Show #6245 - Friday, November 11, 2011

2011 Tournament of Champions semifinal game 3.


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Roger Craig, a computer scientist from Newark, Delaware

Mark Runsvold, a student and waiter from Moscow, Idaho

Joon Pahk, a college physics teacher from Somerville, Massachusetts

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: And we want you to name the author who created those fictional lands.)
    $200 1
This "at all costs," this "in spite of all terror," this "however long and hard the road may be" (V is for...)
    $200 24
"100 Doses" & "Bad Day To Be A Rhesus Monkey" were on the soundtrack to this 2011 medical thriller
    $200 19
From the Gaelic, it's a poet, from Avon or not
    $200 26
At her wedding, Kate Middleton wore a diamond one of these, her something borrowed (from the Queen)
    $200 14
This Central American country named for the Savior contains a central range of 20 volcanoes
    $200 3
    $400 2
It's whom Churchill called "a monster of wickedness, insatiable in his lust for blood and plunder"
    $400 25
This invitation to insanity is the first song on the "Purple Rain" soundtrack
    $400 20
A large group of families that are related, it's from the Gaelic for "family"
    $400 27
You can wear an ascot to Ascot or this hat to the horse race of the same name at Epsom Downs
    $400 15
The Chittagong Hills of this country lie along its borders with Burma & India
    $400 4
Eastasia & Oceania
    $600 8
In a 1940 speech in the House of Commons, "Men will still say: 'This was their ____ hour'"
    $600 11
This Jeff Bridges sequel featured tracks called "The Grid" & "The Son of Flynn"
    $600 21
In Gaelic this historic catastrophe is known as "An Gorta Mor" (The Great Hunger)
    $600 28
A stovepipe hat is an elongated type of this hat
    $600 16
The river sharing the name of this landlocked land in Central South America forms a seasonal swamp, the Pantanal
    $600 5
    $800 9
"The maxim of the British people is" this "as usual"
    DD: $1,800 12
This 1984 film included Salieri's 1788 "Axur, re d'Ormus"
    $800 22
From the Gaelic for "war cry", it's a distinctive phrase or saying used to advertise a product
    $800 29
The name of this headdress & the word "tulip" are derived from the same word
    $800 17
A fluffy toy dog is named for this historical region along Poland's Baltic coast
    $800 6
San Lorenzo & Tralfamadore
    $1000 10
"This is one of those cases in which the imagination is baffled by" these
    $1000 13
Rick Garcia sang "Welcome Amigo" & Los Lobos the theme song for this 2011 animated film
    $1000 23
It's a large 2-edged Scottish broadsword
    $1000 30
The name of this head scarf is the Russian word for "grandmother"
    $1000 18
This country off Africa's coast is made up of the Barlavento island group & the Sotavento island group
    $1000 7

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Joon Mark Roger
$800 $400 $3,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Joon Mark Roger
$3,400 $2,200 $5,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: By just adding one letter, we'll be [*]. Let me give you an example of what might be a response in that category. "Who is Miley Cyprus?"--not Miley Cyrus.)
    $400 30
J.G. Fichte made ethics a matter of doing one's this around the same time Lord Nelson was expecting each man to "do his" this
    $400 12
At 144 degrees ovotransferrin in these common food items denatures & they then begin to set
    $400 19
This golden-brown tint from a marine animal is applied to black & white images to give them an antique look
    $400 6
The levator scapulae, for example; it helps raise the shoulder blade
    $400 14
Around 1050 Yaroslav I issued the first Russian code of law, the Russkaya Pravda, or "Russian" this
    $400 1
Putting a letter before the first name of a "Grease" actress fills the seats in La Paz
    $800 28
A book called "Ethical" this dietary practice covers Pythagoras, Shelley & Gandhi
    $800 27
This fruit-based carbohydrate is what gels jams & jellies
    $800 29
From Latin for "drawn away", it refers to art that doesn't represent recognizable physical forms
    $800 7
This feeling of remorse that your grandmother may try to instill in you
    $800 15
On Sept. 1, 2004 terrorists from this breakaway republic took more than a thousand hostages at a school in Beslan
    $800 2
Adding a letter to a "There's Something About Mary" star's name makes her more bankable in Yaounde
    $1200 21
Washington Hospital Center has a 35-member committee on this to help sort out painful decisions
    $1200 10
You can kill nasty things in wooden cutting boards with the acidity in the white type of this--Heinz wants you to know
    $1200 24
It's the "disappearing" 2-word term for the place in a painting where receding parallel lines seem to meet
    $1200 8
This French word for a highly successful & unexpected act
    $1200 16
In 1916 Prince Yusupov poisoned & shot this Svengali before finally drowning him
    $1200 3
A famed lyricist, not brother George, is the big draw in Tehran
    DD: $10,000 23
Monistic theories reduce the search for good to one thing, like pleasure in the case of this theory
    $1600 13
Careful when eating bagels with these seeds on them--you could test positive for heroin!
    DD: $7,400 20
Mind your this 16th c. Italian art movement that gave us long-necked Madonnas
    $1600 9
This memory-assisting type of phrase
    $1600 17
In August 2011 a retired cop was charged in the 2006 murder of Anna Politkovskaya, of this profession
    $1600 4
A boxer from Louisville has a big pay day in Bamako when you add a letter to his name
    $2000 25
The idea that the good can be objectively found is part of this -ism, also referring to obsessively high standards
    $2000 26
Activia says its yogurt is creamy & full of this type of culture that boosts health
    $2000 22
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew explains a painting shown on a monitor.) In art composition, to make the painting more interesting, divide it & put the focus along the lines to follow this fractional rule
    $2000 11
This 7-letter word that means "fitting" or "opportunely"
    $2000 18
In 1903 the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party split into the Bolsheviks & this group whose name means "minority"
    $2000 5
After inserting a letter into a late actress' name, "Hud" is sold out for weeks in Kathmandu

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Joon Mark Roger
$11,800 $13,400 $27,600
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

A 2005 sale of 14,159,265 shares prompted the headline "Google offers shares, seeks global piece of" this

Final scores:

Joon Mark Roger
$11,662 $1,055 $27,600
2nd place: $10,000 3rd place: $10,000 Finalist

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Joon Mark Roger
$11,800 $13,400 $12,400
14 R,
4 W
19 R,
1 W
21 R
(including 3 DDs),
6 W

Combined Coryat: $37,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2011-09-27
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