Show #5966 - Monday, July 19, 2010

John Krizel game 2.


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Susan Neuffer, an actor and census clerk from New York, New York

Michael Muller, a seventh grade history teacher originally from Springfield, Illinois

John Krizel, a green community program coordinator from Beckley, West Virginia (whose 1-day cash winnings total $26,001)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 7
"Life is like riding" one of these; "to keep your balance you must keep moving"
    $200 1
Billboard ranked him the No. 1 artist of the '50s, No. 2 for the '60s & No. 11 for the '70s
    $200 13
Sailing is a popular Estonian sport; for the 1980 Moscow Olympics, races were held off the coast in this sea
    $200 6
If a server yells, "put out the lights & cry", someone's ordered liver & these
    $200 19
A soft song for a child going to sleep
    $200 24
(Anderson Cooper reads the clue.) As a reporter, I joined numerous heads of state & as many as 2 million people in Rome in 2005 for this man's funeral
    $400 12
This "is more important than knowledge"
    $400 2
They were tops for the '60s, by a fab margin
    $400 14
Once ruled by Germans, Danes, Swedes & Russians, it first gained independence the year this war ended
    $400 8
"Bossy in a bowl" is this hearty dish containing chunks of meat & vegetables
    $400 20
It's another name for a mongrel dog, Jeff
    $400 25
(Anderson Cooper reads the clue.) In 2008 I moderated a Republican debate appropriately held at the presidential library of this man whose political heir the candidates claimed to be
    $600 18
"I never think of" this period of time. "It comes soon enough"
    $600 3
This flamboyant sir was the top artist of the '70s by a single point
    $600 15
In the 1550s this awful Russian invaded & devastated much of Estonia
    $600 9
"Hold the hail" means you'll get a soft drink without this
    $600 21
It's found in the sky between Scorpio & Capricorn
    $600 26
(Anderson Cooper reads the clue.) On election night 2008, I did my first ever interview with this type of 3D image; I was in Washington & was beamed in from Chicago
    $800 29
This "cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding"
    $800 4
The competition was stiff but he "Beat It" to claim top artist of the '80s
    $800 16
It's Estonia's capital & largest city
    $800 10
Order a "crowd" & you'll get this many of whatever you ordered
    $800 22
Proverbially, to perform a futile act is to do this to the deck chairs on the Titanic
    $800 27
(Anderson Cooper reads the clue.) For CNN's "Planet in Peril" series, I reported from Africa on the spread of viruses that could be the next of these, a word literally meaning a disease affecting everyone
    $1000 30
"As long as there are sovereign nations possessing great power," this "is inevitable"
    $1000 5
The 1999 Billboard Music Awards were "One Sweet Day" for her; she was named top artist of the '90s
    DD: $1,000 17
Ethnically about 25% of Estonians are Russian; about 2% trace heritage to this 2nd-most populous ex-Soviet republic
    $1000 11
Oh, look, Little Johnny is chowing down on a "bow wow with red lead", this favorite
    $1000 23
A 1992 film was titled "Dr." these small laughs
    $1000 28
(Anderson Cooper reads the clue.) In 2005 I reported on the anti-Syrian demonstrations that came to be known as the Cedar Revolution in this country

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

John Michael Susan
$2,200 $3,600 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

John Michael Susan
$6,800 $3,600 $2,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You have to identify the actor for us.)
    $400 7
This Russian-born French painter served as art director of the Moscow Jewish State Theater from 1919 to 1922
    $400 1
Holly Golightly
    $400 3
The symbol for this nasty gas is Cl
    $400 12
Its what you get when you multiply the number of Rhode Island's senators by the number of California's
    $400 24
The Cold War was effectively over on Nov. 9, 1989 when large jubilant crowds tore down this symbol of world division
    $400 17
Enthusiastic applause by an audience on its feet
    $800 8
In 1926 this Belgian artist produced his first surrealist work, "Le Jockey Perdu"
    $800 2
Harvey Milk
    $800 16
It makes up about 80% of the Earth's atmosphere
    $800 13
A soldier's "about face" involves a turn of this many degrees
    $800 25
62,000 crowded L.A.'s Memorial Coliseum on January 15, 1967 for the first of these
    $800 18
The permanent professional infantry force of a nation
    $1200 9
In 1976 this sports artist was presented with an award of merit from the American Athletic Union
    $1200 4
Antonio Salieri
    $1200 23
Alphabetically, it's right after radium
    $1200 14
Number of days in Maxwell Anderson's 1948 play about Anne Boleyn
    $1200 26
In 1896 more than 2,000 were trampled in the stampede for free beer at the coronation of this doomed czar
    $1200 19
A permanent legislative group in Congress that meets regularly
    $1600 10
His only figure portrait accepted for the salon was of his mistress Camille Doncieux, who in 1870 became his wife
    DD: $3,000 5
Luke Jackson
    $1600 29
This synthetic element created in 1976 was named for a Danish pioneer of quantum physics
    $1600 15
We just got a call from the authorities to evacuate, in the system known as "reverse" this
    $1600 27
Over 42 days in early 2007, an estimated 70 million gathered for the Ardh Kumbh festival in this country
    $1600 20
Performing ostentatiously in order to impress or gain attention
    $2000 11
Bertoldo di Giovanni was a student of this great Florentine sculptor & a teacher of Michelangelo
    $2000 6
Iris Murdoch (1 of the 2)
    DD: $1,000 30
Its symbol is the same 2 letters as Minnesota's postal abbreviation
    $2000 22
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew uses an abacus.) On an abacus, beads above the bar represent units of 5; each bead below has a value of 1; only the beads touching the bar are counted, so the configuration here stands for this 3-digit number
    $2000 28
On Feb. 4, 2008 1 million gathered in this South American capital to protest against the FARC terrorist group & its actions
    $2000 21
When the British want you to rise, as for a judge, they say, "be" this, also referring to an honorable citizen

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

John Michael Susan
$13,400 $9,200 $10,400

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

When the body of this man who died in 1870 was moved in 2002, a cloth with the motto "Un pour tous, tous pour un" was used

Final scores:

John Michael Susan
$20,801 $18,205 $9,201
2-day champion: $46,802 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

John Michael Susan
$14,400 $10,200 $9,000
21 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
17 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $33,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2010-03-13
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