If you're in Barra da Tijuca, you can head right along the coast to Ipanema |
Rio de Janeiro
Tevye, Golde, Yente |
Fiddler on the Roof
Around 1800 Parson Weems wrote of this man's unauthorized juvenile lumberjacking |
George Washington
Part of this religion's Manu Smriti, or Code of Manu, sets forth the basis of the caste system |
Number of months with only 30 days |
(Bill: What is six?)
One of the railroads in the board game Monopoly |
Short Line
Hurry up Via Mazzini so you can bear right on Santa Margherita in time to make it for the curtain at La Scala |
Fantine, Javert, Jean Valjean |
Les Miserables
The name of this light axe is from the Algonquian for "cutting utensil" |
(Carol: What is hatchet?)
"Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam", "To The Greater Glory Of God", is the motto of this Catholic teaching order |
the Jesuits
Years that read the same upside down & right side up include 1881, 6009 & this year of the 1960s |
Assume this baseball position |
Just learn the alphabet--heading down Beacon St., it's Arlington, Berkeley, Clarendon, then Dartmouth |
Boston, Massachusetts
Mrs. Potts, Belle, Gaston |
Beauty and the Beast
This legendary timber toppler was said to have dug Puget Sound to float huge logs to the mill |
Paul Bunyan
Jews from many nations come to Jerusalem to pray at this, all that remains of the Holy Temple |
the Wailing Wall (or Western Wall)
Title of the 1965 Beatles No. 1 hit song that is a calendrical impossiblity |
"Eight Days A Week"
To the IRS, the 1040EZ is one of these |
a short form
From the Scott Monument, take a wee walk up to St. David Street to get to St. Andrew Square |
(Bill: What is Glasgow?)
Bustopher Jones, Old Deuteronomy, Mistoffelees |
In 1893 this Massachusetts woman was acquitted of giving her parents the axe |
Lizzie Borden
In 1644 his "History of the Reformation in Scotland" was published posthumously |
John Knox
Dies Martis is the Latin name for this day of the week |
(Andrew: What is Thursday?)
Briefly, it's butter or lard used to make pastry |
Head down Front Street & not far from the corner of John Street is the CN Tower--you can't miss it, you really can't |
Velma Von Tussle, Tracy Turnblad, Corny Collins |
The short-bladed type of this 7-letter South American item is used to cut sugar cane |
This "colorful" house of worship in Istanbul was designed to compete with the Hagia Sophia opposite it |
the Blue Mosque
In the DD/MM/YYYY format, it was the most recent date in which all 3 were even numbers |
December 30, 2006
Pitman & Gregg developed modern versions of this technique used in dictation |