 3
On Feb. 15, 1804 New Jersey became the last northern state to do this
    $1200 8
"Croc Files", from this nature show
    $1200 25
A Greek word meaning "one who walks on tiptoes" gave us this word for a circus performer or an Adobe product
    DD: $3,000 29
The name of this suburb of Washington, D.C. is from the Hebrew for "house of grace"
    $1200 13
A Russian-American novelist: "Speak, Memory"
    $1200 21
& now Johnny presents a memorable line from this 2006 film

"This is... Sparta!"
    $1600 4
Feb. 1948 riots in Accra sparked a movement that led to this country's becoming one of Africa's first to boot the colonists
    $1600 9
"Mama's Family", from this star's variety show
    $1600 26
On "American Idol", certain celebrity guests act as these, from the name of a trusted adviser to Odysseus
    $1600 28
This New Mexico city on old Route 66 was named for a paymaster on the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, not a pollster
    $1600 14
A Vietnam veteran: "Born on the Fourth of July"
    $1600 22
It's the biblical event at which the following was spoken

"This is... my body."
    $2000 5
At a Feb. 1957 meeting a civil rights group chose this 3-word name; "Christian" was added later in the year
    $2000 10
"NCIS", from this other military procedural
    $2000 27
The distinctive character or culture of a people; it's also a brand of water
    $2000 15
A militant & prisoner: "Soul on Ice"
    $2000 23
Here's Johnny with the words this American journalist used to introduce his WWII broadcasts

"This is... London."

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Justin Kathryn Lisa
$18,200 $400 $11,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

In Chapter 1 of the Acts of the Apostles, Matthias is chosen to replace him

Final scores:

Justin Kathryn Lisa
$22,200 $619 $21,500
Finalist 3rd place: $10,000 2nd place: $10,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Justin Kathryn Lisa
$18,200 $2,800 $11,000
22 R,
2 W
11 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $32,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2012-01-24
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