Show #4619 - Thursday, October 7, 2004

Ken Jennings game 52.


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Jennifer Lord, a teacher from Wilmington, Delaware

Steve Kornya, a courier from Baltimore, Maryland

Ken Jennings, a software engineer from Salt Lake City, Utah (whose 51-day cash winnings total $1,738,100)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 26
At the 1912 Stockholm Games Gustav V told this U.S. athlete, "Sir, you are the greatest athlete in the world"
    $200 19
This West Coast city's Market Street once featured 4 sets of streetcar tracks
    $200 16
Parts of its cycle are full, new & quarter phases
    $200 11
In "Treasure Island", he's originally hired as a cook
    $200 6
A 1951 survey of the U.S. Armed Forces found this milk & grain concoction their least favorite dessert
    $200 1
Jimmy Carter's day job from 1971 to 1975
    $400 27
Bjorn Daehlie of this country has won a record 12 Winter Olympic medals, all for cross-country skiing
    $400 22
In 1989 this country removed Imre Nagy's remains from a potter's field & reburied them with honors
    $400 17
It's the botanical term for a plant whose life cycle transpires within one year
    $400 12
The Great Gatsby lived there
    $400 7
In a 1945 poll this advertising symbol ranked as the best-known woman in America after Eleanor Roosevelt
    $400 2
From 1957 to 1971 Jimmy Hoffa was their president
    $600 28
For men in the Olympics, this is 115 centimeters high & has a couple of handles on top
    $600 23
The Trans-Alaska Pipeline runs 800 miles from the oil fields near Prudhoe Bay to this now-famous port city
    $600 18
Back in force since 2004, it has the longest developmental cycle of any insect, 17 years
    $600 13
His namesake bridge spans the Mississippi in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana
    $600 8
Voted the ugliest Las Vegas building in one poll, this tower resembles a diamond in a really tall setting
    $600 3
He's the "nosy" entertainer seen here
    DD: $2,400 29
One difference between this hyphenated sport & freestyle is that opponents can't grasp or use the legs in a fall
    $800 24
When Yeager broke the sound barrier there, this California Air Force Base was known as Muroc Field
    $800 20
Observed for centuries, they seem to have about an 11-year cycle & possess powerful solar magnetic fields
    $800 14
Its greatest use as a military weapon was during the Hundred Years' War; just ask the French at Crecy
    $800 9
A 2003 online poll by SmartTravel rated this Russian airline the world's worst
    $800 4
Jim Morrison's reptilian nickname
    $1000 30
The youngest competitor at the 1992 Barcelona games was an 11-year-old who did this job in a shell
    $1000 25
Last name of brothers John & Henry, who leased out land to build the Kentucky Derby race track in the 1870s
    $1000 21
Three key stages in this cycle are evaporation, precipitation & runoff
    $1000 15
A sextant is used to determine yours
    $1000 10
A U.S. News & World Report survey of the nation's best hospitals lists this Baltimore facility No. 1
    $1000 5
William Travis & this man were in command at the Alamo during the famous siege

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Ken Steve Jennifer
$7,600 $0 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ken Steve Jennifer
$9,400 $5,000 $2,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 16
A library stands on the old site of Stagg Field; aptly, as in 1939 the University dropped this sport to focus on academics
    $400 6
7 people barricade themselves in a house & fight off flesheaters
    $400 22
Kochel No. 1 is the G major minuet & trio he composed when he was about 5
    $400 21
Mary wrote that if Congress gave women the right to do this, their behavior would make the process absurd
    $400 1
Her lover called her "my serpent of old Nile"
    $400 11
43rd president of the U.S. who flies supplies to remote Alaskan villages every week
    $800 17
Writers & editors couldn't do without the University Press' "Chicago Manual of" this, now in its 15th edition
    $800 7
Steve Martin innovatively interacts with clips from classic film noir movies
    $800 23
The well-traveled Felix Mendelssohn wrote "Italian" & "Scottish" ones
    $800 27
In 1882 Mary died in this Illinois city in which she & Abe had married
    $800 2
Goneril is the eldest of his 3 daughters
    $800 12
National Security Advisor who Snaps, Crackles & Pops
    $1200 18
What was once the Institute for Nuclear Studies is now named after this pile driver of a physicist
    $1200 8
Dirty Harry investigates a mysterious series of celebrity deaths
    $1200 24
Born near Prague in 1841, he composed the following in 1863
    DD: $1,800 28
On the spelling of this, Abe said he reckoned that one "D" was good enough for God
    $1200 3
This king of Scotland was Macbeth's cousin
    DD: $6,400 13
"The Day of the Locust" author who works in the White House area for which a TV drama is named
    $1600 19
University of Chicago's Adler & Hutchins used this 2-word phrase for a program of classic works on which to base a curriculum
    $1600 9
Kenneth Branagh & Emma Thompson play reincarnated lovers in Los Angeles
    $1600 25
Ironically, one of the last works Franz Schubert heard was this type of mass, by his brother Ferdinand
    $1600 29
During the Civil War, clotheshorse Mary ran up $27,000 in debts, while this was set at $25,000
    $1600 4
For much of the play, this title character is known simply as Gloucester
    $1600 14
Nothing can succeed in this White House office where the president meets with his war council
    $2000 20
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew stands in the nave of a chapel at the University of Chicago.) This chapel here on campus is named for him, of whom students sang, "Wonderful man is he / Gives all his spare change to the U. of C."
    $2000 10
A married couple is terrorized on the high seas after picking up a stranger
    $2000 26
This Strauss waltz heard here commemorated a meeting between Franz Joseph I & Wilhelm II
    $2000 30
Fortunately this actress still had 2 good legs when she saved Mary from falling down stairs on a ship from France
    $2000 5
About this queen, Hamlet says, "Frailty, thy name is woman"
    $2000 15
Traditional Southern "jumping" dish of black-eyed peas that became Attorney General of the U.S. in 2001

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ken Steve Jennifer
$33,600 $10,600 $7,000
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

The last thing visitors see in the exhibit area of the Salem Witch Museum is a huge photo of this politician

Final scores:

Ken Steve Jennifer
$40,000 $7,199 $3,000
52-day champion: $1,778,100 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Ken Steve Jennifer
$27,800 $9,000 $7,000
36 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
11 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
9 R,
0 W

Combined Coryat: $43,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2004-08-09
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