Around 486 the Franks took control of the region once known by this 4-letter name |
Whitney Houston, 1992: "I.W.A.L.Y." |
"I Will Always Love You"
British Captain Thomas Preston was a central figure in the trial regarding this unfortunate 1770 event |
the Boston Massacre
Among the remarks attributed to this baseball player are "It was deja vu all over again" & "You can observe a lot by watching" |
Yogi Berra
Making him a revolutionary martyr, the Bolivian Army tracked down this man and killed him in 1967 |
(Che) Guevara
This 1935 U.S. federal law provided assistance in old age pensions, insurance & unemployment |
Social Security
He co-ruled the Franks with his brother Carloman but became sole king when his brother died in 771 |
Glen Campbell, 1975: "R.C." |
"Rhinestone Cowboy"
Lawson Botts, who defended this fiery abolitionist at his 1859 trial, died fighting for the Confederacy in 1862 |
John Brown
In a 1961 song, it's the question that precedes "Girls have picked them every one, oh, when will they ever learn?" |
Where have all the flowers gone?
After the death of her husband in 1861, she did not go out in public again for three years, and refused to wear anything but black |
Queen Victoria
This term for someone attempting to gain a higher position in society sounds like a casual mountaineer |
a social climber
This "short" guy became King of the Franks in 751 & was the first to be officially anointed by a pope |
The Byrds, 1965: "T! T! T!" |
"Turn! Turn! Turn!"
In 1521 it was Charles V presiding & the Archbishop of Trier, John Eck, prosecuting this man |
(Ryan: Who is Henry VIII?)
Martin Luther
One of Garrison Keillor's quotes begins, "That's the news from" this place, "where all the women are strong" |
Lake Wobegon
The original head shrinker, he fled to London in 1938 following the Nazi annexation of Austria |
(Ryan: Who is Goebbels?)
Sigmund Freud
The USSR was a Union of Soviet these |
Socialist Republics
In 732, when he defeated an invading Muslim army at Tours, a king earned the nickname Martel, meaning this |
the hammer
Gwen Stefani, 2005: "H.G." |
(Amy: What is "Harajuga Girls"?)
"Hollaback Girl"
In 1633 Urban VIII had this man tried; Father Firenzuola prosecuted |
A 1920 Robert Frost poem begins, "Some say the world will end in" this, "some say in ice" |
This Four Quartets poet was awarded both the Nobel Prize and the Order of Merit in 1948 |
T.S. Eliot
S.A.D. can stand for this psychological condition, a fear of being humiliated in front of others |
the social anxiety disorder
Early Frankish king Clovis I belonged to this dynasty whose name comes from its founder, Merovech |
The Beatles, 1970: "T.L.A.W.R." |
"The Long And Winding Road"
The accusers in his 399 B.C. trial were Meletus, Anytus & Lycon |
On March 21, 1973 this White House counsel said that "we have a cancer within, close to the presidency, that is growing" |
John Dean
Now retired, this foreign-born American influenced U.S. national policy for decades |
Henry Kissinger
Implicit agreement in which the individual surrenders liberty in return for protection |
(Amy: What is a [**]?) [originally ruled wrong, reversed after the break]
a social contract (or social compact)