Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (15 results returned)

#5572, aired 2008-11-25WHAT A DELICIOUS DISH $400: In Christopher Ciccone's "Life With My Sister" her, it turns out she's a bit of a control freak Madonna
#5572, aired 2008-11-25WHAT A DELICIOUS DISH $800: "7" is a fictionalized memoir of this carousing Yankee center fielder Mickey Mantle
#5572, aired 2008-11-25WHAT A DELICIOUS DISH $1200: If you doubt you could be shocked by a tell-all book about this man, check out "Mr. Playboy" Hugh Hefner
#5572, aired 2008-11-25WHAT A DELICIOUS DISH $1600: An unauthorized bio of her claims she'd prolong interviews to steal airtime from Matt Lauer Katie Couric
#5572, aired 2008-11-25WHAT A DELICIOUS DISH $2000: This movie star's "The Million Dollar Mermaid" discusses Jeff Chandler's off-the-set fashion choices Esther Williams
#4687, aired 2005-01-11WHAT A DISH! $200: Care for an hors d'oeuvre? How about this dish of raw, ground beef served with raw egg steak tartare
#4687, aired 2005-01-11WHAT A DISH! $400: The big difference between chop suey and this Chinese-American dish is that the latter is served with crispy noodles chow mein
#4687, aired 2005-01-11WHAT A DISH! $600: Spanish name for a breakfast dish of fried corn tortillas topped with fried eggs & a layer of salsa huevos rancheros
#4687, aired 2005-01-11WHAT A DISH! $800: "Joy of Cooking" recipes for this cut of beef include sweet & sour & tzimmis with potato knaidle a brisket
#4687, aired 2005-01-11WHAT A DISH! $1000: They're the red in red flannel hash beets
#2815, aired 1996-11-22WHAT A DISH! $100: Mash & bake these vegetables, add eggs & butter & they're duchesse potatoes
#2815, aired 1996-11-22WHAT A DISH! $200: Gravlax is this red-fleshed fish with mustard sauce salmon
#2815, aired 1996-11-22WHAT A DISH! $300: The Indonesian gado-gado is vegetables in this legume sauce peanut sauce
#2815, aired 1996-11-22WHAT A DISH! $400: Devils on Horseback are stuffed prunes, & Angels on Horseback are oysters wrapped in this bacon
#2815, aired 1996-11-22WHAT A DISH! $500: Sauce you put on the ice cream & peaches of a Peach Melba raspberry sauce

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