Show #5233 - Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Andrew Rostan game 5.


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Jamil Muhammad, a marriage educator originally from Cincinnati, Ohio

Lenore Garon, a lawyer from Falls Church, Virginia

Andrew Rostan, a student originally from Boardman, Ohio (whose 4-day cash winnings total $101,500)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Sounds like we're back in school.)
(Alex: [After revealing all categories] A word about [*]. The reason it's "a day to remember" is that it's the birthday of one of our writers, who wrote this category! [To the writer] OK, Jim!)
    $200 21
Auxin is a growth type of this substance; it regulates plant growth, especially in stems
    $200 1
On early TV, it was Theodore Cleaver's nickname
    $200 16
It's Russia's national alcoholic drink--Na zdorovia! To your health!
    $200 11
This composer's musical "Annie Get Your Gun" premieres on Broadway May 16, 1946
    $200 26
The Boy Scout slogan is "Do" one of these "daily"
    $200 6
It can be an area of a baseball stadium or people who use hydrogen peroxide on their heads
    $400 22
Canada wild rye isn't liquor from Yukon but this type of plant of the genus Elymus
    $400 2
This star of "The Misfits" dismissed his nickname "The King" with "I eat and sleep and go to the bathroom" like anyone else
    $400 17
Shashlik, which is meat &amp; vegetables cooked on skewers, is the Russian version of this Turkish &amp; Middle East dish
    $400 12
489 years after her death, this woman becomes a saint when Pope Benedict XV canonizes her May 16, 1920
    $400 27
Of 10, 21 or 25, the number of merit badges a scout needs to qualify for the rank of Eagle Scout
    $400 7
For April, it's the diamond
    $600 23
This plant of the genus Ah-Ah-Ambrosia sheds pollen in great ah-ah-abundance
    $600 3
Jan. 12, 1976 news could say, "The Queen is dead!"--this mystery writer called the "Queen of Crime"
    $600 18
Named for a former Soviet city, this butter-filled fried chicken dish is often served in Russian cuisine
    $600 13
On May 16, 1991 Queen Elizabeth II becomes the first British monarch to address this U.S. body
    $600 8
Between-meals meal; can "linner" be far behind?
    $800 24
This small carpeting plant is also reputed to show up on the north sides of trees, but that's an alga
    $800 4
The nickname of Detective Eagan, who inspired "The French Connection", &amp; of Detective Doyle in the film
    $800 19
Whatever kind of caviar you eat, it's traditionally served on one of these Russian buckwheat pancakes
    $800 14
These 2 royals marry in Paris May 16, 1770
    $800 9
This "colorful" variety of country music is played on unamplified stringed instruments
    $1000 25
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew indicates a flower.) The color of a hydrangea's flowers can be determined by the level of this in the soil; above 6 for pink flowers, lower for blue
    $1000 5
This nickname of actor Bryan Ulrich is short for "mosquito"
    DD: $1,600 20
A beef & sour cream dish bears the name of this noble family; it was created by their chef
    $1000 15
On May 16, 1836 this American author marries his 13-year-old cousin Virginia
    $1000 10
A device that regulates the flow of a liquid, or a synonym for confuse or stymie

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Andrew Lenore Jamil
$3,400 $1,400 $1,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Andrew Lenore Jamil
$2,800 $6,200 $3,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

2006 NEWS
    $400 21
Lopez Obrador narrowly lost this country's presidency to Calderon--or vice versa, if you ask Lopez Obrador
    $400 1
The Blues Brothers, the duo of John Belushi &amp; him, hit the charts with "Soul Man"
    $400 6
In this novella, "Holly Golightly had been a tenant in the old brownstone"
    $400 11
It's the country closest to the wreck of the Titanic
    $400 26
Addis Ababa,
    $400 16
People considered as readily available &amp; of little value; it usually follows "cannon"
    $800 22
(Jon of the Clue Crew indicates the monitor.) The Democrats gained 6 of these, including a win in Massachusetts by Deval Patrick, the second African-American ever elected to one
    $800 2
This jazz-rock group had hits with "Reeling in the Years" &amp; "Rikki Don't Lose That Number"
    $800 7
In this novel, one of the inhabitants of Brobdingnag is described as being "as tall as an ordinary spire-steeple"
    $800 12
The flat-topped table mountain overlooking Cape Town is often under its own cloud cover, aptly called this
    $800 27
Sao Paulo,
    $800 17
A Bond villain knows it means to work at a series of unrelated, low-paying positions
    DD: $1,200 23
On Nov. 23 a former Russian spy died in London, poisoned by the 210 isotope of this element
    $1200 3
Danny Wood was one of the "kids" in this Boston band
    DD: $1,600 8
Sandburg wrote that it "sits looking over harbor and city on silent haunches and then moves on"
    $1200 13
In 2003 Portland coach Maurice Cheeks got an "assist" before the game when a 13-year-old girl forgot these
    $1200 28
    $1200 18
Proceeded in a tediously slow manner, or walked heavily
    $1600 24
IAU Resolution 5A defined this 2-word term as a body "that has not cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit"
    $1600 4
He was "Only a Lad" when he was the lead singer of Oingo Boingo; he went on to score films for Tim Burton
    $1600 9
Chapter 1 of it begins, "'Camelot--Camelot,' said I to myself. 'I don't seem to remember hearing of it before'"
    $1600 14
Ronald Reagan was partly deaf in his right ear because this happened to close to it on a movie set
    $1600 29
Wallis Futuna
    $1600 19
It means soaked with liquid or moisture; saturated
    $2000 25
This murderous leader of al Qaeda in Iraq was killed by an air strike in a house in June
    $2000 5
This soft-rock singer/songwriter was the "Leader of the Band"
    $2000 10
In his "Ode on" this, Keats writes, "Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter"
    $2000 15
1950s Bulgarian leader Vulko Chervenkov, who followed the Soviet model, was known as "Little" this dictator
    $2000 30
    $2000 20
It's a past particple of "tread"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Andrew Lenore Jamil
$15,200 $11,400 $9,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

There were 5 living former presidents when this president was sworn in, none of whom was of his party

Final scores:

Andrew Lenore Jamil
$23,000 $3,799 $17,000
5-day champion: $124,500 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Andrew Lenore Jamil
$16,400 $10,400 $9,000
19 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)
18 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
13 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $35,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2007-02-07
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