Show #5572 - Tuesday, November 25, 2008


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Guil Prickette, a licensed professional counselor from Anchorage, Alaska

Jillian Rebmann, a librarian from Peoria, Illinois

Nathaniel Barnes, a composer and bartender from Toronto, Ontario, Canada (whose 1-day cash winnings total $23,900)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 6
In 2003, the 50th anniversary of his climb, he said, "I'm not very happy about the future of Mount Everest"
    $200 11
"Walk the Line"
    $200 26
On a 1990 cover Esquire went old school with this Windy City hoops star &amp; asked, "Is he our new DiMaggio?"
    $200 1
He blinded the man-eating Cyclops Polyphemus
    $200 19
The break in your heart line shows you had one of these, the voiding of a marriage that was never valid
    $200 15
This "Lumpy Gravy" musician howled on the Barking Pumpkin record label
    $400 7
Asked if he had anything to declare on his first visit to the U.S. in 1882, this wit said, "Nothing but my genius"
    $400 12
    $400 27
In Oct. 1994 this director's Esquire cover read "Look Who's Talking"; one of his talking points-- "Soon-Yi's charms"
    $400 2
This resinous gemstone was said to be the solidified tears of Apollo's daughters
    $400 20
Your line of fate is quite deep, indicating success investing with tech stocks, like Adobe &amp; Oracle, on this exchange
    $400 16
This career soldier who never voted served as president for fewer than 500 days
    $600 8
In "Notes on the State of Virginia", he wrote, "Those who labor in the Earth are the chosen people of God"
    $600 13
"Immortal Beloved"
    $600 28
For Esquire's 75th, the electronic cover was created; the hard part was finding a small enough one of these
    $600 3
This guy had double the trouble battling the Hydra; every time he cut off a head, 2 grew in its place
    $600 21
Based on your life line, I wouldn't visit Tampico, located on this gulf, in hurricane season. I just wouldn't
    $600 17
After buying the Tribune Company, he promised to sell the Chicago Cubs
    $800 9
When this Carthaginian left the foe recover, a friend said, "You know how to win a victory...but not how to use it"
    $800 14
"Lust for Life"
    $800 29
Why is Tricky Dick laughing? Perhaps it's because he was part of the first of these awards begun by Esquire in 1962
    DD: $1,000 4
It's the only day of the week named for a Roman god
    $800 22
The creativity in your mount of Apollo means you should try out for this operetta, as Pooh-Bah
    $800 24
This Italian director is famous for his 1968 film of "Romeo and Juliet"
    $1000 10
In McCulloch v. Maryland in 1819, this Chief Justice wrote, "The power to tax involves to destroy"
    $1000 18
"The Birdman of Alcatraz"
    $1000 30
Created by George Petty for Esquire in 1941, the beauty seen here was painted onto the fuselage of this famed World War II bomber
    $1000 5
The Sphinx riddled &amp; munched on travelers on the high road to this ancient city
    $1000 23
Your health line tells me that in 2 years you'll develop this, an inflammation of a fluid-filled sac, around the elbow
    $1000 25
He served as an adviser for Jimmy Carter &amp; as director of the Trilateral Commission

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Nathaniel Jillian Guil
$3,200 $0 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Nathaniel Jillian Guil
$4,400 $0 $1,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 5
Australia's Jenolan Caves were first known as Binoomea, this type of "places", but in 1887 got electric lighting
    $400 1
In Christopher Ciccone's "Life With My Sister" her, it turns out she's a bit of a control freak
    $400 21
Great with chunky sauces, the pasta called ruote resemble these with spokes
    $400 10
In reptiles these choppers are conical &amp; uniform; in mammals they have various shapes &amp; sizes
    $400 12
Based on an ancient game of India, this board game is played on a cross-shaped board
    $800 4
(Jon of the Clue Crew reports from Carlsbad Caverns National Park in New Mexico.) Carlsbad Caverns is rich in columns; a column forms when these two calcite structures grow together, one from the top &amp; one from the bottom
    $800 2
"7" is a fictionalized memoir of this carousing Yankee center fielder
    $800 17
Nissin makes a product called "Top" this Japanese soup noodle
    $800 7
3 billion base pairs of DNA, incorporating the code to make a person, is called the human this
    $800 22
He wrote the bestsellers "Slaughterhouse-Five" &amp; "Breakfast of Champions"
    $800 13
National critter seen here
    $1200 6
Nevada's formation-rich Lehman Caves are made of low-grade marble, better known as this
    $1200 3
If you doubt you could be shocked by a tell-all book about this man, check out "Mr. Playboy"
    $1200 18
A noodle made from this grain is an ingredient in the traditional Thai dish mee krob
    $1200 8
Arginine, one of these acids, is made in the body but not enough for growth--so it's an "essential" one only in kids
    $1200 23
This philanthropist donated the land on which the U.N. headquarters was built in New York City
    $1200 14
13-letter name for a type of classic steamboat on the Mississippi
    $1600 28
Near Chiscau, Romania there's a cave named for its many fossils of the extinct cave type of this carnivore
    $1600 26
An unauthorized bio of her claims she'd prolong interviews to steal airtime from Matt Lauer
    $1600 19
Short tubes of macaroni, ditali is Italian for this sewing accessory
    DD: $1,000 9
Not just something in a car, it's a type of neuron that sends signals to an effector, like a muscle
    $1600 24
Edmund Jr. is the real name of this California pol known to some as "Governor Moonbeam"
    $1600 15
A format that allows the user to lay out data in multiple fields on a computer screen
    DD: $1,000 29
Africa's Sterkfontein Caves yielded Mrs. Plesianthropus of this extinct genus, whose name means "southern ape"
    $2000 27
This movie star's "The Million Dollar Mermaid" discusses Jeff Chandler's off-the-set fashion choices
    $2000 20
Made from mung beans, glass noodles are also called this, after another transparent product
    $2000 11
Part of biology, this -ology studies hosted organisms like tapeworms
    $2000 25
In 1979 he resigned as ambassador to the U.N. because of an unauthorized meeting with a PLO representative
    $2000 16
To coax someone with flattery or artful persuasion

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Nathaniel Jillian Guil
$9,600 $1,400 $1,600
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Her final testament, read in public after her death, asked for protection of the poor workers she called grasitas

Final scores:

Nathaniel Jillian Guil
$7,600 $2,742 $3,200
2-day champion: $31,500 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Nathaniel Jillian Guil
$9,400 $2,400 $2,600
15 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
11 R,
6 W
(including 1 DD)
14 R,
7 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $14,400

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Game tape date: 2008-09-26
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