Bogue Falaya, Bayou Lafourche |
This guy seemingly kicked half of the Lone Star State in the face playing TV's Cordell Walker |
Chuck Norris
A song: "O beautiful, for spacious skies, for amber waves of bleep..." |
(Nicole: What is "America The Beautiful"?)
As far as political contributions go, this "comfy" cash is not regulated by federal law |
soft money
Its name is synonymous with French luxury: TOUT US VIOLIN |
Louis Vuitton
You take these "off" to praise someone, but keep something "under" one to keep a secret |
a hat
Clearwater River, Snake River |
He flexed his muscles from Brussels in the 1994 film "Street Fighter": wham, bam, thank you... |
Jean-Claude Van Damme
The Miranda warning: "Anything you say can & will be used against you in a bleep bleep bleep" |
court of law
John Kerry served on this type of vessel, which became a verb meaning to attack a candidate's credibility |
(Nicole: What is a U-boat?)
swift boat
We've got her purses in the bag: APE SKATED |
Kate Spade
If you've surprised someone who's unprepared, you've caught him this way |
with his pants down
Rahway River, Passaic River |
New Jersey
In 1998 we got caught in "Rush Hour" with this Hong Kong-born star |
Jackie Chan
Churchill: "We shall bleep on the beaches... we shall bleep in the fields & in the streets, we shall bleep in the hills" |
Money set aside for a campaign is said to be kept in one of these "bellicose" containers |
a war chest
Take direction with their shoes & bags: SINEW NET |
Nine West
A clothing store mannequin probably inspired this 2-word phrase for a pompous person |
(Ben: What is a stuffed suit?)
a stuffed shirt
Manatee River, Kissimmee river |
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar exchanged sky hooks for left hooks taking on this martial arts master in "Game of Death" |
Bruce Lee
Jefferson: "When in the course of bleep events, it becomes necessary for one people..." |
Usually begun by the people, a ballot this, from the Latin for "begin", is yea-or-nayed by all a state's voters |
His company is in New York: THENCE NO ELK |
Kenneth Cole
This phrase means a situation has been reversed; in the 19th c. that switch was easier: there weren't right & left ones |
the shoe is on the other foot
Kennebunk River, Penobscot River |
A weary Daniel Larusso hears, "Get him a body bag!" but delivers the match-winning kick in this 1984 film |
The Karate Kid
Coleridge: "From the fiends, that plague thee thus!--why look'st thou so?"--"With my bleep I shot the albatross" |
A family got mad at John McCain's use of this, their last name; their ancestors refused to brand cattle |
(Nirav: What is Hatfield?) (Alex: No. John McCain often referred to as the [*] senator.)
He designed for Perry Ellis before designing under his own name: CAR JOB SCAM |
Marc Jacobs
Napoleon has been credited with coining the phrase "an iron hand in" one of these |
a velvet glove