Washington grows more of these than any other state; about a third of them are Red Delicious |
Trump up your properties! Rule railroads! Utilize utilities! Bankrupt foes & say it's nothing personal, just business |
It begins, "All children, except one, grow up" |
Peter Pan
Depictions of this fruit date back 4,000 years in the artwork of early Egyptians |
Get live online assistance with your homework at this site run by PATH, which stands for "Pupils Ask," these people "Help" |
I'm taking 5 on this alliterative playground piece that sounds like you should be climbing it in the Congo |
a jungle gym
This biggest Washington city is pretty wet with Elliott Bay to the west, Lake Washington to the East |
Your opponent's 5-piece Navy must go down, & it must go down hard |
Hans Christian Andersen story in which you'll read, "Heaven knows what was in that bed... I am black and blue!" |
(Alex: And that story was [*]. It was very uncomfortable.)
"The Princess and the Pea"
If you luck into a supply of these, start thinking cobbler |
On the Colorado-based website this giant.com, you can get a bumper one for the car, like "it's all good" |
a sticker
In the NBA these recesses can be regular or 20-second |
a time-out
An Alaskan Malamute named Dubs is the mascot of this University of Washington football team |
the Huskies
42 territories, including Siam; one simple goal: Complete... Global... Domination! |
In this 1883 children's classic, a parrot named Captain Flint squawks, "Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight!" |
Treasure Island
Look out--it's the fuzz! This fruit seen here |
You can play games called Football Frenzy & All-star Dodgeball at sikids.com, this magazine's website for kids |
Sports Illustrated
Run, don't walk to this up & down recess plaything also called a seesaw |
a teeter-totter
Until 1853 Washington was part of this territory bearing the name of the next state south |
Was it Scarlet with a barbell in the spa? Discover the secrets of this board game |
In a 1900 book, one character tells her, "I'm really a very good man; but I'm a very bad wizard" |
(Alex: [*], yes, The Wizard of Oz.)
A picture of this fruit appeared on the pillars of Solomon's temple |
kidsplanet.org has fact sheets about at-risk animals, like the mountain gorilla, classed as this 2-word term |
endangered species
Many plays have this delay built into the middle so people can stretch their legs |
an intermission
The Cascade Mountains divide Washington east from west; North Cascades is one of these ways through them |
a pass
What a fun game--buy insurance; pay taxes; get in a ski accident; get fired; bottom line--get the highest dollar amount |
In "Little Women" she tells sisters Jo, Amy & Beth, "It's so dreadful to be poor" |
This fruit is associated with India's folklore & religious ceremonies |
Kids Web Japan has a page on this art that shows you how to fold a piece of paper into the shape of a dog or a piano |
This 7-letter word for a day off from school or work originally referred to a religious observance |
(Dominic: What is a Sabbath?)
a holiday