"The sun and the moon shall be darkened" is the forcast of Joel, one of the 12 minor these |
It was Babe Ruth's real first name |
(Alex: It was [*]. [*] Herman Ruth.)
In 2006, Abdullah al-Amiri was removed as judge amid charges he was too soft on this notorious defendant |
Saddam Hussein
To magnify facts beyond the limits of truth |
to exaggerate
Roman commander Postumus revolted around 257 A.D. & set up an independent empire in this area that's now France |
The "whippers-in" assist with the hounds in this controversial sport recently restricted in the U.K. |
They're 1 of the 2 groups of people who require a second epistle from Paul, due to backsliding after the first |
Thessalonians (or Corinthians)
After retiring as a player, Babe Ruth was a first-base coach for this other New York City team in 1938 |
the Dodgers
Judge John Raulston, seen here, had to keep order between Darrow & Bryan in this 1925 trial |
the Scopes trial
As you'd expect, King Arthur wields this magical weapon in "Spamalot" |
C.S. Lewis could have "chronicled" this birth city of the emperor Marcus Cocceius Nerva in central Italy |
A perfumer's job has this "anatomical" name, & one of them reportedly had his insured for $3 million |
a nose
They're the stories by which Jesus taught--hey, did you hear the one about the sower & soils? |
To help the team's owner pay off debts, this team sold Ruth to the Yankees in 1920 |
the Boston Red Sox
On Oct. 29, 1969 at a trial in this city, Judge Hoffman ordered Bobby Seale bound & gagged |
(Alex: [*]. The trial of the [*] Eight. Yes.)
Jungian type characterized by an outgoing personality |
an extrovert
Roman consul Lucius Metellus didn't play guitar for Metallica, but he did fight in the first of these lasting 264-241 B.C. |
the Punic Wars
Andrew Parker Bowles, Camilla's ex-husband, once held the odd job of "Silver Stick in waiting to" this royal |
the Queen
The 117th of these has only 33 words, including 3 "praise"s & 3 "Lord"s |
the Psalms
Total number of regular season home runs Babe Ruth hit in his career; it was the record until 1974 |
(Connie: What is 711?) (Alex: No.) (Connie: Oh, of regular season.)
This judge, who became Major League Baseball's first commissioner, was named for the Civil War battle of Kennesaw Mountain |
(Kennesaw Mountain) Landis
Adjective for school activities held after clases are finished |
Under this emperor, the Romans stuttered to a conquest of Britain in 43 A.D. |
Max McCalman is a maitre fromager--an expert on this--& he's written a "Connoisseur's Guide to the World's Best" |
Nonagenarians live to 90; we're not sure what to call Seth & this father of his, who both reached 900 |
(Alison: Who is Methuselah?)
The Babe wore this uniform number because it was his spot in the batting order, right before Lou Gehrig |
(Connie: What is... 7? No, it's not 7.) (Alex: He batted [*]. Lou Gehrig batted cleanup. You knew that?) (Connie: But I didn't say it.) (Alex: But you didn't say it. Your brain got in the way.)
This court's judges include Ranjeva of Madagascar, Owada of Japan & Tomka of Slovakia |
the World Court
The unfortunate condition of some animal species, or the fortunate condition of some volcanoes |
Vespasian, a poor man's son who became emperor in 69 A.D., began this dynasty that lent its name to an amphitheater |
the Flavian dynasty
To become a tatter, you'll have to learn to make the delicate handmade type of this fabric |