Show #5193 - Wednesday, March 21, 2007


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Ruth Merriam, an accountant from South Orange, New Jersey

Paul Horwitz, a professor from Los Angeles, California

Jamey Kirby, a humanities teacher originally from Live Oak, Florida (whose 3-day cash winnings total $60,265)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 26
    $200 14
He starred in the films "Fists of Fury" & "Game of Death"
    $200 2
NHL regulations stipulate that this must be kept in a frozen state in order to be used in a game
    $200 3
In 2006 more than 40% of this airline's customers flew to, from or through Atlanta
    $200 17
The Maccabees fought a guerrilla war to keep the Syrians out of this city
    $200 6
The definitive English writer of game rules; now everything is "according to" him
    $400 27
San Salvador,
San Jose,
    $400 22
19th century man seen here; we know you were waiting for this one
    $400 4
This term once meant an entire golf course; now it refers to the area surrounding the cup
    $400 11
In 2005 this Phoenix-based airline merged with US Airways to create the world's largest low-fare airline
    $400 18
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew gives the clue from Prague, Czech Republic.) Josefov, named for an emperor, is Prague's version of this area, to which Jews were restricted
    $400 7
Bronze is an important one of tin & copper
    $600 28
    $600 23
He began working at the Texas School Book Depository in October 1963
    $600 5
(Kelly of the Clue Crew gives the clue from the University of Iowa.) It's the structural term for the arched position a wrestler uses to avoid his back touching the mat
    $600 12
It's the airline whose familiar logo is seen here
    $600 19
Term for attacks on Jews, from the Russian for "destruction"; they started to get bad around 1881
    $600 8
These edible bivalve mollusks can reach 12 inches across
    $800 29
    $800 24
As of 1975, this Pulitzer Prize-winner was said to be working on her second novel but it hasn't been published yet
    $800 1
In bowling, if only the 2 & 7 pins or 3 & 10 pins are left standing after the first roll, it's called a baby this
    $800 13
It's easy to recognize this airline's planes: they have a shamrock on the tail
    $800 20
Now the USA's largest Jewish movement, it began in the 19th c. to change Judaism by reducing ritual
    $800 9
Used as waterspouts, these stone figures take their name from the Old French for "throat"
    $1000 30
    $1000 25
In 1986 Bruce Springsteen refused his $12 million offer to use "Born in the U.S.A." in an automoble ad
    $1000 16
In this illegal block, a football player hits an opponent from behind, below the waist, resulting in a 15-yard penalty
    DD: $1,000 15
Icarus is the frequent-flyer program of this international airline
    $1000 21
In 1984 an airlift began flying Jews called falashas from this African country to Israel
    $1000 10
Castle that was the birthplace of St. Ignatius, the founder of the Jesuits

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Jamey Paul Ruth
$0 $3,200 $1,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jamey Paul Ruth
$2,600 $7,600 $3,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Name the character speaking.)
    $400 16
A McBurney's incision is made in the lower right abdomen by a surgeon about to remove this
    $400 10
Sir Alec Guinness
Ewan McGregor
    $400 1
"I'll never love anybody but you, Tom, and I'll never marry anybody but you--and you ain't to ever marry anybody but me"
    $400 20
Tugela, a set of these in South Africa, totals over 5 Washington Monuments high
    $400 6
This movement includes works by Claes Oldenburg, David Hockney &, of course, Andy Warhol
    $400 24
I see this plant-eating aquatic mammal from Florida
    $800 17
Popularly called JAMA, this medical publication has been published continuously since 1883
    $800 11
Gene Wilder
Johnny Depp
    $800 2
"The way I flew? Do you know... I sometimes wonder whether I did really fly"
    $800 22
Power plant runoff is responsible for the water in Iceland's "Blue" one of these, seen here
    $800 7
In 1937 he painted a masterpiece that depicted the bombing of a Spanish town
    $800 23
It's this light fabric, originally used to wrap a certain food
    $1200 18
In the 400s B.C. this Greek wrote, "Into whatever houses I enter I will go into them for the benefit of the sick"
    $1200 13
Kirk Alyn
George Reeves
    $1200 3
"Our names are worn away to Durbeyfield; but we have several proofs that we are d'Urbervilles"
    $1200 25
This type of "plain" is covered by water when a river overflows; the Ganges & Yangtze have big ones
    DD: $5,800 8
This abstract expressionist had his first solo show at Peggy Guggenheim's art gallery
    $1200 28
That's right, you heard me! I found this item that addresses a lot of people
    $1600 19
Robert Koch, in 1876, was the first to identify the bacterium causing a specific disease, this disease of cattle & man
    $1600 14
Rex Harrison
Eddie Murphy
    DD: $1,800 4
"It should be Christmas Day... on which one drinks the health of such an odious, stingy, hard, unfeeling man"
    $1600 26
In 1998 the water supply was threatened by mercury in Russia's huge Bratsk "holding" one of these
    $1600 9
It's the technique of applying paint in little spots, as exemplified by Seurat
    $1600 29
This type of gluttonous eater is going to rack me up the maximum 11 points
    $2000 21
The name of this instrument used to see within the stomach & intestines is from the Latin for "see within"
    $2000 15
Michael Caine
Jude Law
    $2000 5
"It is too deeply branded. Ye cannot take it off. And would that I might endure his agony, as well as mine!"
    $2000 27
Sounds odd, but this type of treatment plant opened in 1992 on the Colorado to give Mexico drinkable water
    $2000 12
An anarchist, he was the only artist whose work was at every one of the Impressionist exhibitions
    $2000 30
It must be Christmas; there's this colorful plant

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jamey Paul Ruth
$16,400 $21,000 $5,400

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

In this building Ella Fitzgerald & Sarah Vaughan both won amateur talent contests, one in 1934 & the other in 1942

Final scores:

Jamey Paul Ruth
$21,177 $30,500 $10,800
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $30,500 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Jamey Paul Ruth
$11,800 $20,800 $6,400
12 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W
26 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
12 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $39,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2006-12-13
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