Show #6191 - Monday, July 11, 2011


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Christopher Stephens, an administrative law judge from New York, New York

Damian Yu, an executive compensation consultant originally from West Vancouver, Canada

Rachel Winer, a graduate student in teaching from Burlington, Vermont (whose 2-day cash winnings total $51,801)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You tell us which show is most closely associated with those phrases.)
    $200 6
This department's 5 main responsibilities include guarding against terrorism & protecting our borders
    $200 13
"We are two wild and crazy guys"
    $200 11
Carlo Maderno lengthened the nave to change the pattern of St. Peter's from a Greek to a Latin one of these
    $200 1
It's known as W&M for short
    $200 21
Robert Louis Stevenson was born in 1850 in the new town section of this Scottish capital
    $200 26
This heiress was abducted from her Berkeley apt. on Feb. 4, 1974; the FBI captured her on Sept. 18, 1975
    $400 7
It traces its roots to Plymouth Colony, which passed a law that said the colony would support disabled soldiers
    $400 17
"No soup for you"
    $400 12
These are against the rules at the Vatican, so Benedict XVI had to leave his shorthair, Chico, back in Germany
    $400 2
It's alphabetically first of the Seven Sisters colleges
    $400 22
The place where Stevenson & his wife spent their honeymoon in 1880 is now a state park in this state's Napa Valley
    $400 27
On Dec. 2, 1969 Cindy Birdsong of this Motown group was kidnapped at knifepoint but escaped by jumping out of a car
    $600 8
OSHA, the Occupational Safety & Health Administration, is a part of this department
    $600 18
"Nanu, nanu"
    $600 14
The yellow & white Vatican flag bears the colors of Godfrey of Bouillon, a leader of the first of these in 1096
    DD: $1,000 3
In 2010 Cam Newton became this university's third Heisman Trophy winner
    $600 23
Stevenson's friend, poet W.E. Henley, was the model for this one-legged anti-hero of "Treasure Island"
    $600 28
This billionaire's grandson was kidnapped in 1973; ransom wasn't paid until the boy's ear was sent to a newspaper
    $800 9
The 1789 act that created it specified that its officers would include a comptroller & an auditor
    $800 19
"Sock it to me"
    $800 15
Seeking to bring the Vatican up to modern standards, the 11th pope of this name installed plumbing in the '30s
    $800 4
This university that hosts the Georgia Shakespeare festival is named for Georgia's colonial founder
    $800 24
"Deacon Brodie, or the Double Life", a play co-written by Stevenson, led to this 1886 novel
    $800 29
This 14-year-old was taken from her Salt Lake City home in June 2002 & found walking down a street 9 months later
    $1000 10
One of its agencies is COPS, short for Community Oriented Policing Services
    $1000 20
"Missed it by that much"
    $1000 16
The 2006 feature film this "story", starring Keisha Castle-Hughes as Mary, was the first to premiere at the Vatican
    $1000 5
Truman State University is located in this state
    $1000 25
Around 1890 Stevenson bought 300 acres in what's now this country, where he was called tusitala, or "teller of tales"
    $1000 30
In December 1991 this bureau chief for the A.P. in Beirut was released by Hezbollah after 6 years, 7 months

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Rachel Damian Christopher
$0 $1,000 $2,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Rachel Damian Christopher
$600 $4,400 $6,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 15
Her story began in Atlanta November 8, 1900 & ended there as well in August 1949
    $400 2
In "Capote", Catherine Keener portrayed this Southern novelist, on the cusp of publication
    $400 7
Delonghi's Perfecta is a line of $1,000-plus machines for making cappuccino & this
    $400 21
One type is called a courting chair
    $400 26
This man who triumphed over polio in 1955 said his mother had no schooling & lived her ambitions through her kids
    $400 1
These one-piece undergarments were noted for tightness; today's are comfier & often metal, not whalebone
    DD: $2,000 16
Born in Sweden in 1823, he went out without a bang in San Remo, Italy in 1896
    $800 9
Christopher Plummer was nominated for an Oscar for playing this Russian author in 2009's "The Last Station"
    $800 8
This city's "Best" is a brand owned by Starbucks
    $800 22
Types of this chair include gungstol, Windsor & Boston
    DD: $1,600 27
In a scene from a 2010 HBO movie, this doctor talks about his mother's long, painful last illness
    $800 3
You suffer one when you experience a reverse or defeat
    $1200 17
This world leader was born in September 1917 on Luzon; he died in September 1989 in Honolulu
    $1200 10
"Devotion" starred Ida Lupino & Olivia de Havilland as these writing sisters
    $1200 12
(Sarah of the Clue Crew delivers the clue from) The coffee berries are now in their green phase; when a phytohormone called ethylene increases, they'll turn red & fittingly be known as these, like a fruit
    $1200 23
Dust bunnies may be collecting under Britain's coronation chair since this was returned to Scotland in 1996
    $1200 28
John & Helen Koop's son held this U.S. government post from 1982 to 1989
    $1200 4
Jewelers know ballerina, bead & bezel are types of these in rings
    $1600 18
He was born December 5, 1839 in New Rumley, Ohio & died in battle, June 25, 1876 in the Montana Territory
    $1600 11
In "Gothic", Gabriel Byrne was this lord of poetry
    $1600 13
This coffee species seems to have originated in Ethiopia, across the Red Sea from the peninsula it's named for
    $1600 24
Pilgrim hall museum in Mass. has a black ash chair that belonged to this oft-elected governor of Plymouth Colony
    $1600 29
His mother, Grace, passed away in 1928, the year he observed that a certain mold inhibited bacterial growth
    $1600 5
A variety of apple is called this, also a shade of reddish brown
    $2000 19
Born in Germany in 1685, he tuned out April 14, 1759 in London
    $2000 14
Gwyneth Paltrow portrayed her in the early days of her marriage to fellow poet Ted Hughes
    $2000 20
"Mom" knows ground pods of this Asian member of the ginger family are added to grounds to make Thai iced coffee
    $2000 25
This Finnish-American architect designed furniture including a 1948 piece called the "Womb Chair"
    $2000 30
In 1854 the former Rosa Weigert gave birth to this chemotherapy pioneer known for his "magic bullet"
    $2000 6
Hyphenated term for land or commodities reserved by the government for a particular use

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Rachel Damian Christopher
$9,400 $17,600 $12,600

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

2 yrs. before his 1794 execution, he said, "I am no courtier, nor moderator... nor defender of the people: I am myself the people"

Final scores:

Rachel Damian Christopher
$8,400 $9,999 $6,399
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $9,999 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Rachel Damian Christopher
$9,400 $15,600 $13,600
10 R,
1 W
24 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W
17 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $38,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2011-03-08
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