Show #4612 - Tuesday, September 28, 2004

2004 Tournament of Champions semifinal game 2.


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Chris Miller, a retail specialist from Louisville, Kentucky

Anne Boyd, a freelance writer and student from Los Angeles, California

Tom Walsh, a writer from Washington, D.C.

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 26
This Iberian power occupied Bahrain from 1521 until the locals asked for Persian help in 1602
    $200 1
Appropriately, Stephen King is the creator of this 2004 series based on a Danish TV production
    $200 21
The new Woodrow Wilson Bridge project will connect Maryland & Virginia across this river
    $200 6
In 1852, this poet laureate & lord wrote his "Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington"
    $200 10
Thyme honey from the Iblei Mtns. on this large Mediterranean isle has been a delicacy for centuries
    $200 16
It's how modern Millie is
    $400 27
Bahrain is known as this "of the Arabian Gulf", although cultured ones are banned in the market of the same name
    $400 2
Debuting in 1982, it was the arcade follow-up to Centipede
    $400 22
This 22 ½ mile Hangzhou bridge will cut 2 hours off the travel time from Ningbo to this city, China's largest
    $400 7
He joined the British navy at age 12 & died at the Battle of Trafalgar 35 years later
    $400 12
Parsley, sage, rosemary & thyme figure prominently in this hit by Simon & Garfunkel
    $400 17
River City situation
    $600 28
The 5 triangular shapes on the Bahraini flag represent these "foundations" of Islam
    $600 3
In 2004, she starred as Jenna Rink, who's "13 Going on 30"
    $600 23
The new Colorado River bridge downstream of Hoover Dam will connect these 2 adjacent states
    $600 8
Returning from the Crusades in 1192, this English king was captured in Vienna & jailed for over a year
    $600 13
This "elder" Roman encyclopedist referred to thyme as a fumigant
    $600 18
"No, No, Nanette" "beverage" song
(3, 3, 3)
    $800 29
Bahrain's capital, it shares most of its letters with a Central American country
    $800 4
Huey Freeman of this edgy comic strip is named after Black Panther Huey Newton
    DD: $500 24
A bridge over this river will connect Vidin, Bulgaria with Calafat, Romania
    $800 9
There was no royal fun allowed when this man took power in England in 1653
    $800 14
Monks know that thyme is an ingredient in this popular upscale French liquor, one of the "B"s in B&B
    $800 19
"Aida" lyricist's first name
    $1000 30
In 1971 Bahrain joined this regional organization that was formed in Cairo in 1945
    $1000 5
Not to be confused with The Doves or Vines, this Swedish band had a hit with "Hate To Say I Told You So"
    $1000 25
The Binh Bridge is being constructed for this Northern Vietnamese port city
    $1000 11
American-born, this first woman in the House of Commons said, "I am the kind of woman I would run from"
    $1000 15
Thyme contains about 1% this type of "oil" used in fragrances & pharmaceuticals
    $1000 20
"My One And Only" tall Tony-winning Texan
(5, 4)

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Tom Anne Chris
$0 $2,800 $2,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Tom Anne Chris
$3,400 $4,100 $5,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 7
Samuel Schwabe got deeply into sunspots after trying to find a planet crossing the sun closer than this one
    $400 21
This Dutch painter, a member of the Delft Guild, had a total output of only about 40 pictures (one with a pearl)
    $400 26
Chicken-chasing & gathering ingredients for a communal gumbo are Cajun festivities for this pre-Lenten day
    $400 2
Tennessee Ernie Ford's "Tons" times Eddie Money's "Tickets To Paradise"
    $400 1
His father was born Theodore Anagnostopoulos
    $400 12
This letter begins the Shakespearean sonnet "...truant muse, what shall be thy amends..."
    $800 8
A seal's these, also called vibrissae, sense vibrations in the water that can represent food
    $800 22
This Englishman described his work as "modern moral subjects... similar to representations on the stage"
    $800 27
This Cajun favorite, deep-fried & dusted with sugar, is the state doughnut of Louisiana
    $800 3
Rolling Stones' "Nervous Breakdown" number plus Beatles' "Days A Week"
    $800 17
Vice President under Thomas Jefferson, he was the first Vice President who did not later become President
    $800 13
As you might expect, this is the first letter in the poem "Song of Myself"
    DD: $1,000 9
A male moth's antennae are attuned to these released by female moths
    $1200 23
Gericault's most famous work, "The Raft of" this ship, was based on a historic event & caused a political scandal
    $1200 28
If we covered everything Cajun from A to Z, we'd finally come to this accordion-based musical style heard here
    $1200 4
The Crests' "Candles" plus Boyz II Men's "Season Of Loneliness"
    DD: $1,000 18
This senator from Indiana who became Vice President has a city named for him--in Alaska, of all places
    $1200 14
John Doe played bass & wrote songs for this seminal punk rock band, "discovered" by Ray Manzarek of The Doors
    $1600 10
It's the wavelike muscular contractions of the alimentary canal that move food through the digestive system
    $1600 24
His "Jolly Toper" of the 1600s is seen here
    $1600 29
After Louisiana, this state has the largest Cajun population, especially in areas like Port Arthur
    $1600 5
The speed Sammy Hagar "Can't Drive" minus Three Dog Night's title "Loneliest Number"
    $1600 19
The nation's 42nd Vice President, he was born in Ceylon... Ceylon, Minnesota, that is
    $1600 15
On a baseball scorecard, you can mark a walk with either a "W" or 2 of these
    $2000 11
Conductors allow electric current to flow & these opposite materials restrict the flow of the current
    $2000 25
Minerva, Venus & Juno are the 3 being "judged" in this famous Claude Lorrain painting
    $2000 30
The Cajuns are descended from the Acadians, the subject of this famous 1847 poem
    $2000 6
In the song's title, Zager & Evans' "In The Year" this minus The Commodores' "Times A Lady"
    $2000 20
As Harding's running mate in 1920, he said, "One with the law is a majority"
    $2000 16
The holes in the body of a typical violin get their name from being shaped like this letter

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Tom Anne Chris
$11,800 $14,700 $16,200

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

A San Francisco resident since the 1950s, in 1998 he became the city's first Poet Laureate

Final scores:

Tom Anne Chris
$14,701 $14,700 $2,999
Finalist 2nd place: $10,000 3rd place: $10,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Tom Anne Chris
$11,800 $15,400 $17,200
13 R,
2 W
16 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
(including 1 DD)
25 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $44,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2004-04-30
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