Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#8882, aired 2023-05-30MIDDLE "G" $400: Merv Griffin used to play this word game with his sister & "Wheel of Fortune" is the result hangman
#8882, aired 2023-05-30MIDDLE "G" $800: Fancy name for a list of movies a particular actor or director has made a filmography
#8882, aired 2023-05-30MIDDLE "G" $1200: It's the fabric seen here in a typical pattern gingham
#8882, aired 2023-05-30MIDDLE "G" $1600: Present tense verb meaning to use 2 known positions on a map to determine a third unknown one triangulate
#8882, aired 2023-05-30MIDDLE "G" $2000: St. Jerome gets the credit for this translation of the Bible that he completed around 405 the Vulgate
#7385, aired 2016-10-21MIDDLE "G" $400: Hear the howls & clanking chains from this dark underground chamber used to hold prisoners a dungeon
#7385, aired 2016-10-21MIDDLE "G" $800: The largest tree-dwelling mammal in the world, this ape from Sumatra & Borneo can weigh 220 pounds an orangutan
#7385, aired 2016-10-21MIDDLE "G" $1200: When vaulting, gymnasts use this flexible device the springboard
#7385, aired 2016-10-21MIDDLE "G" $1600: It's a group of persons organized for a specific purpose, such as a bucket one to carry water to a fire a brigade
#7385, aired 2016-10-21MIDDLE "G" $2000: A synonym for a painkiller an analgesic

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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