Show #7385 - Friday, October 21, 2016


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Lani Gonzalez, a managing director of an art bazaar from Austin, Texas

Katie Landers, a copywriter from Los Angeles, California

Doug Hartman, a consulting engineer from Virginia Beach, Virginia (whose 1-day cash winnings total $12,400)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: And finally, in a tribute to the trusted bartender's guide since the 1930s...)
    $200 3
On Jan. 30, 1969 this band played for 42 minutes on the roof of a Savile Row building
    $200 8
During WWII the British sent known Communist Klaus Fuchs to the U.S. to work on this; soon he introduced the USSR to a fat man
    $200 1
in Western Europe
    $200 13
The Masai subspecies of this mammal can reach 19 feet tall
    $400 4
On March 27, 1987 this band played "Where The Streets Have No Name" on the roof of a downtown L.A. building
    $400 24
A 1922 deal dividing water among 7 states was based on a vast overestimate of the flow of this Southwest river
    $400 2
    $400 9
Every 37 minutes this organization grants the request of a child with a life-threatening medical condition
    $400 14
Through greed or stupidity you may "kill the goose that lays the ____ ____"
    $600 5
On June 18, 1967 he set fire to his guitar at Monterey Pop
    DD: $2,000 25
Civil War historian Shelby Foote described this attack at Gettysburg as "an incredible mistake"
    $600 20
    $600 10
(Sarah of the Clue Crew shows an acronym on the monitor.) Named for the doctor who developed it, the Apgar score, given to newborn babies, is also an acronym for what is being assessed--appearance, pulse, grimace, activity & this vital sign
    $600 23
A tenet of the Republican Party: "That government is best which governs ____"
    $600 15
I'll take this cocktail that originated in New York: rye whiskey, sweet vermouth & angostura bitters
    $800 6
On Jan. 20, 1982... let's just say he left a bat headless in Des Moines & leave it at that
    $800 26
In 1519 Montezuma let forces led by this Spanish explorer enter Tenochtitlan‑‑oops
    $800 21
    $800 11
It is said that you can get rid of bad energy & unwanted spirits in your home by smudging or burning this "wise" herb
    $800 18
Stop dragging your feet, because "___ & ___ wait for no man"
    $800 16
Mr. Boston informs us that when combined, whiskey, Kirschwasser, Cynar & amaro are "grounds for" this unfortunate event
    $1000 7
On April 28, 1978 this band recorded their live show at Budokan Hall in Tokyo; I want you to want them
    $1000 27
It wasn't a great decision to anchor this mighty fleet in an exposed position off Calais in July 1588
    $1000 22
    $1000 12
In 2013 this 76-year-old former cosmonaut & first woman in space said she was ready for a one-way trip to Mars
    $1000 19
Attributed to Napoleon: "the English are a nation of ____s"
    $1000 17
Gin, lemon juice & simple syrup are shaken & strained; add club soda to make the drink do this thing in its name

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Doug Katie Lani
$1,600 $1,400 $3,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Doug Katie Lani
$5,400 $2,200 $6,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: ...each correct response will have a "G" exactly in the middle of the word.)
    $400 5
A 1925 bestseller, "The Private Life of Helen of Troy" takes place after Helen returns to this Greek city-state
    $400 24
He was first elected to the Senate from Arizona in 1986
    $400 18
Moscow's "Seven Sisters" are 1940s buildings in the style named for this leader
    $400 1
Hear the howls & clanking chains from this dark underground chamber used to hold prisoners
    $400 2
The Art Deco Oviatt Building was used for exterior shots of this anthology series' "Hotel", the Cortez
    $400 10
Dividing Cambridge & Boston, this river winds its way over 80 miles from Hopkinton to Boston Harbor
    DD: $500 8
This 1883 Mark Twain memoir begins with a short history of Hernando de Soto & his first sighting of a river
    $800 28
This author has written Pulitzer Prize-winning biographies of John Adams & Harry Truman
    $800 19
John Lautner's Googies coffee shop in this metropolis lent its name to a style of futuristic architecture
    $800 9
The largest tree-dwelling mammal in the world, this ape from Sumatra & Borneo can weigh 220 pounds
    $800 3
Taking place in the same zombie-killing universe, this TV show adds a word to the title of its predecessor
    $800 11
The warning "one if by land, two if by sea" referred to lanterns hung in this Boston church's steeple
    $1200 22
A man must come to terms with his own impending end in "The Death of Ivan Ilyich" by this Russian
    DD: $5,000 25
Today an asteroid bears the name of this New Hampshire teacher
    $1200 20
Jon Jerde honeymooned at Lake Como, inspiring his design for this Italian-themed Vegas hotel
    $1200 15
When vaulting, gymnasts use this flexible device
    $1200 4
A corpse character was the master of "scaremonies" for this HBO horror anthology
    $1200 12
The July 4, 2015 concert at the Hatch Shell featured this orchestra & of course, some serious fireworks
    $1600 27
In "Gone with the Wind", this actress played Prissy, who admitted her ignorance of matters perinatal
    $1600 21
The 2016 Victorian Architecture Medal went not to a 19th-century styled building, but to the Geelong Library in Victoria in this country
    $1600 16
It's a group of persons organized for a specific purpose, such as a bucket one to carry water to a fire
    $1600 6
On "The Twilight Zone" episode "To Serve Man", the aliens' intentions are revealed, as "it's" this kind of book!
    $1600 13
The "Big Dig" put 800,000 more residents within a 40-minute drive of this airport
    $2000 26
Hillary & Jackie O are honored at the National First Ladies' Library at this woman's Canton, Ohio home
    $2000 23
A certain conquest made this style similar on both sides of the Channel, as in the churches of St.-Etienne & Ely
    $2000 17
A synonym for a painkiller
    $2000 7
This Showtime series features Eva Green as a Victorian-era medium with a troubled past
    $2000 14
Despite an infamous heist, there is still great art, like the work seen here, in this museum named for its patroness

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Doug Katie Lani
$6,800 $7,700 $16,800
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 2006 for the 500th anniversary of this group, members trekked from the Canton of Ticino to St. Peter's Square

Final scores:

Doug Katie Lani
$0 $7,700 $16,800
3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $16,800

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Doug Katie Lani
$10,400 $8,200 $16,800
14 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
(including 1 DD)
10 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
22 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $35,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: Unknown
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