Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (45 results returned)

#8944, aired 2023-10-05WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE $200: Indonesia's the place to see this ape whose name comes from Malay for "person of the forest" an orangutan
#8944, aired 2023-10-05WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE $400: Go deep (though not 20,000 leagues) to find Architeuthis dux, this rarely seen cephalopod a giant squid
#8944, aired 2023-10-05WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE $600: The Amur tiger, aka this tiger, ranges from southeastern Russia to northern China the Siberian tiger
#8944, aired 2023-10-05WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE $800: Formosan rock macaques are only found in Japan & in the mountains & forests of this Asian island Taiwan
#8944, aired 2023-10-05WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE $1000: We have good hope you can tell us this alternate name for the African buffalo (it lives in Africa, by the way) a Cape buffalo
#8451, aired 2021-07-26WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE $200: Andalusia's DoƱana National Park in this country is one of the only places to find the Iberian imperial eagle Spain
#8451, aired 2021-07-26WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE $400: The tundra hare, seen here in its seasonal lights, is native to this state Alaska
#8451, aired 2021-07-26WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE $600: Now found mostly in a single national park, the Kashmir stag used to roam these 2 countries India & Pakistan
#8451, aired 2021-07-26WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE $1000: General term for a ground squirrel, such as a woodchuck; in Vancouver Island, one is found only in Canada, pita marmot
#8451, aired 2021-07-26WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE $4,200 (Daily Double): The North Island brown is a variety of this flightless bird kiwi
#8279, aired 2020-11-12WILD THINGS $200: The only eagle that is native to just North America is this one the bald eagle
#8279, aired 2020-11-12WILD THINGS $400: Kublai Khan kept this fastest cat as a pet; you can't & shouldn't the cheetah
#8279, aired 2020-11-12WILD THINGS $600: Mambas are members of this venomous snake family that is famed for its hood the cobra
#8279, aired 2020-11-12WILD THINGS $800: Red cat-bear is another name for the red this, which lives in the Himalayas & eats bamboo panda
#8279, aired 2020-11-12WILD THINGS $1000: This 5-letter so-called cat excretes a musk that is used in the making of perfumes the civet
#6066, aired 2011-01-17WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE $200: The split-jawed type of this constricting snake is native to the islands of Mauritius a boa
#6066, aired 2011-01-17WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE $400: The Amur tiger, aka this tiger, ranges from southeastern Russia to northern China the Siberian tiger
#6066, aired 2011-01-17WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE $600: Indonesia's the place to see this ape whose name comes from Malaysian for "person of the forest" an orangutan
#6066, aired 2011-01-17WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE $800: Go deep (though not 20,000 leagues) to find Architeuthis dux, this rarely seen cephalopod the giant squid
#6066, aired 2011-01-17WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE $1000: We have good hope you can tell us this alternate name for the African buffalo (it lives in Africa, by the way) the Cape buffalo
#5877, aired 2010-03-16WHERE THE WILD THINGS WERE $200: In prehistoric times 10 foot tall "terror birds" ranged over much of this continent, including Patagonia South America
#5877, aired 2010-03-16WHERE THE WILD THINGS WERE $400: The shamainu or Honshu type of this canine, died out early in the 20th century wolf
#5877, aired 2010-03-16WHERE THE WILD THINGS WERE $600: Though specimens still exist in zoos, the Barbary lion, native to the north of this continent, is extinct in the wild Africa
#5877, aired 2010-03-16WHERE THE WILD THINGS WERE $800: The Xerces Blue of this insect, native to sand dunes in San Francisco's Sunset District, became extinct in the 1940s butterflies
#5877, aired 2010-03-16WHERE THE WILD THINGS WERE $1000: The bulldog rat disappeared around 1900 from this Aussie-owned island named for a holiday Christmas Island
#3723, aired 2000-11-08WILD THINGS $200: This nosy, long-tailed critter is the only marsupial found in the U.S. Opossum
#3723, aired 2000-11-08WILD THINGS $400: While true buffaloes have 13 pairs of ribs, this American counterpart has 14 Bison
#3723, aired 2000-11-08WILD THINGS $600: The basilisk, which can run short distances over water, is a type of this creature Lizard
#3723, aired 2000-11-08WILD THINGS $800: The 2 African species of the mammal seen here have these contrasting names black & white rhinoceros
#3723, aired 2000-11-08WILD THINGS $1000: The rough skin of these fish that make up the order Selachii was once made into a type of sandpaper called shagreen sharks
#3170, aired 1998-05-15WILD THINGS $100: This striped mammal can fire numerous jets of its foul-smelling liquid before it has to "reload" Skunk
#3170, aired 1998-05-15WILD THINGS $300: Some smaller species of this largest marsupial live in the trees of New Guinea Kangaroo
#3170, aired 1998-05-15WILD THINGS $400: Creature seen here in one of its more familiar "colors" Chameleon
#3170, aired 1998-05-15WILD THINGS $500 (Daily Double): This type of rattlesnake seen here is named for the way it moves Sidewinder
#3170, aired 1998-05-15WILD THINGS $500: Bred in captivity, dozens of these rare "masked" weasels were introduced into the Wyoming wilderness in 1991 Ferrets
#3105, aired 1998-02-13WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE $200: Found in Central & South American forests, the spider monkey hangs from trees by this type of tail prehensile
#3105, aired 1998-02-13WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE $400: These smallest apes spend most of their lives, including mating & giving birth, in trees gibbons
#3105, aired 1998-02-13WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE $600: This banded mammal can be seen in the Southern U.S. & in The Clash's "Rock The Casbah" video the armadillo
#3105, aired 1998-02-13WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE $800: The wild horned aoudad, or Barbary sheep, lives in the Aures & these northern African mountains the Atlas Mountains
#3105, aired 1998-02-13WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE $1000: Resembling the antelope, this animal named for its forked horns is the fastest in the Western Hemisphere the pronghorn
#2003, aired 1993-04-28"WILD" THINGS $200: Before marriage, many a man is said to "sow" these wild oats
#2003, aired 1993-04-28"WILD" THINGS $400: Popularly served with poultry, its scientific name is Zizania aquatica wild rice
#2003, aired 1993-04-28"WILD" THINGS $600: The domesticated pig is believed to be descended from this animal the wild boar
#2003, aired 1993-04-28"WILD" THINGS $800: It was President Truman's 1948 campaign song "I'm Just Wild About Harry"
#2003, aired 1993-04-28"WILD" THINGS $1000: This 1969 western is considered Sam Peckinpah's best work The Wild Bunch

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