J.G. Fichte made ethics a matter of doing one's this around the same time Lord Nelson was expecting each man to "do his" this |
At 144 degrees ovotransferrin in these common food items denatures & they then begin to set |
This golden-brown tint from a marine animal is applied to black & white images to give them an antique look |
C: The levator scapulae, for example; it helps raise the shoulder blade |
a muscle
Around 1050 Yaroslav I issued the first Russian code of law, the Russkaya Pravda, or "Russian" this |
Putting a letter before the first name of a "Grease" actress fills the seats in La Paz |
(Roger: Who is... Olivia Newton-John becomes Bolivia?) (Alex: Yes, but--) (Roger: Boliv--okay.) (Alex: Say it first.) (Roger: Okay.) (Alex: You don't ha--you don't have to say "it becomes.") (Roger: Yeah. Did you want Bolivia?) (Alex: Yes.) (Roger: Okay.)
Bolivia Newton-John
A book called "Ethical" this dietary practice covers Pythagoras, Shelley & Gandhi |
(Mark: What is... Fasting?)
This fruit-based carbohydrate is what gels jams & jellies |
From Latin for "drawn away", it refers to art that doesn't represent recognizable physical forms |
U: This feeling of remorse that your grandmother may try to instill in you |
On Sept. 1, 2004 terrorists from this breakaway republic took more than a thousand hostages at a school in Beslan |
Adding a letter to a "There's Something About Mary" star's name makes her more bankable in Yaounde |
Cameroon Diaz
Washington Hospital Center has a 35-member committee on this to help sort out painful decisions |
You can kill nasty things in wooden cutting boards with the acidity in the white type of this--Heinz wants you to know |
It's the "disappearing" 2-word term for the place in a painting where receding parallel lines seem to meet |
the vanishing point
P: This French word for a highly successful & unexpected act |
a coup
In 1916 Prince Yusupov poisoned & shot this Svengali before finally drowning him |
A famed lyricist, not brother George, is the big draw in Tehran |
Iran Gershwin
Monistic theories reduce the search for good to one thing, like pleasure in the case of this theory |
(Alex: Is this going to be a True Daily Double also?) (Roger: Um... no.) [Laughter] (Alex: Hurry please.) (Roger: Um... I'll wager... $10,000.)
Careful when eating bagels with these seeds on them--you could test positive for heroin! |
(Roger: What... are... [The time expiry signal sounds.] [*]?) (Alex: Oh, sorry, Roger, you took too much time. So that's an incorrect--your response is correct, but we can't give you a correct response.)
poppy seeds
Mind your this 16th c. Italian art movement that gave us long-necked Madonnas |
(Roger: Uh, I have to do it. True Daily Double.) (Alex: All right. For $14,800, this clue...)
M: This memory-assisting type of phrase |
a mnemonic
In August 2011 a retired cop was charged in the 2006 murder of Anna Politkovskaya, of this profession |
A boxer from Louisville has a big pay day in Bamako when you add a letter to his name |
Muhammad Mali
The idea that the good can be objectively found is part of this -ism, also referring to obsessively high standards |
(Joon: What is... idealism?)
Activia says its yogurt is creamy & full of this type of culture that boosts health |
S: This 7-letter word that means "fitting" or "opportunely" |
In 1903 the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party split into the Bolsheviks & this group whose name means "minority" |
After inserting a letter into a late actress' name, "Hud" is sold out for weeks in Kathmandu |
Patricia Nepal