Show #5782 - Tuesday, November 3, 2009

2009 Teen Tournament quarterfinal game 2.


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Kennedy Stomps, a junior from St. Louis, Missouri

Samantha Reback, a sophomore from Bethesda, Maryland

Zach Blumenfeld, a junior from Lincolnshire, Illinois

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Jeopardy! Round

A "HA"!
    $200 1
Brother Raul took over for this ailing man as leader of Cuba
    $200 26
This show, aka "TRL", aired its last episode in 2008
    $200 6
In 1891 one of these battered the Island of Martinique & caused millions of dollars in damage
    $200 21
The Happy Meal with hamburger
    $200 16
Before Columbia & Harvard, he attended Honolulu's Punahou School & L.A.'s Occidental College
    $200 8
In a Grimm fairy tale, he's Gretel's brother
    $400 2
He's now the premier of Russia; Dmitry Medvedev took over from him as president
    $400 27
Sci Fi fans know it as "BSG"
    $400 7
In June 1953 one of these fatally touched down in Worcester, Massachusetts, far from the Midwest
    $400 22
A boneless variety bucket of poultry, including a popcorn one
    $400 17
He earned his nickname of "Dutch" from his dad calling him his "fat little Dutchman"
    $400 12
Claw & ball-peen are types of these
    $600 3
Media tycoon Silvio Berlusconi has been the prime minister of this country 3 different times
    $600 28
It's a quickstep from "DWTS" to this full title
    $600 9
During monsoon season in 1998, this devastated Bangladesh for weeks, marooning thousands on rooftops
    $600 23
Among Jared's favorites:
Veggie Delite
    $600 18
A frail boy, he built himself into a Rough Rider via strenuous exercise
    $600 13
In times of national mourning, the U.S. flag is flown this hyphenated way
    $800 4
The dominant Palestinian political groups are Fatah in the West Bank & Hamas in this area
    $800 29
JT used to be on the "MMC", which stood for this
    $800 10
Almost 200,000 buildings were damaged or destroyed when one of these hit Kobe, Japan in 1995
    $800 24
Crunchwrap Supreme
    $800 19
He grew up in Greenwich, Connecticut, & attended private schools there & in Andover, Massachusetts
    $800 14
Figuratively speaking, when you make peace with someone, you "bury" this ax
    $1000 5
North Korea went nuclear with this man as its leader
    $1000 30
Do justice to this show, "L&O: CI"
    $1000 11
Sometimes called a tidal wave, one of these in December 2004 devastated large parts of Asia
    $1000 25
A Frosty-cino drink
    DD: $2,000 20
As a boy in Kansas, he said his dream was to be a Major League Baseball player; he went into the Army instead
    $1000 15
Si! In Spanish-speaking countries, it's a large estate or the main house on such a property

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Zach Samantha Kennedy
$5,600 $3,000 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Zach Samantha Kennedy
$9,600 $3,600 $800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 16
To control the flow of buggies & pedestrians, J.P. Knight invented the first of these in London in 1868 using a lantern
    $400 21
He's the dad in "Imagine That"
    $400 22
Normal body temperature is 37.0 degrees Celsius or this Fahrenheit (to one decimal place)
    $400 3
Grendel, Grendel's mom & a dragon are fought by the hero of this Old English epic
    $400 11
Wales borders it
    $400 1
A chapeau for a mouselike rodent
    $800 17
In 1887 Adolf Fick invented an early form of these to replace eyeglasses
    $800 27
He's the funniest of the North Carolina Galifianakises
    $800 23
(Kelly of the Clue Crew shows an anatomical diagram on the monitor.) The adrenal glands, here & here, derive their name because they sit atop these renal organs
    $800 4
The Parson & the Reeve are among the tale-tellers in this 14th century collection
    $800 12
In November 1918 this country proclaimed its independence, with Jozef Pilsudski as its first chief of state
    $800 2
A flatbed or pickup for a mallard
    $1200 18
It was used in the 1780s, long before the airplane; Gleb Kotelnikov first put one in a knapsack in 1911
    $1200 28
She played Shelley, "The House Bunny"
    $1200 24
Like dead skin at the base of a fingernail, the outermost layer of a shaft of hair is called this
    $1200 5
In "The Divine Comedy", Virgil guides this other writer through the circles of Hell
    $1200 13
They're the 2 U.S. states that fit the category
    $1200 8
Cheetos for a Himalayan ox
    $1600 19
In 1935 Professor Arnold Beckman introduced an electronic type of this meter to measure acidity
    $1600 29
In "Year One" this "Juno" co-star plays Oh
    $1600 25
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows an anatomical diagram on the monitor.) The Adam's apple, which is larger in men than in women, is a protuberance of the thyroid cartilage that supports this passageway, sometimes called the voice box
    $1600 6
The "Five Classics" of ancient China are traditionally attributed to this sage born in 551 B.C.
    DD: $4,000 14
This country's official languages are German, French & Italian
    $1600 9
A repetitive song by a colony insect
    $2000 20
In 2002 Congress recognized Antonio Meucci as the inventor of this in 1860, 16 years before a certain Scotsman
    $2000 30
Born in Canada, he's won the MTV Movie Award for Best Comedic Performance 5 times
    $2000 26
You could call this canal that connects the middle ear to the back of the throat the "eu" tube for short
    DD: $800 7
In this Old Testament book, God orders Moses to count all the Israelites who are able to bear arms
    $2000 15
The colors of this country's flag, seen here, represent its snows & lakes
    $2000 10
A tuxedo for an amphibian

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Zach Samantha Kennedy
$32,800 $6,800 $4,400
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

It's the world's most common number system & second-most common alphabet

Final scores:

Zach Samantha Kennedy
$51,999 $13,598 $6,600
Automatic semifinalist 2nd place: $5,000 if eliminated 3rd place: $5,000 if eliminated

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Zach Samantha Kennedy
$29,400 $6,800 $5,200
32 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
11 R,
2 W
9 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $41,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2009-08-17
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