Show #3044 - Thursday, November 20, 1997

1997 Power Players Week game 4.
From DAR Constitution Hall in Washington, D.C.


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Oliver Stone, a screenwriter and director from A Child's Night Dream

Arianna Huffington, a columnist and author from Greetings from the Lincoln Bedroom

Wolf Blitzer, a reporter from CNN

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: These clues all have to do with people who have the same name as an animal; a perfect example, of course, is Wolf Blitzer; Blitzer, as we all know, is one of Santa Claus' reindeer!)
    $100 10
The Rockettes get a kick out of the art deco lobby in this New York theater, their home
    $100 1
This team's logo is on champagne bottles commemorating the opening of Jack Kent Cooke Stadium
    $100 6
In 1883 he opened his Wild West Show in Omaha, Nebraska
    $100 7
Henry Perky turned out his first batch of this cereal in 1892; in 1928 Nabisco bought his company
    $100 9
The Celibate Rifles chose their name as a counterpart to this British punk band's
    $100 8
If it fits, "wear it", but hope it's not "on the other foot"
    $200 11
Live alligators were once featured in the lobby of the Jefferson Hotel in this Virginia capital
    $200 2
On May 15, 1997 the NBA's Washington Bullets took this name
    $200 13
In 1997 he broke Jack Nicklaus' 32-year-old Masters record of 17 under par
    $200 20
As a whole, its head can be stuffed; shredded, it can be a slaw
    $200 18
The name of this Florida band combines a blonde actress & the head of a "murderous" family
    $200 22
Completes "What you don't know can't..."
    $300 12
You may see sharks swimming in the lobby aquarium in this Las Vegas hotel named for a desert illusion
    $300 3
Ron Wilson, the former head coach of the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim, now coaches this team
    $300 15
In the victory column, this Alabamian has 4 more than Pop Warner
    $300 21
This shredded substance puts the queso in a quesadilla
    DD: $500 19
The song heard here was a 1989 Top 10 single for this group:
    $400 14
Twice a day, these web-footed birds march through the lobby of the Peabody Hotel in Memphis
    $400 4
The D.C. United plays this sport outside while the Warthogs play it indoors
    $400 16
On "Another Saturday Night" you'll find him "Sitting" on a "Peace Train" until "Morning Has Broken"
    $500 5
Before moving, this baseball team was called, "First in War, First in Peace & Last in the American League"
    $500 17
This "Good Morning, Vietnam" star once studied drama with John Houseman

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Wolf Arianna Oliver
$1,500 $100 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Wolf Arianna Oliver
$2,300 $400 $400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We have a science category called...)
    $200 1
Former senators Alan Simpson & this man co-chair Project Independence to reform campaign finances
    $200 18
When Lex gets hungry & bored, he toasts marshmallows over this gas device named for a German chemist
    $200 7
In 1993 he was "In the Line of Fire" as Secret Service agent Frank Horrigan
    $200 19
An easy one of our English rhymes: Henry VIII wed this many times
    $200 8
He was nicknamed "Red" as a child, but you know him better as "Silent Cal"
    $200 3
Once meaning "lacking religious beliefs", it now means cheating on your spouse
    $400 2
Bob Chase, the president of this teachers' union, has a regular column in the Washington Post
    $400 11
This star of "Grumpy Old Men" played a grumpy Supreme Court justice in "First Monday in October"
    $400 20
A "Major" change was the designation, so Britain accepted her '90 resignation
    $400 9
As a youth, this Georgian was nicknamed "Hot", short for "Hot Shot"
    $400 4
It once meant "an insult", so you'd be adding insult to...insult
    $600 12
Laurence Harvey & Frank Sinatra starred in this 1962 political thriller based on a novel by Richard Condon
    $600 21
In 1788 convicts were bound for this big land that Cook had found
    $600 10
William McKinley was known as the "Idol of" this Buckeye state, his birthplace
    $600 5
Now it's a den in which you'd find an animal lion around; a long time ago, it was "a coach"
    $800 13
In "All the President's Men", Hal Holbrook played this informer whose true identity is still a mystery
    $800 22
In '43 this prime minister man was one of the Big 3 who met in Teheran
    $800 16
Men who slandered his wife Rachel found out quickly why he was called the "Duel Fighter"
    $800 6
It was a tavern, or a clump of ivy hung on a pub; today it's a small shrub, or an ex-president
    $1000 15
This British actor, JFK's brother-in-law, played a U.S. senator in "Advise and Consent"
    $1000 17
This "Bachelor President" was affectionately nicknamed "Old Buck"
    $1000 14
Henry, Jane, Peter or Bridget might tell you that this 4-letter word once meant "foolish"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Wolf Arianna Oliver
$4,500 $1,800 $4,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

The Italian name of this 15th century masterpiece is "L'Ultima Cena"

Final scores:

Wolf Arianna Oliver
$4,100 $300 $5,500
2nd place: $10,000 for the American Cancer Society 3rd place: $10,000 for the Center for Effective Compassion Winner: $15,000 for Rock the Boat

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Wolf Arianna Oliver
$4,500 $1,800 $4,500
15 R,
2 W
5 R,
0 W
13 R,
6 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $10,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1997-11-01
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