Show #5823 - Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Stephen Weingarten game 5.


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Jessica Stapp, an administrative assistant from Tucson, Arizona

Sergiu Sanielevici, a scientist from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Stephen Weingarten, a paraeducator from Portland, Oregon (whose 4-day cash winnings total $96,690)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 26
Carl Van Doren, writing about this founding father known for kite flying
    $200 9
On Nov. 16, 2006 this supercalifragilis-ticexpialidocious musical opened on the Great White Way
    $200 12
Its label calls it "the soap that floats"
    $200 6
Breezes often transfer these tiny grains from male flower parts to female seed cones
    $200 14
Tom Sietas holds the world record for doing this underwater, for an amazing 17 minutes & 19 seconds
    $200 1
Not "con carne", this 6-letter word can mean unfriendly
    $400 27
T. Harry Williams, writing about this Louisiana "Kingfish"
    $400 13
Roxie, Velma & Billy Flynn paint this title town red 8 shows a week at the Ambassador Theatre
    $400 19
This brand's body wash has "all the freshness of Ireland, bottled"
    $400 7
A flow of air from ocean to land, often producing clouds; or a drink of vodka, grapefruit & cranberry
    $400 15
In 1996, no states had obesity rates above 20%: in 2007, only this "Centennial State" had an obesity rate below 20%
    $400 2
Wooden bane of a vampire
    $600 23
Take a journey into Oz in this 2003 show; it's quite "popular"
    $600 20
According to the label, this heavy-duty hand cleaner is "pumice-powered"
    $600 8
Along with pressure & elevation, breezes are mainly caused by differences in this between adjacent areas
    $600 16
This U.S. retail chain has about 2.1 million employees, about the same as the population of Namibia
    $600 3
To cut off superfluous twigs or branches
    $800 24
This musical about a boy with a passion for dance won a 2009 Tony for (surprise!) Best Choreography
    $800 21
This soap has been keeping you "fresh round the clock" since 1940
    $800 10
When a migrating bird has this helping it along, it'll fly higher, where the effect is strongest
    $800 17
In 2009 Iowa changed the name of its Dept. of Elder Affairs to the Dept. on this, leading to the abbreviation D.O.A.
    $800 4
In the national pastime, the leadoff man is the first this
    DD: $2,000 25
Yep, this haunting love story is still on Broadway, as it has been since its Jan. 26, 1988 opening night
    $1000 22
This soap brand has been on a "campaign for real beauty"
    $1000 11
This scale includes light breeze (4-6 knots) & strong breeze (22-27 knots)
    $1000 18
This man offered pilot/hero Sully Sullenberger twice his salary if he'd work for Virgin
    $1000 5
Put this spicy verb before "favor" to get on someone's good side

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Stephen Sergiu Jessica
$0 $600 $1,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Stephen Sergiu Jessica
$3,200 $200 $8,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 7
As in "Heartbreak Hotel", this worker is dressed in black, but in clothes designed by Armani
    $400 2
This TV movie based on Mitch Albom's bestseller paired Hank Azaria & Jack Lemmon
    $400 21
This queen has been on more coin types of numerous countries than any other human being
    $400 26
This river flows north for more than 4,000 miles before emptying into the Mediterranean through a delta
    $400 14
In 1930 Harriet Fry was one of the original 8 "Sky Girls": today it's this 2-word job
    $400 11
This verb means to hone or sharpen, like a tool or an appetite
    $800 1
You know it's a classy joint when you see this in the minibar
    $800 3
The title of this Walter Matthau/Jill Clayburgh film comes from the day on which the Supreme Court's term starts
    $800 22
King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz reversed policy & allowed foreign fighters in this country in 1990
    $800 27
Towns along this sunny strip include Cannes, Monte Carlo, Rapallo & San Remo
    $800 17
In 2006 Mike Brown of Caltech declared, "there are finally, officially, 8" of these
    $800 12
We are desperate for you to name this vine, seen here, growing above a lane
    $1200 8
Our robes of this looped fabric are of course from Turkish cotton; if you take one, we'll be forced to prosecute
    $1200 4
Y.A. Tittle & Johnny Unitas played coaches in this 1999 Al Pacino film
    $1200 25
In 2006 the first male in over 40 years was born into this land's Chrysanthemum Throne imperial family
    $1200 19
The Eight were a group formed in this city to paint real-life subjects like McSorley's Bar
    $1200 13
The name of this pan used for frying, steaming, etc, is from the Chinese for "pan"
    $1600 9
Our pool is literally Olympic sized--this many meters long
    $1600 5
As news reporter Hildy Johnson, Rosalind Russell was the title "Girl" in this fast-talking film from 1940
    $1600 24
The last English king with this name reigned less than a year, in 1936
    $1600 18
Eric Sevareid & Howard K. Smith were 2 of the 8 newsmen known as this reporter's "Boys"
    DD: $6,000 15
This graceful dog seen here has the aristocratic features associated with its breed
    $2000 10
Relax in our spa with watsu--the name combines water & this massage technique
    $2000 6
Regardless of the title, this British gangster film starring Bob Hoskins only ran 114 minutes
    $2000 23
Rudolf II moved this dynastic family's royal court from Vienna to Prague in the late 1500s
    $2000 20
These chants have no key signature; they come in 8 modes
    $2000 16
It's a decorative wood paneling on the lower portion of a wall

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Stephen Sergiu Jessica
$2,000 -$200 $23,200
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Just 37 words, it's in the article on the executive branch & is the only part of the Constitution that is in quote marks

Final scores:

Stephen Sergiu Jessica
$969 -$200 $16,400
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $16,400

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Stephen Sergiu Jessica
$8,000 -$200 $22,200
19 R,
6 W
(including 1 DD)
3 R,
3 W
24 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $30,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2009-11-11
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