The trident on Barbados' flag stands for this Roman god of the sea |
Before "The Matrix" he debuted as a goalie in the hockey film "Youngblood" |
Keanu Reeves
John Smeaton, the first to call himself a civil engineer, built one of these ship-guiding structures near Plymouth |
This nosy, long-tailed critter is the only marsupial found in the U.S. |
A variation of couch potato, a mouse potato is someone who spends a lot of time with this |
She plotted against the French Revolution & gave military secrets to her brother Leopold II of Austria |
Marie Antoinette
This nation's area consists of about 44% of all the land area in the West Indies |
He was just 14 (& not yet married to Uma Thurman) when he debuted in "Explorers" in 1985 |
Ethan Hawke
Name shared by a tunnel-digging machine & a mammal with poor eyesight |
While true buffaloes have 13 pairs of ribs, this American counterpart has 14 |
Like Carson Daly of MTV, a TV host who plays musical clips or images is known by this "initial" term |
On November 15, 1920 the League of Nations held its first meeting in this city |
(L: What is New York City?)
Duarte Peak, the highest point in the West Indies, rises 10,417 feet in this nation that occupies 2/3 of Hispaniola |
(D: What is Haiti?)
Dominican Republic
She debuted as a lovesick teen in 1991's "The Man in the Moon"; in 1999 she was up for "Election" |
Reese Witherspoon
Malaria killed many workers on the Rideau one of these, though it's in Canada, not Panama |
The basilisk, which can run short distances over water, is a type of this creature |
Also a term in census taking, it's borrowing an old piece of music & using it in a new song; try it! |
In 1968 Soviet troops invaded this country & abducted Communist Party leader Alexander Dubcek |
(L: What is Afghanistan?) (D: What is Hungary?)
The College of the Bahamas, that nation's only school of higher learning, is located in this capital city |
(D: What is Freeport?)
This talk show host was a student at Ithaca College when she won the lead in "Hairspray" |
Ricki Lake
The 40-mile-long Old Croton one of these was completed in 1842 -- but that's all water over the bridge |
(L: What is a tunnel?) (S: What is a dam?)
The 2 African species of the mammal seen here have these contrasting names |
black & white rhinoceros
From the title of a 1990 Martin Scorsese film, it's a popular term for mobsters |
In the 4th century Greece became a part of the Byzantine Empire; about 1,100 years later it became part of this empire |
Ottoman Empire
Once known as St. Christopher and Nevis, it's now known by this slightly shorter name |
St. Kitts and Nevis
"Purple People Eater" introduced this young star who played Kevin Spacey's daughter in "American Beauty" |
Thora Birch
Beginning in 1824 Congress allowed this military group to take on civilian projects |
(we have less than a minute to go, Dave...)
Army Corps of Engineers
The rough skin of these fish that make up the order Selachii was once made into a type of sandpaper called shagreen |
For politicians this medical-sounding spokesperson makes the bad news all better |
(D: What is the Surgeon General?)
Spin doctor
In the 1200s this western Italian city-state ruled the central Mediterranean, including Sardinia & Corsica |
(S: What is Rome?)