Show #4285 - Friday, March 28, 2003


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Neil Alsip, a writer from Minneapolis, Minnesota

Carolyn Goolsby, a writer from Columbia, South Carolina

Jeff Thompson, a high school teacher from Lake Forest, Illinois (whose 1-day cash winnings total $19,000)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: A letter of the alphabet, obviously.)
    $200 26
(Sarah of the Clue Crew) In 1582, even before Amsterdam built its most famous canals, an Italian traveler called it this city "of the North"
    $200 11
Rapunzel's hair color, it might have opened her up to some jokes
    $200 6
To us, it's one who runs to keep fit; to Johnson it was "one who moves heavily and dully"
    $200 21
This over 100-year-old group sells the "From My Cold Dead Hands" bumper sticker
    $200 1
"McGarrett is Missing"
    $200 16
It's Duracell's largest general-purpose battery
    $400 27
In summer, this seafood is sold at stands fresh & whole; at other times, it's eaten pickled
    $400 12
We hear a brush with death on a rabbit farm may be described as this type of experience
    $400 7
"A Chinese plant, of which the infusion has lately been much drunk in Europe"
    $400 22
Founded in 1980, it has helped more than 90,000 ailing kids fulfill desires like meeting a favorite celebrity
    $400 2
"A Bionic Christmas Carol"
    $400 17
In the '60s & '70s when Disneyland used alphabet-coded tickets, this was the most desirable one
    $600 28
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew) Altitude measurements throughout Europe are based on this, as established in Amsterdam
    $600 13
Letchemanah Ramasamy is in Guinness for doing this to a double-decker bus with his hair
    DD: $2,000 8
"An animal...amphibious and remarkable for his art in building his habitation"
    $600 23
Founded in 1933, the alliance of these Chinese businesses became a major NYC civil rights group
    $600 3
"The Ghost of General Lee"
    $600 18
In the word seen here in 17th-century-style printing, the first letter isn't an F, but this
    $800 29
One of Amsterdam's most famous buildings is the Oude Kerk, whose name means this
    $800 14
The tresses of "Dark Angel" Jessica Alba are featured in ads for this company's Feria
    $800 9
4-letter performer defined as "A buffoon who practices gesticulations"
    $800 24
(I'm Kevin Carter of the NFL) The FCA stands for this ministry originally supported by Branch Rickey
    $800 4
"The Gamesters of Triskelion"
    $800 19
This letter, 1 away from being in the musical scale in the English-speaking world, is used by Germans for B natural
    $1000 30
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew) Amsterdam's famous Skinny Bridge spans this river, for which Amsterdam was partly named
    $1000 15
The wirehaired breed of this hunting dog was developed in England
    $1000 10
In part, it's "The art which teaches the relations of words to each other"
    $1000 25
The Association of American Medical Colleges administers this, on which would-be doctors need to score high
    $1000 5
"Musings of a Cigarette-Smoking Man"
    $1000 20
Feng shui experts don't care for rooms shaped like this letter, like the one featured in a 1962 Leslie Caron movie

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Jeff Carolyn Neil
$0 $7,000 $1,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jeff Carolyn Neil
$1,400 $10,400 $1,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 23
It's the title of the famous verses written by Francis Scott Key in September 1814
    $400 7
To shield them from impact, the flight recorders nicknamed these are installed in the back of the plane
    $400 6
Pioneering computer programmer Grace Murray Hopper coined this term for a mysterious computer problem
    $400 12
Local dialects of Turkish & Greek are spoken on this Mediterranean island 40 miles south of Turkey
    $400 1
He's married to the former Blondie Boopadoop
    $400 17
This camera accessory comes with built-in adjustable focal lengths
    $800 24
This man finished his first effort, seen here, in 1896
    $800 8
It's the equipment Tony Hawk uses doing tricks like the Popshuvit Nosegrind
    $800 22
Nobel laureate Gertrude Elion helped develop drugs to treat herpes, gout & this, cancer of the bone marrow
    $800 13
Of the world's 168 million speakers of Portuguese, more than 90% live in this country
    $800 2
Jill St. John & Brooke Shields have both "Starred" as this comic strip reporter
    $800 18
The Rolling Stones' "Sticky Fingers" album featured a working one of these on the cover
    $1200 25
The fourth child of Klara & Alois, this dictator was born in Braunau am Inn, Austria in 1889
    $1200 9
According to a classic 1892 song, it's what I couldn't afford that caused me to get a bicycle built for 2
    $1200 30
In 1963 Maria Goeppert Mayer received a Nobel Prize in Physics for her "shell model" of this part of an atom
    $1200 14
It's the native language spoken in almost all of Kosovo
    DD: $2,200 3
Title of Mell Lazarus' strip about Mrs. Hobbs & her efforts to stay part of her children's lives
    $1200 19
This African nation's president is Frederick Chiluba & its capital is Lusaka
    $1600 29
In 1851 Queen Victoria opened this "Great" showcase of British art & industry
    $1600 10
Going into production in 2003, this German automaker's SLR will feature gullwing doors
    $1600 28
Dorothy Hodgkin's Nobel Prize in Chemistry was for her work on this vitamin, whose deficiency causes pernicious anemia
    $1600 15
This Chinese dialect, widely spoken in Hong Kong, is also known as Yue
    $1600 4
This panel is still in the papers, though creator Jim Unger officially retired in 1992
    $1600 20
2 main sects of this philosophical school were introduced to Japan in the 12th & 13th centuries
    $2000 26
It's the 4-word title of the famous 1830 Eugene Delacroix work seen here
    $2000 11
(Sarah of the Clue Crew) It's the "monetary" name for this turn-of -the-century wheel transport
    $2000 27
Called the first female M.D. in modern times, she helped found the London School of Medicine for Women in 1875
    DD: $3,700 16
Following the U.S. & the U.K., this Southeast Asian island nation has the largest number of English speakers
    $2000 5
Last name of wilderness lover Mark, whose strip was launched in 1946
    $2000 21
This city was the capital of the Axis puppet state of Croatia from 1941 to 1945

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jeff Carolyn Neil
$1,700 $14,000 $7,200

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1951 Elizabeth II attended one of these in Canada; she attended her next one, also in Canada, on October 6, 2002

Final scores:

Jeff Carolyn Neil
$200 $13,599 $300
3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $13,599 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Jeff Carolyn Neil
$5,400 $12,600 $6,200
7 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
29 R
(including 1 DD),
8 W
14 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $24,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2002-12-04
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