Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9250, aired 2025-01-17I WAS TAKING A BATH $400: In this film, the Dude says, "Nice marmot" to some nihilists, who then drop the furry creature into the tub with him The Big Lebowski
#9250, aired 2025-01-17I WAS TAKING A BATH $800: Margot Robbie enjoys a luxurious bath while explaining mortgage bonds in this film The Big Short
#9250, aired 2025-01-17I WAS TAKING A BATH $1200: Hannah croons "Wonderwall" in her Brooklyn bathtub in a poignant moment on this HBO show Girls
#9250, aired 2025-01-17I WAS TAKING A BATH $1600: On "Star Trek: Voyager", this captain is rudely interrupted by Q while she's taking an interstellar soak Janeway
#9250, aired 2025-01-17I WAS TAKING A BATH $2000: She said that after her infamous scene in "Psycho", "I stopped taking showers & I only take baths" Janet Leigh

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