Show #5194 - Thursday, March 22, 2007


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Alison Fowler, an administrator from Portland, Oregon

Connie Walters, a freelance music teacher from Jamesville, New York

Paul Horwitz, a professor from Los Angeles, California (whose 1-day cash winnings total $30,500)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Not Job, but "jahb". A little twist for us there.)
    $200 2
"The sun and the moon shall be darkened" is the forcast of Joel, one of the 12 minor these
    $200 7
It was Babe Ruth's real first name
    $200 1
In 2006, Abdullah al-Amiri was removed as judge amid charges he was too soft on this notorious defendant
    $200 13
To magnify facts beyond the limits of truth
    $200 20
Roman commander Postumus revolted around 257 A.D. &amp; set up an independent empire in this area that's now France
    $200 18
The "whippers-in" assist with the hounds in this controversial sport recently restricted in the U.K.
    $400 3
They're 1 of the 2 groups of people who require a second epistle from Paul, due to backsliding after the first
    $400 8
After retiring as a player, Babe Ruth was a first-base coach for this other New York City team in 1938
    $400 9
Judge John Raulston, seen here, had to keep order between Darrow &amp; Bryan in this 1925 trial
    $400 14
As you'd expect, King Arthur wields this magical weapon in "Spamalot"
    $400 21
C.S. Lewis could have "chronicled" this birth city of the emperor Marcus Cocceius Nerva in central Italy
    $400 26
A perfumer's job has this "anatomical" name, & one of them reportedly had his insured for $3 million
    $600 4
They're the stories by which Jesus taught--hey, did you hear the one about the sower &amp; soils?
    $600 19
To help the team's owner pay off debts, this team sold Ruth to the Yankees in 1920
    DD: $500 10
On Oct. 29, 1969 at a trial in this city, Judge Hoffman ordered Bobby Seale bound &amp; gagged
    $600 15
Jungian type characterized by an outgoing personality
    $600 22
Roman consul Lucius Metellus didn't play guitar for Metallica, but he did fight in the first of these lasting 264-241 B.C.
    $600 27
Andrew Parker Bowles, Camilla's ex-husband, once held the odd job of "Silver Stick in waiting to" this royal
    $800 5
The 117th of these has only 33 words, including 3 "praise"s &amp; 3 "Lord"s
    $800 23
Total number of regular season home runs Babe Ruth hit in his career; it was the record until 1974
    $800 11
This judge, who became Major League Baseball's first commissioner, was named for the Civil War battle of Kennesaw Mountain
    $800 16
Adjective for school activities held after clases are finished
    $800 24
Under this emperor, the Romans stuttered to a conquest of Britain in 43 A.D.
    $800 28
Max McCalman is a maitre fromager--an expert on this--&amp; he's written a "Connoisseur's Guide to the World's Best"
    $1000 6
Nonagenarians live to 90; we're not sure what to call Seth &amp; this father of his, who both reached 900
    $1000 30
The Babe wore this uniform number because it was his spot in the batting order, right before Lou Gehrig
    $1000 12
This court's judges include Ranjeva of Madagascar, Owada of Japan &amp; Tomka of Slovakia
    $1000 17
The unfortunate condition of some animal species, or the fortunate condition of some volcanoes
    $1000 25
Vespasian, a poor man's son who became emperor in 69 A.D., began this dynasty that lent its name to an amphitheater
    $1000 29
To become a tatter, you'll have to learn to make the delicate handmade type of this fabric

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Paul Connie Alison
$2,400 $2,800 $1,300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Paul Connie Alison
$5,000 $4,000 $3,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: A very talented man.)
    $400 3
Lieberman's adversaries
    $400 26
"Wilkommen"! Hal took home Tonys for producing &amp; directing this 1966 Joel Grey musical
    $400 1
(Sarah of the Clue Crew cats around at the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha, NE.) When this little pussycat grows up, it may reach 250 fierce pounds, because it's this biggest New World cat
    $400 14
You sure are at home on the range, soldier, so proudly wear your badge for excellence in this
    $400 11
In an 1870 work, this captain plays solemnly on his organ as his sub heads toward the maelstrom
    $400 15
When I'm in a slump, these purple fruits perk me up
    $800 4
Trent's automatons
    $800 27
This 1957 urban musical featured a collaboration of Robbins, Bernstein, Sondheim &amp; Hal
    $800 2
There are Siberian and Bengal types of this, the largest member of the cat family
    $800 18
You sorry excuse for a soldier, you don't deserve 3 chevrons; I'm demoting you from sergeant to this
    $800 12
The third witch in a 1606 play chants, "A drum, a drum" this title king "doth come"
    DD: $2,000 16
If you're watching your carbs, eat these plain, not in cakes
    $1200 5
Christopher's supreme beings
    $1200 28
In 1988, Hal directed this musical set in 19th century Paris
    $1200 8
The Canada version of this cat, seen here, was designated a protected species in 1998
    $1200 23
Like to fly, son? You're joining the Screaming Eagles, the legendary air assault division with this three-digit number
    $1200 13
(Cheryl fiddles around at the Sherlock Holmes Museum in London.) Sherlock Holmes owned and often played one of these famous violins, which he claimed to be worth 500 guineas
    $1200 17
It takes a real man to chow down a 48-ounce one of these
    $1600 6
Bailey Hutchison's dried grasses
    $1600 29
In 1962 Hal produced this comedy with characters named Pseudolus, Erronius &amp; Hysterium
    $1600 9
It's the fastest land animal over short distances, attaining speeds up to 60 miles per hour
    DD: $3,000 24
Have another bar, first lieutenant; you're going up one rank to this
    $1600 19
In an 1831 novel, this dancing girl's goat, Djali, does tricks for Parisians by tapping on a tambourine
    $1600 21
I wonder how Karo syrup would taste on this gumbo vegetable
    $2000 7
Senator Alexander's automobiles
    $2000 30
Hal produced this 1955 musical about a big Washington Senators fan
    $2000 10
Prized for its beautiful fur, this American wild cat, seen here, is an endangered species in the United States
    $2000 25
Your valor makes you richly deserving of this; short of the Medal of Honor, it's our Army's highest award
    $2000 20
In this Hawthorne tale, Alice Pyncheon's ghost is said to play the harpsichord
    $2000 22
I serve ham &amp; riced potatoes with this fruity drink

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Paul Connie Alison
$10,200 $6,400 $18,100

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

These 2 Great Lakes each border 4 U.S. states

Final scores:

Paul Connie Alison
$3,500 $100 $15,400
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $15,400

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Paul Connie Alison
$10,200 $8,400 $16,800
18 R,
2 W
15 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
18 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $35,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2006-12-13
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