Show #3985 - Friday, December 21, 2001

Champion's winnings matched to the Families of Freedom Scholarship Fund ($10,000 minimum).
Performances by the L.A. Spirit Chorale featuring Cheryl Farrell.
No "Think!" music played during Final Jeopardy!

(Sarah: I'm in the Voodoo Museum in New Orleans, so next week it should be, "Here's the host of Jeopardy!--Sarah Whitcomb.")


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Carly Minner, a project assistant from Washington, D.C.

Robert Heiler, a director of a public policy think tank from Alexandria, Virginia

Loyd Gattis, a graduate student originally from Norman, Oklahoma (whose 1-day cash winnings total $5,200)

[next game >>]

Jeopardy! Round

__ OF THE __
    $200 19
In 80 A.D. Roman emperor Titus dedicated this amphitheater
    $200 5
Bing Crosby's company produced this sitcom set in Stalag 13 during WWII
    $200 10
Buzzi or Babe
    $200 24
Judie Angell's book "The Case of the Ruby Ring" features Shirley Holmes, great grandniece of this sleuth
    $200 13
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the Voodoo Museum.) For a love spell, you'll need a lock of this from the person you want to control to insert in the doll
    $200 1
It's where you've gotta get off the bus
    $400 20
In 553 missionaries smuggled silkworms out of this country, thus beginning the European silk industry
    $400 6
In 2001 Mattel produced a Cher doll based on the one Jack had on this series
    $400 11
Crater, Sirica & Ito, collectively
    $400 25
This children's author penned "Deenie" & "Superfudge"
    $400 14
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from the Voodoo Museum.) These, which are used to keep this at bay
    $400 2
This 1954 book was the first published novel by Nobel Laureate William Golding
    $600 21
The city of Byzantium was renamed this in 330
    $600 7
The band Epstein's Mother took its name from a character on this '70s sitcom
    $600 12
A Peter Gabriel & Phil Collins band
    $600 26
"Suite: Judy Blue Eyes" was a hit for this 3-man supergroup that entered rock's hall of fame in 1997
    $600 15
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the Voodoo Museum.) Here in the voodoo museum is an altar to Eshu, who is a guardian of these, like Peter is in heaven
    $600 3
The vital or essential part of something let's get right down to it
    $800 22
In 451 Falvius Aetius defeated this "Scourge of God" in the Battle of Chalons near present-day Troyes, France
    $800 8
"To Tell the Truth" host John O'Hurley is known for playing this character, Elaine's boss on "Seinfeld"
    $800 16
15, 398,047, 622
    DD: $1,800 27
At age 4, she was singing & doing Vaudeville in what was billed as the Gumm Sisters Kiddie Act
    $800 29
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from the Voodoo Museum.) The Voodoo charm here; its double-talk name may be from the French for "gray", as it can tame black & white magic
    $800 4
Instruction manual for the afterlife that was entombed with Egyptian mummies
    $1000 23
In the 9th c. this "Great" king of Wessex invited foreign scholars to England to teach & translate great literature
    $1000 9
She played Veronica Chase & Rebecca Howe
    $1000 17
Edward the Confessor, Pepin the Short
    $1000 28
Talk about quality time; though only onscreen for 8 minutes, this dame won an Oscar for "Shakespeare in Love"
    $1000 18
Dive in & tell us this nickname for nitrogen narcosis

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Loyd Robert Carly
$1,000 $3,800 $2,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Loyd Robert Carly
$4,600 $3,600 $2,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 2
Hemingway's nickname, or what sons Jack, Patrick & Gregory called him
    $400 13
Quasimodo would be relieved that Emmanuel, this structure's 13-ton bell, is now rung electronically
    $400 26
Century in which Johannes Rebmann became the first European to see & describe Kilimanjaro & its snows
    $400 1
In 1935 he was made an honorary Kentucky colonel for his contributions to the state's cuisine
    $400 3
At the end of this 1964 film, Mr. Banks says to the nanny flying off, "Goodbye... Don't stay away too long"
    $400 8
It's a freestanding cupboard
    $800 4
During the '40s Hemingway settled in Finca Vigia, a villa in this country
    $800 18
In Japan on this holiday, temple bells ring 108 times, dispelling the 108 earthly desires so people can start fresh
    $800 27
Kilimanjaro is described as this kind of volcano whose name means "sleeping"; otherwise the snows would melt
    $800 20
The logo seen of this chain
is seen here
    $800 14
"I'll be right here", he said pointing his glowing finger at Elliot's head before he left the earth
    $800 9
He founded his world-famous house of fashion in 1974
    $1200 5
While living in Paris, Hemingway came
under the influence of this writer, seen here
    $1200 19
London's Whitechapel foundry made Big Ben as well as the "clock bells" for this Wren cathedral
    $1200 28
On a clear day, the snows of Kilimanjaro can be seen from near this capital of Kenya about 200 miles away
    $1200 21
In a classic TV ad for this chain, Clara Peller demanded, "Where's the beef?"
    $1200 15
As this title priest in 1964, Richard Burton's last words are in Latin & translate to "I'm ready to die..."
    $1200 10
It's bordered by Georgia & Azerbaijan
    $1600 6
This novel was published posthumously in 1970, 13 years before the Kenny Rogers-Dolly Parton song
    $1600 24
A bell that summons members in parliament, or a Pink Floyd album title
    $1600 29
The snows of Kilimanjaro are appropriately featured on this African nation's coat of arms
    $1600 22 is a website for this franchise
    $1600 16
Claude Rains dies in this 1933 film saying, "I meddled in things that man must leave alone"
    $1600 11
It's the cataclysmic battle of Revelation 16:16
    $2000 7
The title "Across the River and into the Trees" came from the dying words of this Confederate general
    $2000 25
The practice of ringing church bells in arithmetical sequence is called "ringing" these
    DD: $1,800 30
In 1930 Walter Mittelholzer took off from this "plain" in a plane to fly over the snows of Kilimanjaro
    $2000 23
A picture of a dirigible evoked the shape of a generous sub sandwich to Tony Conza, hence the name of this chain
    $2000 17
Col. Kurtz' last words in "Apocalypse Now" are these 2 words, repeated
    DD: $3,000 12
It's the old name for the observance held on November 11th

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Loyd Robert Carly
$15,400 $17,800 $3,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

The song you're hearing right now was written originally in this language:

"...Tender and mild /
Sleep in heavenly peace /
Sleep in heavenly peace..."

Final scores:

Loyd Robert Carly
$24,800 $30,900 $1,000
2nd place: trip to Vancouver & stay at Hakai Beach Resort New champion: $30,900 3rd place: trip to New Hampshire's Attitash Bear Peak & stay at Grand Summit

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Loyd Robert Carly
$14,400 $16,800 $4,800
20 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
20 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
10 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $36,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2001-10-22
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